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I need some help [Answer]
A reader 02 01,2021
First of all she should get a pregnancy test, if its positive then she has a couple of options but she has to tell her boyfriend bc it takes 2 for tango. 1 , if she's ready she an option is to have an abortion idk the laws in ur country but im pretty sure she can get an abortion for free or minimal cost and she can do it privately without her pare......   1 reply
02 01,2021
I need some help [Question]
Mother 02 01,2021
Im in this community in my school, what we do is basically like counselling, students meet us and they talk to us. There's this girl who i am currently talking to (since it's still quarantine we talk online) she told me that she's in a relationship with this guy and they had sex. She told me she might be pregnant because they didn't use protection, she even told me that she wants to have abortion but she's having second thoughts. She wants to tell her parents about this but her parents are strict and she's scared that they will disown her, i can't really say anything to her because i've never talked to students with this issue, but we're going to have another session this friday and what should i say to her?
She already gave me permission to ask this here because i told her im troubled myself with this issue,
(Now don't go saying this is not the the place to ask this,i can't ask a teacher nor a friend about this)
02 01,2021
Meow [Answer]
02 12,2020
Staying up late I have Calculus AB today at 9am, it's around 1am. But I think I'll be rethinking my whole life decisions and regretting. Maybe also making myself cry bc that's the only way I can feel something ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ it feels nice to cry. But I hate I'm a person to hold it in and cry silently also I room and share a bed with someone;-;......   1 reply
02 12,2020
I want to go but I feel like "I'm not sick enough" or "more people have it worse so I need to suck it up". A friend has told me to go but I couldnt bring myself to. Like the thoughts of "oh your just faking everything, nothings wrong with you" or "theres nothing wrong" I ended up not going cause the fear. Like I just feel theres something wrong wit......   reply
02 12,2020
Didn't help me much. The therapist just told me things I already knew. It was nice to talk about things that happened to me with someone but it was a waste of my time in the end so I stopped. But everyone is different and it might help others.   reply
18 11,2020
18 11,2020
Yes it helps. Many people recovered through therapy   reply
18 11,2020
18 11,2020
Where is the point when u think someone really need to see a therapist?!
18 11,2020
Meow [Answer]
Yang (。•ᴗ-)✧ 06 11,2020
I'm about to jump off a cliff, wanna come?   3 reply
06 11,2020
Meow [Answer]
06 11,2020
Killing myself with the minutes and the hours ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
06 11,2020
Kat 06 11,2020
Well damn, was really gonna share some hands (nah i'm lyin my hands are fuckin scratched up and banged up from practice.) Here have this, I find it creepy: when you have: But all you want is:   2 reply
06 11,2020

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