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juts lie.   2 reply
03 07,2021
Ah shit. That was wrong on your sisters part. I'm not questioning your sisters intentions but this was careless of her. I'm happy for her that she decided to come out but she cant decide the same for you, no one can. You get to decide whom to come out to and when, dependin on who you're comfortable with and whenever you're ready. You should talk t......   1 reply
03 07,2021
Tell your sister to say she was kidding or something, or she wasn’t being serious, cuz coming from the person who said would be more convincing   1 reply
03 07,2021
Like the other person say, if someone you are not comfortable with confronts you about it just lie. Don’t feel bad for your sister because it is your sexuality and you are the one that decides whether talk about it or not and when. And make sure to talk to her, so she doesn’t out you again, because that’s not something she need to do while co......   1 reply
03 07,2021
I'm sorry but when I came out and didn't expect there disgusting reactions I just said it was a prank and a joke that it was going on a trend on tiktok   1 reply
03 07,2021


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