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Origin of human nature is dualistic. I will simplify and tell that our materialistic and spiritual sides are merged in one. And both of those sides are dualistic in nature too. So, we are practically combo of everything. We are currently unaware how to control our opposite energies (natures), so our destiny is based on random things, initiated most......   reply
25 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
Sumer 24 03,2024
I think there's an inherent or genetic part that plays an important role in how we perceive and process our world. Then comes environmental influences, people, experiences. I've seen extreme reactions to small problems, someone dealing bravely with severe environment problems, all kinds of reactions and views. Nature, nurture 50/50 and maybe one d......   reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
Rex 24 03,2024
Genetics, environment factor etc can affect the behaviour of human. It's also nature vs nurture. It interesting of you put some people with same environment or even control the other factors the outcome of each person behaviour regarding the situation varies. Also human can adapt according to the situation. It's interesting as we evolve we construc......   reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
ankle devotee 24 03,2024
i think naturally good, but with further information and context, we become selfish easily   reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
24 03,2024
That assumes that nature exists in the first place, and to that I say no (no, im not talking about trees and shrubs, and neither are y’all so my claim still applies. But I am referring to nature as something in itself, inherence, essence, everything that is itself, presence etc. which I believe is where this whole conversation is based on—the a......   1 reply
24 03,2024
Humans aren’t born good or bad. As much as people love to debate one or the other, it’s wrong, theres really no black or white in this scenario, it’s just shades of grey. It isn’t 100% genetic traits or 100% environmental, it’s both. Genes play a large part in shaping one’s personality, but their environment and their experiences shapes......   reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
    24 03,2024
idk and honestly all this philosphy makes me feel more pessimistic and cynical. so im just gonna go off vibes for now.   reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
OlivianneAimer 24 03,2024
I believe we're all created as this one same being, neither good nor bad, and then as we progress through our lives, we gained so many experiences and it will somehow define our life. Idk I'm not good at philosophy. (On other note I like the way you word your question. It's very elegant.)   reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
24 03,2024
There is literally NO direct or plain answer for this question. You can spend months and years thinking about this and never get a clear answer, it is impossible to do so. That is because humans are neither good, bad, or neutral. There is a HUGE gray area when it comes to questions like these. Human nature cannot be measured. You can argue that “......   1 reply
24 03,2024
Human nature. [Answer]
24 03,2024
I feel like everyone is born blank slates but obviously they mightve been passed down some mental/phycological stuff from genetics but aside from that they are the same but i feel like the intelligence levels of each baby is different. If there is a difference in intelligence there could be a difference in how they take things in as information, no......   reply
24 03,2024

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