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Diana ♡ June 4, 2024 2:39 pm

Don't get me wrong but the updates are so slow that I complety forgot everything that happens on the manga.. I miss them :(

alrkitty May 20, 2024 8:18 pm

This might get me hated on but honestly I can feel real love in this story and haru tried really hard to wait till ren was legal by Japan's standards. Ren may look young but he's older than he looks. Haru didn't see Ren that way till later he used think he was just cute. His kisses were over board. But for me I can honestly feel the love in the story and for me it's more beautiful than a lot of other stories it goes beyond age and shows their hearts.

This story is all about the heart and how hard it is to wait till someone is legal but trying to anyways. Haru really respects Ren and it shows.

I'm not excusing bad behavior I just mean I can feel the love and if I was haru and someone said the things Ren did to me it would have made me cry to it's really touching.

I've known people with age gap relationships before and while it can be difficult seeing what they had to go threw is something I find interesting.

Though honestly even if this was two legal adults some still dislike age gap relationships me I'd find myself a hypocrite because I love vampire relationships and if I'm ok with a hundred yr old guy liking a 20 yr old then what's up with me judging an 11 yr gap? Or what if it was a god who's over a million but loves someone 20 have you ever liked a story like that? Or what if the character was a vampire stuck in a child's body forever are they never supposed to find love? Or only love children? Then wouldn't that be pedo? What about transmigration stories or time reversals? An example would be A 30 yr old women reincarnated into a baby in another universe or finding herself in the body of a child in another universe then aging up and then are you never supposed to love at this point? Or do they wait till there of legal age? They usually wait. There's a good possibility if you like manga that you ran into these scenarios.

Anyways even if you hate the action personally I don't think it's ok to cyber bully and some of those comments feel like that to me telling someone to go die is messed up. That makes me feel like your no better than the person your criticizing.

Personally I feel like the hate comments should be directed towards the real pedo stories where a guy molests a young girl/boy or rapes and traumatizes them and then forces them to do that forever or turns them into a prostitute. There's even ones where they physically abuse them.

Foofypie May 25, 2024 2:14 pm

Yeah… Go ahead and delete this

Drugsarentthatgood May 31, 2024 3:45 pm

So close having any sorts of intercourse with a minor is rape <3

redtaste May 14, 2024 9:38 am

alternative title; nah but i rmr reading this back in middle school (don't let kids have unrestricted internet access) and loving it.... not a single good thought running through my head back then

sisi May 16, 2024 7:19 am

The fact that I was 14 watching the show is so fucking embarrassing

Ice April 30, 2024 5:05 pm

um this looks illegal? should we really be reading this? the cover with the kid sitting on his lap threw me off lmao

Caz May 8, 2024 12:14 am

Don't read it then. Why would you want to read some pedo shit. Have a bit of shame.

Ice May 8, 2024 6:22 am
Don't read it then. Why would you want to read some pedo shit. Have a bit of shame. Caz

Of course, I didn't lmao this shit made my skin crawl

HotDaddysWIFE April 30, 2024 1:19 pm

Yo???? Who dafaq kisses their siblings on a lips??? I KISS MY BABY SISTER ON THE CHEEKS

HotDaddysWIFE April 30, 2024 1:04 pm

Let's address the first issue, the "mother" is a total bitch

Say all you want to me but she's a total bitch at the first chapter.

One & Only Serena ♡ April 26, 2024 6:31 pm

I think you guys need to realize that this was probably intentional, that the story was really created in this way. It portrays a cute vibe of brothers who are lovers while masking the whole fucked up thing about it.

Ofc it might be wrong to us, both morally and legally what Haru and Ren do, but to them it's not, they don't think that way, they're too much so fascinated with the idea of love for each other they don't see what's wrong.

I do agree with a lot of people that this is quite fucked up and weird, but I also do acknowledge it's fictional, I don't condone it, and would never excuse it in real life.

If we're mad and angry that people like this, this is probably not for us. We as readers probably read a lot of shit much more worse than this, but that doesn't mean we like it or condone ang bad behavior, we acknowledge it's just fiction, something written and tangible, it's just best to move on and forget about it.

Caz May 8, 2024 12:20 am

I think we should burn all people who enjoy pedophilic content whether it's fictional or not actually

notyourfriend April 25, 2024 6:56 am

have been rewatching the first season and 6 eps in, i truly believe haru should get arrested wtf... also, hasn't the kid gone through enough in his life to not be emotionally conflicted about a normal brotherly relationship

Alice April 20, 2024 8:21 pm

Why no new chapters for sooo long. I really miss them ╥﹏╥

Marvelousss April 19, 2024 7:51 pm

Yoooo wtf I think I was 12-13 y.o when I first read it and now I accidentally stumbled upon it at the ripe age of 26 AND THIS IS SO MESSED UP ON SO MANY LEVELS

☂WooSanShipper☂ April 20, 2024 10:18 pm

I started reading this at 10 years old and I’m only just turning 18 next month….. legally allowed to actually read all this #-.-)

RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ May 2, 2024 6:56 pm

I was 13 when I read and watched anime now I m in 20s feels wrong at so many level lol I wish to have a haru type bf me getting into older guy probably started by reading these older semes stories when i was teenager

Flinn Ryder's baby mama April 17, 2024 4:51 am

Yk know that it's been a few years and I'm not like 13, this weird fr ( ̄∇ ̄")

☂WooSanShipper☂ April 20, 2024 10:19 pm

I agree ╥﹏╥