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Hana 30 04,2017
cheating? i ever did it once when i dated a man who eight years older than me. he doesn't know i cheated on him. the reason is the man who i dated, i dont know whether he loves me or not, our relationship is just okay, we dont fight or argue about something but he doesnt give me a proper affection, he seldom calls or sends me a message, i felt so ......   reply
30 04,2017
I have had a long-distance relationship where both parties have slept with other people. I guess it's a form of cheating, but we both agreed that we were in fragile positions where it was a matter of circumstance. We couldn't see each other often, and had to wait a year or more to see each other again. It's INCREDIBLY lonely. We were basically livi......   reply
15 05,2017
Cheating is the worst. It says that you don't care about your partner. It actually screams from the rooftops that you don't care about your partner. You probably don't care about yourself. I have never cheated on anyone. If I don't want to be in an exclusive relationship then I say so. There is never a promise broken because I don't make promis......   reply
06 05,2017
Yes id probably cheat because im one hell of a bastard who gets easily tired of sumthing. Well i havent cheated since nobody wants me. Yes. Ive been cheated. A lot.   2 reply
29 04,2017
As a possible demisexual I really don't understand people who cheat. You like someone, then be with them. You like two or more people at once, HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN. You feel like trying something new, ......... The actual fuck that's just moronic. DIRECT YOUR AFFECTION TOWARDS THE ONE YOU ARE DATING FOR GOD' SAKE. But yeah, it's just because I......   reply
29 04,2017
No, I wouldn't cheat. If I were in a relationship with someone and fell for someone else, I'd immediately let my partner know about it, NOT go see that person behind their back in an attempt to twotime. I think twotiming, - or even threetiming is disgusting. If you like someone else, then talk to your partner. If you like both your partner and that......   1 reply
29 04,2017
Cheating is the form of betrayal I fear most in a relationship. It's part of the reason why I never date people for long. However, if my true love came around, I might be tempted, but I'd still properly break up first.   reply
29 04,2017
29 04,2017
I hate it. It's my one big no-no, and almost automatically a backbutton if I'm reading something. I would not. I might be attracted to someone else while in a relationship, but I'm a blunt person and would probably end up telling my partner about even a flash-in-the-pan attraction. I'd never even go as far as flirting with another person if I was ......   reply
29 04,2017
If you ever thought of cheating break up with your significant other I've never been cheated on because I broke up with that person before they could cheat on me you can tell when somebody is not interested in the relationship you're in have I ever cheated no because it would hurt the person I'm in the relationship with our friends maybe even our f......   reply
30 04,2017
30 04,2017
I don't think I would cheat, I would prefer to end things with one person in good terms and start with the other one, it's not fair to fool someone. I haven't cheat before Yes, they have cheated on me, but it was a dumb relationship, like it was a lie so it really didn't matter that much.   1 reply
30 04,2017

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