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Aniyae's answer page 4 (738)

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Wait so the guy who makes abusive comments towards women is, get this, abusive? Well color me shocked.   reply
14 01,2024
about question
Torture. Be it physical, sexual, or hell even mental. You would have to be a sick fuck to cause pain for the fuck of it.   reply
16 04,2024
Gen alpha humor goes kinda tough.   3 reply
07 10,2023
about question
I don't judge kinks like that, although heaven knows I couldn't date someone like that due non compatibility. If you don't really vibe with his kink and it makes you uncomfortable then yeah, I would leave. If you can tolerate it, then it's really up to you.   reply
4 days
Diluc shit talking....ok.   1 reply
12 03,2021
about question
I like tall and smooth women. Women that can kick ass, and kick ass again, and again. They know what they want and they get what they want. idkw but Yelan comes to mind as an example. BRING HER BACK MIHOYO!!   2 reply
03 02,2024
Jesus is watching.   reply
29 01,2021
about question
I feel like I'm the embarrassment at this point. I feel like everything I say was always the wrong option.   reply
20 03,2024
Aniyae 15 02,2024
I lack a filter sometimes when I'm with my close friends so today I just dead ass asked them what they think about a ghost/spirit possession kink. Cause lowkey...   reply
15 02,2024
about question
Nice story, now touch it up a bit and it might impress the publishers   reply
02 03,2024
about threesome
No need for the details. But if you see potential in him then go for it ig.   reply
23 01,2024
Aniyae 24 03,2024
Yeah but the government is withholding these websites for their greater goals. No one can know about those sites if they want to live.   reply
24 03,2024
So what we were like lab rats or something? Is this like a psychology experiment? Were we played for fools? Is this experiment even ethical??   1 reply
22 02,2024
Here's the answer. it's somewhere in there.   reply
10 07,2021
about question
Aniyae 29 03,2024
I had a culture shock within my own country lmao. I met a kid from the midwest who calls a "water fountain" a "bubbler".   3 reply
29 03,2024
Lol sad tragic backstory go brrrr.   reply
13 05,2021
Aniyae 24 03,2024
Jokes on you. The only way I expel my waste is through matter disappearization.   reply
24 03,2024
Que?   reply
02 02,2024
about question
I make up fantasy worlds and characters and think about them for hours in my bed or while walking till I realize I, regrettably, have a life.   reply
18 01,2024
Oh I wonder what this link is- *myreadingmanga* nope you got me fucked up.   1 reply
10 03,2024