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Answer page 22643 (456924)

I guess everyone has times like this. Between school, work and sleep there isn't much time for Anime or Manga and you also want to do something in your real life. I read some manga after having just 2 hours left of my day. If I were to watch the new episode of the magical boys (recommend them, but forgot their name) then it would be like "Sleep ......   1 reply
23 09,2016
Yeah, I think. I'm glad someone else feels this way too. Sometime I just don't want to watch anything. Or I choose one and I decide that I'm not in the mood for that. I've been thinking that it may be because I have a lot of things in my mind. I want to read manga, I have like 40 animes in my "Plan to watch" list, plus school and I don't do one o......   reply
23 09,2016
Yes, me as well. Especially where anime is concerned at the moment. IDK- part of the problem is (I suppose) that while I can envision quite a few interesting animes that might be out there, they aren't. And sadly, most are just so very generic, doing the same kind of things. That if you're in the mood for something a bit different, like a mecha but......   reply
23 09,2016
I have this sometimes too! It usually appears when I'm at a low point, and start to feel that instead of wasting my time watching anime or reading manga, I should be doing more productive things. But then maybe a week or so later, I'll feel comfortable enough again to dive back into it. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍   1 reply
23 09,2016
15 I think. At that time, I don't think I even really knew what yaoi was. But I stumbled upon Interval and absolutely loved it. And from there I went on to find Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, which I loved at the time, though now, at the age of 19, I don't like it as much lol. I remember when I first read Sekaiichi, I wanted to talk to my friends about it, bu......   1 reply
23 09,2016
Oh my, I didn't think anyone else felt like this! I've been this way for months, although I'm getting into reading some yaoi manga every once in a while again. I used to read yaoi manga every day last year, and there were so many animes I wanted to watch. But then something happened and I just didn't feel like it. I'll start something but then get ......   reply
23 09,2016
Yeah, I feel like I might be having it at the moment. I like enjoying anime but idk... I'm dropping animes like flies without even noticing it. However I still have the mood for yaoi and love reading it without getting tired of it. I just want to feel the same passion of watching anime, wanting to watch episode after episode rather than stopping h......   reply
23 09,2016
Too exposed body in sex scenes... I hate it if they make the angle right in front of the uke's butthole or the seme's dick -_- it's like I'm just reading a porn. And one more thing... A girly uke XD this is the thing happened in most yaoi manga... Like, the large eyes... Long hair.. it makes me feel like I just read a shoujo manga or something :-�......   1 reply
23 09,2016
Happens to me all the time. I'm currently experiencing it now I guess? Like there are multiple animes I wanna watch because it seems so interesting, or so many mangas I want to read. But then when I think about trying or actually try to read or watch, I just have some weird mental block and I just don't/can't. Kind of sad too, because it feels like......   reply
23 09,2016
Girly uke... I mean small and wide eyes and hair like girls. its like i read shoujo manga. not yaoi. ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
23 09,2016
my reaction: "woow that disgusting!!" ( ̄∇ ̄") *still staring intensely "is that good?" (⊙…⊙ ) *hooked* *curious* "wow...nice abs" Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)*interested* "heh... what a nice face. sexy..." (● ̄(エ) ̄●) *horny "shit..." (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ *feels guilty *self reflection "fuck off... lets find another sexy yaoi manga ლ(´ڡ......   reply
23 09,2016
Mine was death note :P   1 reply
23 09,2016
I love drawing, writing(stories), singing, and dancing but I'm soooo bad at it! (>~   reply
23 09,2016
First Anime were three items, Astro Boy, Prince Planet (Planet Boy Papi) and Marine Boy (Undersea Boy Marine) - they began being broadcast here in the states around the late '60's early '70's. Marine Boy was particularly bishi for a boy, and it featured a mermaid and a dolphin. First manga is harder - if you're talking Japanese manga then I would ......   3 reply
22 09,2016
I love to do a lot of stuff (singing, dancing, maths, writing, poetry) but I suck at every single one of them TT . If my complex could't get anyworse, my twin sis is actually really good at math, poetry, writing, and other scientific stuff, don't get me wrong i love her. And my brother is really good at dancing too. No one is good at singing in my......   reply
22 09,2016
singing, dancing, rapping, drawing, making a friend.. well i'm basically bad everything   reply
22 09,2016
People always assume I'm scary and a bitch because of my usual facial expression (I'm just generally bored >   1 reply
22 09,2016
Mikayuu   reply
22 09,2016
I didn't remember what manga the first time I read. I was eleven, but I didn't even bat an eye and just continue reading. Damn, I was savage.   2 reply
22 09,2016
I have been told that I always look angry before. Mostly though, it's just the set of my eyes and the shape of my brows. It's not because of my personality or anything. People just tend to say that I look pissed off, even when I'm not. Ever heard of resting bitch/dick face? My boyfriend likes to joke about that being the unofficial term for that ki......   1 reply
22 09,2016

People are doing

want to do make fujoshi friends

where can I buy some???

13 hours
want to do go to college

absolutely need to be a well-respected college professor right this second!!!

13 hours
did be a dumb bitch

my defining trait

13 hours

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'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

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