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what is life without a bigD?'s question page 1 (29)

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So I got in a fight with my childhood friend's gf
and now he doesn't talk to me , and looks at me like I'm a monster or smth
he just supported his gf without knowing that she's the one who started it all.
So what do you think I should do ? I tell him to go Eff himself and that's none f his business , or should I just ignore him?
24 02,2020
Help a friend ( y'all can use spicy or embarrassing memes if you want ?
03 12,2020
what's the manga that you can't forget ?
well I have a lot but not enough

but JUst gonna talk about :

well : never understand ( idk man I just love them, they're so pure. Their love is so pure. The uke is one of the best uke I've ever seen. he has such a big heart, he's trying his best to help everyone , he's receiving too much hate but he's such a kind soul. And the seme is just as adorable as a puppy, he's afraid of ppl , afraid of love , he wanna bite everyone but wants a hug. Such a great story)

Kings maker ( the story , the plot, everything about it is perfect. such a heartwarming story. we find in the seme humanity and that's what I can't find in other story where the author just cares about the apparence. believe me it can make you cry.)

Blood bank ( what can I say?? shell is my baby, just like the uke from never understand. He's strong , he wanna help ppl , he's not dependant on the seme, he's trying his best to save his ass. Like imagine a uke that actually saves the seme and not the opposite? well man I love him. Then One the seme is such a kind person , gentle , lost soul.

then there's : midnight rain , mo dao zu shi, 19 days ( urgh my babies ),
actually all of them all of them
28 09,2019
What would you choose to study between engineering and economics. I'm so fucking lost
29 09,2020
" i have fallen in love with you at first sight"
I don't know man , I don't belive in that. I take years to open up to ppl and trust them , so falling in love for me takes time.
I think that you're not in love with the person at first sight , you just think the person is good looking.
what do y'all think?
15 09,2019
Hi guys , I want some friends to practice English with ( we can make phone calls etc ), this summer
So comment your IG , KIK or LINE

ps: nice ppl only :)
04 01,2020
What's your kink
16 09,2020
What if they decide to make your fav BL into movie. Give the character and the actor that should play it.
26 09,2020
Feel bad saying that , but since I was 10? I'm terrified bc a friend of mine told me that It's really dangerous for my body etc. But I just can't stop It.
21 07,2019
I'm just wondering if a ' normal ' person who can't draw, can write a script/ story and give it to a studio so they can draw it and turn it into a Manga. Is it possible? And is it supposed to be in Japanese, Korean and Chinese? Or I can just write it in English.
22 06,2021
Characters with light skin ( idk if I can say that ) are really good, but I really wanna see more dark skinned seme / uke. I mean I don't mind reading a bl where the seme is light skinned and the uke is dark skinned and vice versa, but why not having both characters dark skinned?
+ I think that characters with black eyes and hair are good looking too, and they kinda give that mysterious air about them, so why not having seme AND uke both with those criterioa?
+ we're in 2019, why not trying to have a badass , manly , independent uke? ( like the one in midnight rain ) , and A seme can be vulnerable sometimes. That makes the story more realistic.

I mean It's just my opinion. what's do you think about it? And what you wanna " change " about yaoi ?
11 07,2019
hm, what can I say. we were friends for about 4 years , before meeting him , all my friends were talking about him. He had that reputation of Bad boy , or even Fuckboy . All that bc of his looks. And God knows how much I HATE bad boys.
We talked, Idk remember how , or when , but he just made me feel comfortable. You know ? This person that can make you smile in 1 sec NO MATTER how sad or angry you are? That person that enters your heart and life easily? That makes you think about her whenever you're depressed ? You know you can talk to her about whatever you want and she won't judge you? He was that kind of ppl. No matter what others said about him , he proved that he had a good heart. And he was actually. He's the purest.
Lol he had a shitty character , just as shitty as mine. and we loved It so much.
He was there when ALL my ex broke up with me , when some of my friends left me, when I just wanted to be alone. He smiled at me , and told me that I deserved better , and he'll always be by my side.

Can I just say that his presence was enough for me?

And After years , idk how? But we just realized that We were madly in love, and the stupid bitches we are, we didn't even notice that " the right person " we were searching for was just in front of us.

What can I say? He's my soulmate , and I used to hate that shit , but I believe in It now. Our relationship was Warm , Strong , full of support , craziness , fights ( lol we did it passionately ), passion , affection.. Not too fluffy , not too savage. It was kinda special? I've never experienced anything like this with anyone.

I dropped so many stuff for his sake , and so did he. It was magical.

It's over now. I can't explain why, but I'm still in love with him, and I know that he loves me too. I can proudly say that he's the one.
16 07,2019
Hi guys so my bf has a thing for swallowing, like he wants me to give him a blowjob , but Its my first time lol so I don't know what I should do? Is it disgusting? should I swallow? Is swallowing dangerous?
26 02,2020
So I'm watching Hunter x hunter , reading King's maker and a lot of other BL and I really want a group of friends to discuss our opinion avout everything and anything.
So If you're an outgoing and polite person, comment your kik and I'll add you. LET'S CREATE A GROUP!
06 07,2019
well I'm sick of ukes without personality , I'm done with naive , dependent , crybaby and weak uke. I want a selfless uke, doesn't need to be protected , who can help the seme , someone who is able to say " fuck all of you " to the world , someone strong and with a big heart. Not just tears , blush and moan.

and I'm sick of jerk seme , the psycho type that thinks that his anaconda should rule the world. I just want a realistic seme , with a big heart , gentle and kind. I want a seme who can be idiot and stupid sometimes.

I also want more realistic stories , not just about sex or just about how cute the uke is or how hot the seme is. what about two ppl supporting each others? fighting together?

I want some humanity. Did you read kings maker, midnight rain , mo dao zu shi ?? did you see the seme ? that's what Im talking about. did you read at the end of the road? Blood bank? never understand ? that's the uke I want.

ALSO how the hell will you forgive someone who cheated on you in 5 sec? yaoi logic.
and how about seke ?
30 09,2019
what characters you dislike or Hate In a BL?

me: slutty uke , cheating one, selfish, cry baby
26 06,2019
Show Me some hotties plz ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
18 09,2020
Does anyone here have discord? We can play and chat
04 12,2020