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I'll take this question like a rant, just like you said at the end, and not like an actual question because... well... it'obvious. Maybe you won't care about it, but I want to write about the problem with sciences. Don't be upset. It happens multiple times. You have good grades, then you change your subject and then they start worsening. The same ......   reply
11 07,2020
you must be wondering why your parents seems changed and you feel like they didn't love you as much as before bcs your grade is fall. i think it's bcs they had their expectation of you, it can be bad and good. your parents do care for you and want the best for you so study is like a good option, but it can be bad bcs they think of you as someone wh......   1 reply
11 07,2020
YALL let’s allow people to rant about their struggles they probably don’t have anywhere else to talk about it   2 reply
11 07,2020
You can’t expect your parents to reward you if you’re bad, do you?? “Yeah let us celebrate our child failing that’ll teach them a lesson!” Just talk it out with them and tell them things are harder now   2 reply
11 07,2020
Well the world isn’t kind and you should be lucky to have a warm loving family. I’m pretty sure your parents are worried of you getting infected by people sickness or illegal dealings. Maybe try to talk to your parents about it and try to listen to their opinion / point of view. Don’t worry about the cake. It’s common for parents treating k......   reply
11 07,2020
First off. Not all parents love their children, their children could be doctors, could find a new bug species and their parents would still not love them. For the title. It's better if parents encourage good behaviour this way, rather than beating the sh*t otta you if you aren't good. The latter could give someone serious trauma that could affec......   1 reply
11 07,2020
bro, I remember having these type of long-ass essays during my teen angst drama period and its fooking cringe. props to OP for having the guts to vent to more than a hundred strangers about it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
11 07,2020
BRO FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON I FIND THIS QUESTION HILARIOUS anyway lets be serious now, so i read this whole thing and i just wanna say if you're going thru a tough time, it'll be for the best to talk it out with your parents, i know majority of us have major emotional trauma that comes from our parents high expectations of us at a young age, but a......   1 reply
11 07,2020
I know I am quite childish....teen rant ahead. Please ignore it you don't like this type of stuff
So basically in my country I am in 12th grade right now and I have my entrance exams next year. In 10th I was kinda like a topper and scored high marks. Many of my friends used to talk about how there parents would scold them for their marks and stuff and I never really understood them, I always told them how our parents love us and want our future to be good and my parents had always told me that marks don't define a person and I could be whatever I want. They gave me a huge cake after my 10th final exams. I love science so I chose that stream and 11th is difficult so my grades dropped a bit (borderline B) parents asked me everyday if I didn't feel like studying anymore and that I should study more. I could have told them that 11th was a bit tougher and I was getting acquainted with it but the image I had of them just shattered...I felt like they didn't love me anymore (ik they still do but...) and other stuff had also happened before (maybe some other day). I didn't get any cake that year. I really love science and I feel like I will come to hate it if this continues. With all this corona stuff schools have closed and I feel really bad at home. I don't know what to do.
I just wanted to rant somewhere so...sorry if this was too long
Do share your experiences and if there are any parents on this site please correct me if you think that I am wrong.
11 07,2020

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