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this is just to give links to people and to help myself whenever i'm looking for these. it would help if anyone could recommend any different picrews so i could add it. also sorry if i end up putting a picrew twice. enjoy! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   4 reply
27 12,2020
16 09,2020
Maybe just slowly encourage them to take legal actions cause well I doubt you would want the raping piece of shit bag get away, or you could get in contact with the dirt bag, cause like you went to school together before. If the victim takes legal action just be there to support them all the way through. They might be scared of taking action but I ......   1 reply
16 09,2020
I would say try to convince to them to go with the legal action and tell them that you’ll be there the whole time .   1 reply
16 09,2020
16 09,2020
Someone told me recently how they were raped by someone I went to school with a few years ago. Of course I told them that I supported them and I want to help them but this happened probably three years ago and they are unsure if they want to go through a whole legal investigation. I'm sure they are also scared to bring such a traumatic experience to light. I want to support them in any decision but I am not sure that I am comfortable with letting this offender get away without doing anything. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I KNOW THEIR FREAKING NAME AND FACE. Its kind of sickening actually. Does anyone know what I should do..? ╥﹏╥
16 09,2020
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12 08,2020
It's Prince Bari! I recently read it too   1 reply
12 08,2020
Help [Question]
Classy 11 08,2020
This is first time I write at this place actually... Btw

I search for manga shonen ai that uke is shaman who has a bird day ceo(seme) come to the Shaman's place with the big tiger spirit... Can someone help me? I searched it but I forget the title of it
11 08,2020
28 02,2020
i forgot the name of it   4 reply
28 02,2020
Hi! Sorry, it's not about yaoï and all but I couldn't find someone to turn to so here I am, asking your opinion. It's been almost 2 years since I'm in a relationship with a man and he's the first man I ever was in a relationship with. But it's been a few months since I don't feel really good about the relationship. I mean, we're like best friends ......   3 reply
05 05,2019

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