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Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
Salicylic acid cleanser, niacinamide, spot treatments, moisturizer, and selling my soul to Satan   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
vasya 02 07,2021
Depends on ur age, might just b a hormonal thing that’ll calm down later. (Tho, also, My friend went on the pill to deal with her hormonal acne) Advice: —stop touching ur face, don’t rest ur hands on ur face etc; it transfers bacteria. The only time u should be touching ur face is after you’ve thoroughly washed ur hands w/ soap and water.......   3 reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
IHateReality 02 07,2021
Well you know what Google said it's said give it a treatment at least 4 weeks   2 reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
Lmaooooo i never got acne But the thing is i still look like a 5 year old So i came to a conclusion: Puberty never hit me.   1 reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
Damselflies 02 07,2021
If you're a biologically a girl (so this is for everyone with an uterus, trans man, nonbinary, girls,...) Then hormonal anticonception was the only thing that helped for me. Also same, went to dermatologist, creams, antibiotics (for the severe inflammation i had at some point in my face) and more, nothing of that helped, the only thing that has eve......   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
used to have pretty bad acne but I went to the derm, he prescribed me spironolactone, clindamycin+benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin the spironolactone pills mostly helped me because it blocks hormones that causes my acne other stuff that helps is: diet (don't eat too much sugar, gluten, dairy) hydration (drink a lot of water and eat foods with high wa......   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
The only place I get acne is my chin and some on my forehead (around 1-2). Most of it is on my chin, but I don't how to get rid of them, so I let them be there and eventually they disappear on their own.   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
ma boie
02 07,2021
What do you use btw? Im curious and everyone else is prolly.   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
02 07,2021
I struggled with acne for over 3 years Nothing really helped until i got treatments and a lot of expensive cremes from my beautician I have tons of scars left now but pimples are no longer a part of my life lol Drinking water constantly also helped me very much   reply
02 07,2021
Ya all got acne? [Answer]
mushvrooooom 02 07,2021
maybe you're eating the wrong stuff? for example, coffee gives me acne.   reply
02 07,2021


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