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i have never been to a therapy but my parents are thinking of taking one after quarantine, i did not say anything about it but i really want to go in one because i am very suspicious of my mental state lol only I'm quite afraid to go, to tell things (not all of it obvious because I have to hide some - I certainly don't want to tell my psychologist ......   1 reply
03 01,2021
POV [Answer]
28 12,2020
i would say 'correct, and my dick is bigger that urs' and then idk, just leave the place while everyone claps for me >;]   reply
28 12,2020
POV [Answer]
28 12,2020
I'd be like "correct" i mean im a girl and some people say i got boyish features so i'd feel right at home ngl ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ gotta embrace them insecurities am i right..   reply
28 12,2020
The silence when she asks me something that i wouldnt tell anyone. but shes figured out that i cant talk about things without crying, and i dont want to cry, so she will ask yes or no questions if its about something im sincetive about. And also the first visit, she pin pointed some of my emotional trauma and that was rough. But i do want to tell h......   reply
28 12,2020
When i was 11 my therapist mixed me up with another person and was like yes your child is suicidal and i had to explain to my mom i wasn't. The first time I met my therapist (same as above) she straight up asked me why i was binge eating and from there on i had anxiety about going to the therapist and would beg my mom to switch. I have a new on......   1 reply
28 12,2020
One therapist made me cry and then asked me "Now how does that feel to u?" Im like boi gimme my money back -_-)   1 reply
28 12,2020
not really the therapist's fault but she told my mum to come and she ended up saying a lot of hurtful things. i've gotten over it though   reply
27 12,2020
POV [Answer]
06 11,2020
ive been called a boy alot because of my deep voice and somewhat boy fetures so i just say "Why are you so worried about a boy? You gay?"   reply
06 11,2020
POV [Answer]
Kat 06 11,2020
I've put up with bullying A LOT. And i'm just gonna say now, ignoring them dosen't work, at least in my situation. SO imma go out swingin, go ahead and put me in the wrong, i'll punch you too. OR, I would diss them off and say, "that's a lotta smart talk from a fella with a small cock-"   1 reply
06 11,2020

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