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Some Liar
28 10,2016
Because Japan does not like overweight people plus the number of obese people there is really small compared to the rest of the world.   3 reply
28 10,2016
07 01,2017
UUgghgh I know how you feel. I read a BL manga a while ago about a cute chubby boy who was in love with his thin friend and his friend eventually did fall for him, but the chubby boy had to crossdress for the friend to make a move and then they didn't even show a sex scene until later when the chubby boy had lost all his weight........ Disappoint......   7 reply
07 01,2017
I'm still young for making webtoon but when I'll get older & improve my art skills I'm surely will make a chubby MC.Not only chubby but also characters w different type of body types.   1 reply
28 11,2020
18 02,2021
i completely agree which is one of the reason why i switched to reading western bl’s/gl’s on webtoon or tapas   1 reply
18 02,2021
27 12,2016
Yes, it's a cultural thing. Yes, it' would be fun/stimulating to look at different body types. But honestly I'm more inclined to think that skinny people are just easier to draw. That's it.   1 reply
27 12,2016
08 01,2017
While being chubby is acceptable in America, it's not quite so in Asia. First off, it takes less to categorize us in the obesity section, and obesity also kills us off faster than it would kill someone from the west. It is also viewed as irresponsible or non-caring, appearance wise. People get the impression that you're not trying hard enough to lo......   1 reply
08 01,2017
[DELETED] 08 01,2017
I am chubby and a girl. I'm in Europe, and here too, the society don't accept easily someone who is chubby. But it's more like: - The nice persons: "You are chubby? Try to lose some weight. You can't? Man, it's not a big problem, but try to lose, for your health!" - The assholes : "You pig" The critters of beauty of the Europe are rude! But I don'......   1 reply
08 01,2017
07 01,2017
I strongly believe that manga belongs to Japan culture and if artists prefer to draw thin characters it is their right to do so. I also think that where there’s demand, there’s supply, meaning people (especially in Japan) prefer to read about thin characters. It is their art and for their people.   1 reply
07 01,2017
08 01,2017
It's not surprising as being chubby or overweight is less common in Japan than in western countries. Also, even in the west, the most desirable bodies are slimmer. It's only recently that countries like America have started to appreciate different body types and feature them more in media.   reply
08 01,2017
ilyozu 18 02,2021
I can't really blame the mangaka tho. They also need money for living. In order to have that, they would need to stick to the "mainstream" to compete with other manga instead of sticking to what they know would flop. I mean, you can't earn money if there's no person (who have that kind of preference) who is willing to buy your manga. Right?   1 reply
18 02,2021

chubby representation

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