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Best Love Advice [Answer]
Passerby-san 14 10,2017
Be picky. I don't care how insecure you are, no one deserves someone who's shitty to them. I don't care if this advice makes you stay a virgin until you're 30, it's worth it. (Though I personally have no problem with meaningless sex, if it lines up with your values you can still be picky while also having a little fun along the way~) I think it's b......   reply
14 10,2017
Best Love Advice [Answer]
12 10,2017
The best advice, I would say is, screw finding love, look for momey, love gets you nothing in life and does nothing for you. You can't go up to your landlord and say "sorry I can't pay my rent this week but my boyfriend is really swell" and have things turn out well.   reply
12 10,2017
Best Love Advice [Answer]
LittleLionLady7 14 10,2017
Know your worth & don't sell yourself short!   reply
14 10,2017
Best Love Advice [Answer]
SakasamaNoChou 09 12,2019
LOVE. YOURSELF. FIRST. How can you ever learn to love another if you can't even love yourself? After you've got that down, start loving others. Love your family. Love your pets. Love your friends. Love the people who love you. Romantic love is overrated. You do not need it as much as society wants you to need it. You do not need to throw your li......   1 reply
09 12,2019
Best Love Advice [Answer]
22 02,2020
Don’t lose your friends.   reply
22 02,2020
If you ever feel uncomfortable at all, even if it's just hand-holding or something someone said, SPEAK THE FUCK UP. Don't delude yourself into thinking "this is how relationships are" and "this is normal" because lemme tell you, you define the normal in your relationship. Set your boundaries and don't budge on them. If the person gives a damn about......   reply
14 10,2017
Best Love Advice [Answer]
aphrodite's wife 22 02,2021
one word - communication, if yall love each then any problem can be solved by just talking   reply
22 02,2021
Best Love Advice [Answer]
10 05,2018
I feel like people, younger people in general, need to experience it on their own and learn their own lessons. Love can be complicated, confusing. It can literally make you sick. And sometimes, even though you feel like you love someone, you could totally be misreading EVERYTHING. But you have to learn it all by yourself. Because, let's be honest, ......   1 reply
10 05,2018
Best Love Advice [Answer]
09 12,2019
Don't fall in love with someone online if you are lonely,want affection and attention only a lover can give.I am coming to terms with what he called playing online house.We were lonely,wanted to love and be loved but we were struggling with our own unique problems that we couldn't actually help each other physically.Maybe he loved me or wanted to b......   1 reply
09 12,2019
Best Love Advice [Answer]
12 10,2017
Rushing to fall in love isn't possible (It happens naturally) and just sounds like a terrible idea in general, especially if you're still in school. I believe that people should just focus on their studies, like what benefit are you going to get from being in a relationship in highschool or something? Based off of my surroundings, relationships jus......   reply
12 10,2017