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This must be very hard on you.I am really sorry to hear that.It ended last May.My previous relationship ended in last May too.But we have not been dating for that long like you guys.And i still can't move on too.I can understand that you still can't move on yet.You must have been hurt a lot.I don't wanna say things like forget abt her or stay stron......   3 reply
06 12,2016
You're still young. It's not too late to start over. Meet new people, make new friends. Or you can try to get in touch with your old ones. Find and do what makes you happy. Set some personal goals and work to fulfill them. Make this time about you. Love will find its way to you again eventually.   4 reply
12 12,2016
Even though you still have her in ur mind, try to go out with others, just think of it like a replacement, who knows someday you'll find someone that'll make you feel glad that you chose them over her   reply
07 12,2016
I have never really been in this situation. But as someone else wrote I think a change of phase could do you good. For example I'll be moving to Norway in 1 week. I don't know anyone, leaving everyone I know and even a guy I like behind. But I believe I need to just switch it up. Gonna live in a collective to not be totally alone, and hopefully I f......   1 reply
12 12,2016
Most adults have gone through something like this at least once in their lifetime... Take your time everybody grieves differently, focus on you, look for the people who or things that mean something to you and who you mean something! I know it's cliché but this moments or forks in the road could be the beginning of great opportunities...   1 reply
12 12,2016
I agree with Oshiete, go out and meet other people that make you feel good, but be honest with them about your situation if you need time and then maybe one day you'll forget about her or at least be happy enough either on your own or with someone else that it hurts less than it does now   1 reply
07 12,2016
mimoz 08 12,2016
I really recommend you to read inspiring books, sign up to Quora and think about what makes you happy ? Is it something that you have ? or that you want to reach ? Is it everyday happiness ? Is it knowing how lucky you are to have a shelter, food, etc ? Ask yourself existential questions.....; I'm sure you'll get over that situation and find out f......   1 reply
08 12,2016
I had a relationship for around 7 years, through childhood and we broke up at 17. I really get you, because there's something about having that when your young and it feels terrible. Like you'll never find someone else... Just focus on yourself and don't feel like you have to pursue anyone, there isn't a rush. I focused on myself, on my own ha......   2 reply
08 12,2016
i know is hard to say good bay, more if you have a deeply relashionship, but you need to acept it that is not anymore.. i could seem cold.. sorry.. but i think "gave up everything for someone" is one of the worst things you can do.. then With what do you stay with? ..maybe for that she left (sorry >.   1 reply
10 12,2016
Time... Just give yourself Time. A broken heart needs it. Find new Friends and don´t make the same mistakes again. I had a beautiful relationship. After he threw me away... Hmm let ´s say: After 1,5 Years i felt ready for a new Relationship. 6 months later i found a wonderful men and was happy again. Cry if you want to cry. But just give yourse......   1 reply
10 12,2016

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