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Being In A Wlw Relationship

-non con/rape -when the seme fucks up, ends relationship then goes RUNNING back and somehow mends things??('specially if the relationship was toxic anyway) -anything like dear door(i hate it with a passion sorry not sorry) -when the uke is "pwease pwotect mwe uwu   2 reply
19 12,2023
19 12,2023
im so tired of yall, like give me sum new, copy paste ts wit the "jaekyung ahaha lol he's bad" yea no shit move on, yall the reason why that shit trending let it die   2 reply
19 12,2023
I feel like ive seen this question 50 times within a month   3 reply
19 12,2023
When the main plot revolves around sex/the story starts off with sex right from the get-go. Really pushes towards the fact that the author is just trying to write something smutty to appeal to the horndogs out there who only read just for the gay fetishism.   2 reply
19 12,2023
19 12,2023
when they had better chemistry with a side character than the actual love interest and STILL chose the love interest. or when they make a character a bad guy just because he likes the mc. like what did bro do. esp if that's the ONLY reason they're the bad guy. and another ick is when they make the bottom/uke look like a child when they're supposed ......   1 reply
19 12,2023
Tbh every transmigrator/ isekai/ another chance characters who knows what will happen and what to do that makes them op or successful and get the popular character’s attention or affection. Not that I hate it (indifferent), just overrated.   reply
19 12,2023
00ac 19 12,2023
I hate how quick things are: I mean this in terms of development of a self within the characters. From my own limited experience, there is a very strong prevalence in BL in which main characters are presumed straight or hetero and then just because another character confesses to them, they suddenly skip straight into acceptance but it's so surface ......   2 reply
19 12,2023
Seungho. To this day I still think that nakyum have Stockholm syndrome. He may be a green flag NOW, but I still think he’s a POS. Director kang (?). Are we just going to ignore the fact he fucked the bottom in his sleep… Wooyoung. Of all the omegas I’ve seen, I honestly find this guy more annoying than hyesung. Plus the fact that his love......   reply
19 12,2023
This could also be romance in general: -2nd Male Leads (my poor babies) -harem (like not everyone has the same type tf) -damsel in distress & white knight plot devices (no personality tbh) -edgy edgelords mls (depends) -misunderstanding (idk if it has an interesting story I’ll drop it if not used well) -mc not running away from this toxicity -t......   2 reply
19 12,2023
I hate the aids victims in them, like ew wtf get off my screen frankie grande! #proudhomophobe   1 reply
19 12,2023

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