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CMYep's answer (20)

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about lgbt
I'm still hurt by this vague memory I have. Hell, I've even questioned whether it's real or not hoping it'll go away. I remember being tiny, probably around five years old, but maybe it's just how the whole thing makes me feel. My parents had me and my siblings sitting down at the table. I can't recall the context, just the words "we will love yo......   3 reply
25 09,2020
Hey, dude, maybe stop making these types of posts and just read manga? Maybe just type your thoughts in a word document or a keep a diary or something??? Sorry for being rude but it makes you look... unstable. Nothing good will come out from acting like this on mangago of all places.   reply
24 02,2024
about question
23 12,2023
A Youtuber will be exposed as a groomer (once again)   1 reply
23 12,2023
Off the top of my head? Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) Mushoku Tensei Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai Orange Kaichou wa Maid sama I also really disliked Full Volume lol   1 reply
16 days
about crying
04 12,2023
Two off the top of my head and that I haven't seen mentioned here: Zankoku Na Kami Ga Shihai Suru (A Cruel God Reigns) It's one of if not my favorite manga. The characters feel very human (for better of for worse), the story feels realistic and to top it off the art is simply gor......   1 reply
04 12,2023
I guess people want their tiddies smacked????   2 reply
09 11,2023
I would say it's a case by case scenario. There are manga with great representation, manga with ok representation, manga where you can at least see the good intentions the mangaka had, and then there are manga that truly belong in the trash lol I would say manga that targets a mainly female demographic tend to have interesting explorations of gende......   1 reply
26 08,2023
08 12,2023
Hey, if you can, it would be better to be seen by a dermatologist to check what better suits your needs, though I understand that is not an option for everyone. :) Anyway, something that might help just about anyone is making sure the towel that you use to dry your face and your pillowcase are always clean since the bacteria, oils and dirt that st......   reply
08 12,2023
Reading manga doesn't really require that much time tbh. If you read several ongoing manga at the same time you only need like two hours at most every week, with each manga getting chapters out at different speeds and all of that. Anyway, I don't think you should focus that much on numbers? Just enjoy the manga that you do read   1 reply
29 10,2023
about question
18 03,2024
83? I'm also ace and sex averse so, yeah   reply
18 03,2024
29 03,2024
Vivaldi can fuck right off   1 reply
29 03,2024
about question
Oh, man, I don't really read that much shoujo anymore lol Only ones I can think of that are shoujo, romance and in a school setting are: - I'd actually recommend most of the author's work, most if not all of her protagonists are a ton of fun. This one has a few jokes that don't land, but oh well. -......   reply
05 04,2024
about question
The Haar by David Sodergren   reply
27 days
about question
I think Onborobachi? It's been 84 years since the last update Also YoI but we don't talk about it in this house because grandma (me) gets emotional (murderous)   reply
07 03,2024
Yup. We're neighbors ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
30 12,2016
about question
Off the top of my head movie recs: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar But I'm a Cheerleader The Way he Looks (Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho) The Half of It Bottoms (To me they are feel good movies :)) )   3 reply
22 03,2024
I had the biggest crush on this guy, my friend... kinda. He was my classmate and during half a year we sat next to each other in class, so when I started feeling like... all gay for him and stuff I made him change sits (he ended up sitting in front of me. I think I have something for napes because of it now lol). We continued with our friendship as......   reply
05 01,2017
Let's see (I don't know any of these I just wanna play) (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ A.N.D I.D.K T.S.M P.E.E   reply
13 04,2021
I say unhinged shit because it's funny to me, so I assume everyone's the same??? I hope it's all a joke lol   reply
24 01,2024