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Yep I’m in   reply
11 07,2021
Discord friends [Answer]
Darkmoon 11 07,2021
I would like to be your friend , am 33 by the way .. so i may be a bit old and boring for you ..   reply
11 07,2021
Discord friends [Question]
Phoenix 11 07,2021
Hello! I'd love to have friends who would talk to me about Manga, manwha, anime, yaoi etc.

I'd prefer 18+ ty!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
11 07,2021
28 05,2021
Im under 18 bestie i need friends༎ຶ‿༎ຶ   2 reply
28 05,2021
That wasn't so bad. When do we get the results?   reply
28 05,2021
28 05,2021
Best class i have ever taken ~^~   reply
28 05,2021
28 05,2021
this is my first class sensei, please be nice to me   reply
28 05,2021
**Anonymous** 28 05,2021
Sensei, I just transferred here today so don't be too hard on me okay? (I haven't read Here U are.... So am I gonna get an F in this lesson???   reply
28 05,2021
Let's play [Answer]
malewife 28 05,2021
change my appearance on command to whatever I want, including my bodily features and gender   2 reply
28 05,2021
Let's play [Answer]
NOT piss , simply water
28 05,2021
Reading minds   6 reply
28 05,2021

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