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Kat 10 10,2020
Plot twist I was the better one and now they can't get me back because I'm distrustful of everyone and anything   1 reply
10 10,2020
10 10,2020
And that’s why I have 12 siblings. Thanks mom and dad!   1 reply
10 10,2020
Scotty 10 10,2020
Ur parents adopt/have another child because their first one is a disappointment but u turn out 2 be a disappointment as well
10 10,2020
my first pet lol [Experience]
10 10,2020
I don't remember her that much because I was very young, but my first pet was a bunny and her name was Angel. My mom gave her away when she had babies so didn't have her for a long time or anything. I remember being told not to put my hand in her cage and doing it anyway so I always had bandaids on my finger because she bit them.   1 reply
10 10,2020
My First Pet [Experience]
Xytch 02 06,2020
Me and my sister had always wanted a pet, so one day my father brought home 2 female guinea pigs. I was still young (like 9 years old?) at the time so we named it Fluffy and Snowy ( Sooo original ) We took care of them for a while but then Snowy went 'oof'. Then my father got another one named Alex (its a male). Soon after, they had children, we ......   reply
02 06,2020
my first pet [Experience]
Wolfie_chaan 02 06,2020
I barely remember my first pet. I think it was a turtle I was around the age of five when my brother in law took me to buy a pet (that was before he married my sister) we bought 2 turtles and one of them is still alive and roaming somewhere around the house and I see it around 3 times a year because he blends in with the sand and he's grown a lot, ......   reply
02 06,2020
Little eagle [Experience]
Starry Night 02 06,2020
My mother is so afraid of animals and won't let us have a pet.. Along time ago, my elder brother found a little chick that had fell of its nest we brought it home, named it "eagle" so it will grow and be strong and hide it from mother we tried to take care of it, we let it drink water, bathed it and made a food from apples for it, and because we ......   1 reply
02 06,2020
My first pet [Experience]
Replica 02 06,2020
Let me tell you a sad story about my first pet. He was a Malunia and when he first came to our house he was a baby and was sooo small. In our hometown there's a tradition where you give a nickname to a child. My smallest brother's nickname was something like "Lord" so we named the bird after him. He used to sing really well and you'ld wake up early......   1 reply
02 06,2020
my first pet [Experience]
23 07,2018
my first pet was my best friend it was a basset hound named Maggie I loved her so much I was at the SPCA looking to get a cat but I kept on going back to one dog named Maggie I begged and pleaded with my parents to let me get her and sure enough in the winter of 7th grade when I was 12 my parents surprised me for Christmas with Maggie the most beau......   reply
23 07,2018
my cat [Experience]
shinreipun 22 07,2018
i got a cat when my mom went back home to china. he's still here and it's been two months. it worksヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
22 07,2018

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