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jojo's answer page 1 (30)

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most "fluffy stories" are plotless and boring af. and having not toxic/green flag characters doesnt mean the story is actually good   12 reply
16 days
they will get some good recommendations.   1 reply
04 04,2024
about question
im not here to read a novel, im here for a good story with good visuals   1 reply
20 days
jojo 27 days
it sounds like you spend more time reading comments than actually reading manga   2 reply
27 days
about question its new and its hella creative, but also very weird and kind of unhinged. there is so much plot and detail, its too hard to explain. so to put it into simple terms: dystopian, horror-ish, mystery, gay do whatever you want with this information   1 reply
25 02,2024
jojo 26 03,2024
yall can have your lists of complaints, im just grateful this site is still up and running after more than a decade lol   2 reply
26 03,2024
bj alex having a 9.7 rating is actually insane   2 reply
12 04,2024
jojo 14 03,2024
this might be unpopular but i think revealing your age doesnt mean shit. people can lie about their age and its not something traceable ether. personal information to me would be photos, revealing where you live, what school you go to, your full legal name. etc.   6 reply
14 03,2024
10 01,2024
nah yall be lying because if you were lost in a forest you would definitely want another human being with you   reply
15 04,2024
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jojo 21 01,2024
in all seriousness people can do whatever they want as long as it isnt harming anyone or themselves.   2 reply
21 01,2024
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i know chatgpt when i see it   1 reply
21 days
i want to see hot takes on non problematic stories, that would actually be interesting. its a no brainer to shit on something problematic lol (like dangerous convenience store is ass, and idc how much of a green flag the top is, the story is still ass)   1 reply
08 02,2024
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its massively overrated. predicable, lazy plot devices, and towards the end the writing got really bad including the ending   reply
28 days
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i always thought that he was pretty cool   reply
05 04,2024
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why do you just read BL should be the real question   reply
03 05,2024
about question
these people will hate on, but still continue to read toxic stories. They just dont want to seem like weirdos for reading/liking said stories since sa is heavily criticized on this site be it real criticism and perforative criticism   2 reply
21 days
about question
youre really trying too damn hard to defend the fact that you like reading messed up shit about gay men/boys lol.   reply
19 03,2024
jojo 15 days
Am i gay?   1 reply
15 days
this was so uncalled for lol   4 reply
16 01,2024