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Worst dream( I remember): My family and I were in a van going to a convenience store to get something, and when we got there as we were stepping out of the van we saw a man with a gun coming out from the store ( I think he was trying to escape before the cops got there) he saw us and came towards us and shot me first multiple times in my head, ches......   reply
18 01,2021
recently i had a dream where my mom sat me down and said “im gonna look at your search history” (i was about half-awake at the time) and she went through all the mangago things and the manga had very erotic covers (i couldnt recognize any at the moment) her face was completely expressionless and i just remember sitting there... then bam i woke ......   reply
18 01,2021
Kuku 18 01,2021
aw i hope you’re okay. i would’ve been terrified too. i hope your dad belives you- for some reason most adults don’t believe their kids and i just feel like that’s wrong. i send some love from the east coast- hope this meme makes u smile.   reply
18 01,2021
So I'm in my house alone bc my dad went out to the garage to smoke some of that good weed and I stayed inside doing homework. It's 6 pm and already pitch black here and I'm in my room with just the light of my phone and my computer and I started hearing footsteps around the house. Then it sounded like a woman was talking upstairs and I'm the only woman in the house bc my mom is at work. Mind you no one is in the house but me and my dad didn't leave the tv on and he took the dogs with him. And just as I was typing this, the voice stopped for a second and I got an overwhelming feeling of dread. And then I hear the voice right outside my door. I was fucking scared, like 2 yr old hiding under the blanket fucking scared. And then my dad came back inside and I paused writing this to tell him about it and he thought I was joking. Like, I was on the verge of tears because of how scared I was and he has the nerve to say I was joking. I hate this fucking house. We've had paranormal experiences before but never footsteps or voices
18 01,2021 18 01,2021
HeLP i only sleep for like 4 hours. BE HAPPY, i can't sleep early anymore I'M TIRED. I'm doing this to myself   reply
18 01,2021
Sagi-shi ☾
18 01,2021
No matter when I go to sleep, I usually wake up at around 7-7:30. Unless I go to sleep like at 2 or 4, I’ll wake up late.   2 reply
18 01,2021
DuckityDuck 18 01,2021
I don't know why but every time i sleep early i get so fucking mad at myself because i usually sleep around 1 or 3
Then i'd tell myself to just sleep late the next night
18 01,2021
Irritated [Answer]
18 01,2021
honestly i'm a very skinny person. i always have to hear, "you're too skinny!" "do you even eat?" "ew, is that even healthy?" and trust me, it's not the ideal situation. of course im eating, but i just dont gain weight. several people have told me im lucky, but it doesnt make me feel any better about myself. so i totally get where you're coming fro......   reply
18 01,2021
I don't have a peace of mind. It's not like I was ever abused or have major trauma, but there's still stress about certain things that keep building up over time and it constantly feels like I'm suffocating because of it. I can never feel completely relaxed because those problems will always be at the back of myy mind and I don't have an escape hol......   1 reply
18 01,2021
I often dream about death. One time I dreamed about an old lady getting hit by a tram while I was walking home with my best friend. She was blind, walked in the wrong direction and the driver couldn't react fast enough. I saw how she bled but then I woke up. Another time, some people I didn't know killed somebody and I helped them getting rid of t......   reply
18 01,2021

Search thing


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