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I'm 44, so I'll add my 2c here. Take chances. Make mistakes. Fail. And learn from all of it. The caveat, of course, is that there is a limit to how epically one can fail and still not have life suck big purple fuzzy donkey balls for the rest of your life. But no one succeeds at everything they do. (Even Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, I promise!) E......   2 reply
10 10,2017
27 y/o big sis. One thing I'd tell my younger self would be to take care of problems right when they happen. Procrastination is Satan when it comes to fixing mistakes or issues. It sounds cliche, but it really does only get more difficult the longer you wait. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help. I had a lot of stubborn pride and made a lot of ve......   reply
10 10,2017
27 here. These are just the things I'd have told to my younger-self: jump to the oppurtunities! They are rare and the world's full of beautiful things. Don't hesitate, don't let your fears and worries chain you to the ground. Be confident! You are beautiful, smart and needed! People does not define you, you define yourself and you can be anyone you......   reply
10 10,2017
I am 42 and I have only one advice: Do not idealise anything! Do not idealise love, marriage, religion, politics, your career, your children etc... We are all humans and everyone will fail at some point. I often see ppl with lofty ideals and when those ideals come crashing down, some never recover and to this day hold grudges. I see parents who pla......   2 reply
10 10,2017
I am disabled from birth. My husband and I are going on (nearly) twenty years together and he pursued me. He doesn't have a disability.   7 reply
10 10,2017
hey :) I'm 22 (so according to the question, I qualify as "older" :P) One thing I have always regretted is not trying to pursue my passions or interests back when it would have been easiest. It's really true that the younger you are, the easier it is to learn new skills like languages and musical instruments etc. I had really wanted to learn the pi......   reply
10 10,2017
i'm 31 years old. There are many good answer to this question.. some of my advices are written for others persons already, so i'll say 2 that i want to add or emphasize: 1- Do what you want to do. But i'm not speaking only about dreams, i'm talking about all your choices. Dont let others provoke you; dont listen to all the advices/suggestion/etc yo......   2 reply
10 10,2017
No matter how many advices you get, you won't understand or follow it until you experience it. You are going to fall in love, get your heart broken or you might not even experience love at all but you might screw up something else like education, fight with family, lose friends, befriend strangers easily, try new things, get scared, lost, lonely bu......   reply
10 10,2017
All these answers seem so..instagram picture perfect to me haha, i'm 27 and can say that life just is what it is, advice? do what you want to do and what you enjoy as long as you aren't hurting others or yourself then go with it. And a moment on love...if you are under 20 (i honestly think this about anyone under 30 though) and are commiserating ab......   1 reply
10 10,2017
Fall in Love with yourself You must love yourself before expecting someone else to love you. Know that no matter where you are, what you are experiencing, you always have a home within yourself. Everyone's journey is different, only you know where your's has come from and leads. Don't travel through life at a sprint, make sure to see the scenery on......   2 reply
10 10,2017

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