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Gab created a topic of Grimace

They should just kill the owner. All the tenants hate him anyway, no one would tattle to the police.

Gab created a topic of Survival of the Lustful

Now I understand where the blond guy was coming from.

Gab created a topic of Cheating Men Must Die

Nakano is having a comeback!! Wow

Gab created a topic of A Wise Driver’s Life

Wow. Obviously the author is male. Ain't no way she came just from some simple intercourse and so quickly too (like legit 4 minutes of fucking) (●'◡'●)ノ . It's not that simple lmao.

Gab created a topic of Hosomura-San With Cat's Snack

It's debt after debt after debt, all left behind by her mother. Her mom was a horrible person but even more so a terrible mother. I remember the saying, "every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child"

My heart goes to her as my mom was also a bit like hers.

Gab created a topic of Profundis

I read the spoiler and

surprise surprise!! It only goes downhill from here. This story is not for the faint of heart. If you're wishing the characters would change, well they won't. Continue reading with this in mind.

Gab created a topic of Jinx

-I think that grandma will die (I'm gonna get dislikes from this) and Kim Dan gets depression
-Kim Dan won't have a reason to stay with Jaekyung anymore, because he don't need money anymore, then he leaves
-He busts his arm or something else happens
- Realization Arc (Jaekyung realizes he loves Kim Dan)
-Kim Dan gets touched and gets back together with Jaek

It's another BJ alex ending pretty much. Jackass handsome seme mistreats uke, and thought uke will willingly be a punching bag. Uke leaves him and begs him to come back, uke is soft hearted and then comes back and then they'll give us fans some hard fucking chapters and they'll live happily ever after.

Props to Maylene being a noble girl who knows nothing about the world being able to go back home by changing her hair color and selling her stuff and pretending to have an illness so men won't rape her while sailing back home. Only to come back home with her mom dead.

I guess when you're desperate enough your brain is able to quickly adjust.

Gab created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Why is Kael so chill about the fact that Dianna poured tea on his wife?????
I'm not hating on him but why is it that Helios cares more about Hestia than the HUSBAND HIMSELF. Tf (/TДT)/

Gab created a topic of Jinx

He's surprised when Jaekyung asked for consent
"He's never done this before" Wth I'm kinda sad for him.