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100% (or extra) sugar, Zero Ice. Boba, maybe fruity boba if I feel like it.
26 02,2024
Been reading some wacky comments recently, lowkey wonder if the mf on drugs or sum. Feels exactly like this shit
14 08,2023
I’m curious how ya’ll interpret the correlation between suicide and education

Is the suicide rate increasing because people nowadays have so much access to knowledge and mental health and gets overwhelmed in their own thoughts of it or is it because they LACK the understanding of their own mental health and because of the increase of reported suicide attempts they decide to end their own lives too thinking, “since other people are doing it, why can’t I?”
23 07,2021
23 07,2021
Okay but i really am craving emoji ideas...ANYBODY HAVE SUM?
23 07,2021
i want to be skinny. not just thin i want to be bone thin. i want the outlines of the bones to be seen , i want my ribs to be more seen, i was a thigh gap, i want to be pretty. so many people look pretty bigger, but why do i look gross. I'm disgusting i yern for my dream body but i go and eat 100's of calories a day. I know i will always be like this. And by "like this" i mean gross and unlovable.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
23 07,2021
I've heard that strength training is good to build the right kind of weight, anyone know any good youtubers or something for bodyweight exercises?
11 07,2021
10 07,2021
Give me your best bad advice
10 07,2021
Okay so I have this friend and he likes this girl and btw she's our classmate , so he whenever we chat he always talks about the girl he likes and im there listening and then when he found out she was gonna go to another school he became kinda depressed.

An then whenever we talk everything was ok until he becomes all sad so I ask if he was okay he jusy replied ". . ." Or "
06 06,2021
12 05,2021
We saw our moon today so it's eid for us. And if someone else saw it today as well eid Mubarak. And if someone didn't umm... Eid Mubarak in advance. Have a great eid and I hope you all get lots of money and gifts. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
12 05,2021
ive just been on a hentai site and all i can say is im disgusted the amount of rape i see is just to large and the comments are full of rapests it seems as if im never leaving mangago again ┗( T﹏T )┛
10 04,2021
TURTLE. CULT. It is now that we must rise up and conquer humanity. The question is, are you willing to become one with the turtle? Oh also we have a server, and I know promotions like this are annoying but we have turtle pics . You can join if you want .
10 04,2021
05 02,2021
Y'all have songs that made you literally sob when you first listened to it?
I literally just found out about this guy's music and wanted to share it.

this one gives you more context of what he went through:

This is what I was crying to:
(I fucking cried so much watching this)

P.S. his name is Lee Byung-Jae and he goes by Vinxen.
(turn subtitles on pls)
18 01,2021
So what do you think of people you follow? I follow duckityduck and i think she's a really nice person :3 i'm not on this website often so i don't follow that many people
If you follow too many people just summarize what you think about them in a short sentence
18 01,2021
so apparently i can smell cockroach i know how they smell and same as scorpion they smell weird do you guys can smell these insects or other insects
25 11,2020
nana. 25 11,2020
what do you hate about being asian lol just curious

i'm also asian btw
25 11,2020
im making a series (still in the writing process, its expected to take a few years to finish cuz im doing it alone) and i am so overworked omg

i like organizing shit but omg this us too much AND its annoying. n e way i just came to complain like i usually do bye
25 11,2020