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there's this girl i watch, her names maiphammy on yt, i watched one of her vids "how i grew my glutes" BUT she also talks about weight loss and stuff in a really positive way, like no body shaming and stuff. the way she did it, was you have to eat, and work out. if you want to lose fat you have to eat fewer calories then you normally would but stil......   reply
16 06,2021
You do exercise every day for like 1 or 3 months   reply
16 06,2021
Start with a visit to your primary care provider or NP to get a physical, get your lab work done, and make sure there's nothing underlying that could prevent you from losing weight or create parameters on what you can do to lose weight (I.e. insulin resistance, thyroid, hypertension, abnormal electrolyte/hemoglobin levels, etc etc). Then you can ge......   1 reply
16 06,2021
Cut the sugar and salt. No to soda and junk food. Sweat out. At least 3x a week. I gained weight during the quarantine this pandemic. Stayed at home and gyms were closed. My waist line got 33 in (or 34) now I'm back to 30 after doing those things. It's never easy but you always gotta start on something. Good luck!   reply
16 06,2021


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