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shingeki_no_no_oh_hell_no's answer page 3 (60)

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I regret stressing too much and not getting up to more shit. go out there, mess things up, nothing matters & we're all going die, so relax   reply
12 10,2017
my goals is: to fuck and be fucked.   reply
15 07,2017
DATING IS EXHAUSTING. PEOPLE ARE EXHAUSTING. media makes love sound great, but what I hear firsthand from friends and acquaintances in relationships is that it's pretty tiring. I'm not saying I won't date, just that I'd have to like someone pretty damn much   1 reply
12 10,2017
the fucked up shit and also the fucked up shit also, cute stuff turns me off. because i am not comfortable the emotions of myself or others   reply
12 10,2017
I think of death as birth in reverse. it's just the process of becoming undone. it's like going back to the time before you existed   reply
12 10,2017
messed up psychological stuff turns me on probably stemming from maladaptive coping behaviors in response to trauma also sex   reply
12 10,2017
didn't have one, wouldn't know what to do with it if i had one. what do they eat, how do you take care of them? only noticed later that I preferred girls and had crushes on most of my (female) classmates   reply
12 10,2017
I'm scared. please keep me informed T_T   reply
17 01,2018
quiet. and i have a remote control that works on people and most of the time i keep them on mute. also there are blankets everywhere. and there are only 2 types of weather: perfectly comfortable and thunderstorms. and there's a single thermostat that controls world temperature and i'm the only one who gets to touch it. also i can float. not fly, ......   2 reply
12 10,2017
eventually I could see myself adopting/fostering a special needs older child. I'm autistic, so maybe a child one the spectrum. Kids are pretty awesome to hang out with (compared to adults), but I don't see myself as being a parent to just any child, I'd like to be a parent to a kid I really connect with. There are kids with some pretty amazing pers......   reply
12 10,2017
I let the characters be what they are without judging or making allowances. and I like reading about pretty messed up or terrible characters, who I accept are terrible, so I don't feel the need to defend them. it's different with real people of course. i draw a heavy line between fiction and reality. also i grew up with a family that was all about ......   reply
12 10,2017
dark gothic short stories with twist endings (especially ones where a character's been dead all along), similar to Like as the Time Will Come When it Will Rain   reply
12 10,2017
yes but they never returned my fanmail   reply
10 11,2017
oh sangwoo x jail   16 reply
07 10,2017
this is my favorite question on this whole site tbh.   reply
19 06,2017
I've struggled with depression for about a decade now, and only received proper treatment in the past year. I had a lot of suicidal ideation--never reached the point of attempting to or intending to commit suicide. But my great fear was, and still is, that sometime in the future, 10, 20 years from now, I will end up being unhappy for so long, and l......   reply
21 08,2017
I avoid monogamy, and so far all of my relationship have been open. I have trouble with self-hatred & self-destructive urges; if I were in a closed relationship, I could see those manifesting as cheating. "Some things you'll do just to see how bad they'll make you feel." Part of it may be that I have trouble imagining that my infidelity could hurt ......   reply
30 04,2017
It’s hard for me to know because, due to childhood abuse, I a) spent much of my childhood in fear b) have a foggy memory of that time and by the time I reached adolescence, I had spent so much time in stressful, traumatic situations that I had a muted reaction to seriously bad events. I could be anxiety/terrified daily about small things, but w......   2 reply
10 09,2017
wanting to punish people for loving me. after reading the responses i gotta say it's awesome how fujoshis are some of the sweetest & chillest peeps u will ever meet but we're also twisted deviant borderline psychopaths we r terrifying   1 reply
05 05,2017