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_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):'s answer page 1 (22)

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about question
how fucking stupid or naive do you have to be to not expect any shit coming your way when you're discussing something that is a well known back and forth topic on here. and sorry but if you're posting something and especially in that matter of fact tone and basing your argument about japanese culture because of pornos then you're the one self proj......   3 reply
07 04,2024
you done having a justice boner on a literal website full of the same shitty yaoi/bl you're complaining about, where the people you're complaining about consume their content? i often see more of these complaints than actual annoying fujo/fudans atp, yall look kinda silly arguing at air   2 reply
16 09,2023
about question
i just got flashbacks to when i was in the icu for a problem in my leg and had a pee tube connected there,,, shit was so uncomfy dont even know how one does it for pleasure   1 reply
09 09,2023
can everyone involved in this just kill yourselves or stop talking you guys spend way too much time on here to be recognising each other or having beef with each other   reply
22 02,2024
no one to answer the question, but great job to everyone else who assumes that everyone else identifies as a female. really nailing the whole "inclusive" vibes! its almost like as if a dude or masc leaning nb person could've answered this question too but oh well.   2 reply
16 01,2024
about question
being honest,, the art style makes me physically ill (negative connotation)   reply
01 03,2024
BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAR!!! i have no survival skills anyways so i'll just kick off my ultimate wish on my bucket list (hugging a bear) and just get mauled and die a considerably less painful death (aka like hypothermia or like starving to death or getting poisoned etc.)   1 reply
16 04,2024
we going strong 8 years now built absolutely different,, we're both busy with studies rn but we do talk abt plans on meeting up or hopefully moving (but with this economy wtf bro....)   reply
14 02,2024
my oc~ he rlly likes crossdressing and was originally gonna be for a closed species which unfortunately never officially made a discord for the members and has been abandoned/on hold. but despite that, a couple of my other mates and i made backstories for our ocs for that closed species and he's in a poly/open relationship with his other 3 housem......   1 reply
28 12,2020
about question
i think you should tell him what you said here. if both of you are comfortable with making compromises on both sides (you going out of your comfort zone aka pursuing this relationship and him respecting and understanding your situation and feelings about this) then i'd say go for it! i'd also like to say that asking for breaks is also an option t......   1 reply
08 04,2024
i like watching nijisanji but from the main branch (so jp mostly) nijien is okay but i fucking hate interacting with nijien and in general en vtuber fans bc theyre all mostly so whiny and annoying and disrespectful. especially those who literally spend all their time on tiktok and twitter and the content of en vtubers is getting so annoying too. i......   reply
24 07,2023
about question
full offence,, thinking that there'd be no drama regarding anything mgg related is stupid — theres always something going on now that everyone can talk again :|   1 reply
05 01,2024
about question
_:(´ཀ`」 ∠): 31 03,2024
this just makes me want the site to have another comment section lockdown,,, some people seriously be doing anything but reading now that this shit has opened up again   1 reply
31 03,2024
first instance that probably started it was me looking at anime clips at like 11 and coming across the satoru and shun (shin sekai yori) kiss scene and then going down a rabbithole due to the recommended videos actual yaoi series i think has to be either junjou romantica, sekaiichi hatsukoi or love stage!!. i dont remember which one i watched fir......   1 reply
25 07,2023
i probably spent a good year reading w/o an account,,, joined in 2017 on nov the 26th which is a literal day after my bday,,, i dont even know why i decided to make an account that day and it haunts me so.... 6/7 years reading on this site (almost) daily   reply
11 09,2023
about question
tbh since you don't feel good about this relationship. just break it off. prolonging it is a bad idea. if you don't wanna for some reason, talk it out with him and if it goes south then go back to answer one which is to just break up. no matter how sweet or attractive the person, if you aren't feeling it then it's not gonna work out unless you hav......   reply
29 02,2024
about have sex
"yanderes" (honestly its just most likely someone with bpd if talking abt irl) NEED someone who understands but dont enable or trigger unhealthy/toxic behaviour it's not gonna be fun for you nor them at all,,, especially if you arent prepared or underestimate how deep of an attachment one gets (its not a cute thing too, its a literal codependence/......   reply
24 09,2023
darling dance and bug both by kairiki bear auyfgghh   reply
31 08,2023
agreed but sometimes it seems like all everyone knows is to just say fetishise and then boom, instant likes and free bootlickers (im not a fujo/fudan, im queer, but yall keep saying the same shit over and over)   1 reply
16 09,2023
about question
no, i just read blindly. if i don't like it i drop it, if i think i wouldn't like it based on vibes then i avoid it. i read what i want to read, not what others say i should be reading and what i shouldn't.   1 reply
14 04,2024