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Sayo (>w<)'s answer page 1 (57)

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Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday, Make it till Friday... ┗( T﹏T )┛   6 reply
15 02,2024
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I love gatekeeping I think we should do it more. We need to start gatekeeping things more because I've had enough of creating really fucking toxic fandoms after a day of it being on tiktok.   1 reply
07 03,2024
Bro I think the alcohol and Zaza combo got to me What the fuck is this shit   1 reply
24 04,2024
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Hard I DONT KNOW HOW TO STUDY PROPERLY.. Please I'm good at learning from teachers and I like listening so I'm still pretty gifted on some subjects and only need 1 explanation BUT I can't for the love of God do anything else. I suck ASS at anything else dont even I used to get 90s to 100s IM GETTING 60S TO 85S MAX   1 reply
22 04,2024
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my biggest icks when I read is (may be long..) : 1) When the art style looks like a person who does have good talent but is just too lazy to put in the effort and it looks shit. 2) when the characters are being really fucking cringey saying shit like "Oh, I own you..." or "My baby where are you?! Daddy isnt pleased with this!.." 3) When the charact......   1 reply
18 02,2024
Well it would be like how sexism is, I'll even make up a scenario. You are born a girl, sexism already on how weak you are, ect. Later on you find out your secondary gender is an Omega, EVEN more discrimination against you. Same thing for boy omegas except they are excepted to be alphas when they grow up and if they arent they are labelled "weak" o......   2 reply
05 05,2024
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Sayo (>w<) 23 03,2024
Sometimes, people need to stop being so open on this website.   reply
23 03,2024
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Womanboobs. I love women and their boobs I DONT CARE WHAT SIZE. AA or a fucking E I will want you because you are a woman with boobies like kiss me and lay your chest on my face. I love boobs so much AND THEY ARE NOT OVERRATED. They are beautiful and should be treated with delicacy. Anyways in my opinion manboobs are okay but womanboobs are so so s......   reply
08 04,2024
Sayo (>w<) 11 03,2024
What the fuck. I read like half of the first chapter and I've never wanted to kill myself so much   reply
11 03,2024
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I normally sleep for 10 hours minimum while my most is 13 hours. My most amount of sleep ever was 25 hours. I love sleeping   4 reply
28 02,2024
Not funny I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad I would have preferred the joke went over my head and you gave up re-telling me the joke. To be honest this is a horrid attempt at trying to get a laugh out of me. Not a chuckle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says before you laugh your brain preps your face musc......   reply
06 03,2024
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Sayo (>w<) 06 04,2024
This is a porn reading website what the fuck is going on. Just read and idk jerk off I dont care at all.   1 reply
06 04,2024
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Gender stereotypes I hate definitely have to be when people link certain things they consider to be feminine or masculine and when a boy wears something "feminine" (like a skirt) they are called slurs, or when women wears something masculine (a suit) and then get called slurs aswell, annoying. Another one I hate is where women are considered weak ......   reply
27 days
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Hi UNO! I have a few you might like ^^ Eleceed Maru is a puppy The Novel's extra My guildmate next door (yaoi or shounen ai) Tamen De Gushi (shoujo ai and sadly discontinued) I favour the villainess (shoujo ai) Homeless/no home (can be sad sometimes but an all time fav) HUNTER WORLD'S GARDENER Brother, am I cute? My new boss is goofy (shounen ai) S......   5 reply
28 03,2024
Because I'm too fucking amazing that no one fits my standard. (It's probably because I'm really weird and loud)   reply
20 03,2024
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Basically, I had this one relationship with a girl (wlw btw) I was around 10? Not sure, inbetween 10-11. So like we dated for quite a bit, we were happy and shit, thought we were going to get married together. This one time we were kissing and then she kind of like thrusted her tongue in my mouth and I was flabbergasted, I've kissed a bunch of peop......   1 reply
28 03,2024
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Guess ;3   3 reply
21 03,2024
Oh I thought this would be a post saying how fucking far sighted people is the best and I was so confused I can't lie..   2 reply
30 04,2024
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Same here on "no home"!! And another one would probably be either my bias appeared or whispering you a love song!!   reply
28 04,2024
Sayo (>w<) 24 03,2024
I hate how I keep seeing the same topics. Gatekeeping, I love it. It is one of the things I am best at. I gatekeep from people I know who would fuck up the whole fandom and make the community seem like a piece of shit (take the genshin community for example). Weird ass people take the fandom or fans and make them seem weird and twisted (take the k ......   2 reply
24 03,2024