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Answer page 22658 (456070)

The first anime I think it was Pokemon, but i'm not sure and i don't really remember cuz i have a pikachuu toy, but for sure i know that i watched Dragon ball Z cuz i have the CDs, after that i think it was YuGiOh! or Bakugan or something else, but at that time i didn't really know it was anime so (while knowing what it was) my first anime was Ski......   reply
29 07,2016
I started reading yaoi when I was 17 ....well i'm just a beginner since now I'm 18 years old.   reply
28 07,2016
Young'ns I just want to remind you that rape is not equal to love. :) Sorry for not answering the question, just here for a reminder.   1 reply
28 07,2016
Gratsu Ft was the first anime i saw and i was completely in love with the idea of gratsu ️ It's my favourite ship because it introduced me to yaoi And i'm in love with yaoi now I am also in love with phan (phil x dan), Fíli x Kíli and smaugemort (Smaug x Voldemort (Idk my friend and i made this up because we thought smaug was kinda lonely))   1 reply
28 07,2016
Everyone have light and darkness , the stronger the pain and suffering the person suffer the more twisted they get the stronger their darkness gets , by time it can turn to a hunger for destruction and devouring all types of light around it , and yes i have my dark side and i'm always itching to fully show it , my anger is endless , my hatred for a......   2 reply
28 07,2016
I just turned 14 and I started to get into yaoi at...12 years old. It was a life changing accident...♡○♡ ps. started reading yaoi around the same time I started reading "normal" manga.   5 reply
28 07,2016
i would stop if i got like $5000 a month, whats more if it's a mil dollars. also, there's more to boyxboy than just yaoi. :^)))))))   reply
28 07,2016
oh my goodness. i cannot imagine these 7/8/9/10 year olds omg.   3 reply
28 07,2016
i m 23 this year 2016. but i started reading it when i was 10.   reply
28 07,2016
I started at 7 turning 8 I'm 14   3 reply
28 07,2016
I was at the table with my dad and little bro at the time, I saw the scene, wheezed, started laughing uncontrollably and shut my laptop, I covered my face with hands, still laughing thinking "kill me, kill me, I actually liked it," my dad stared at me with the "wtf, u ok?" look on his face and My brother was all like "Why are you so red, are you dy......   2 reply
28 07,2016
My first anime was naruto when i was 10 and my first manga was Baby B**** which was awesome   reply
28 07,2016
My first anime was Pokemon, the first episode I watched was the first movie... nostalgia. My first manga was B gata H Kei, I still occasionally re-read it because I really like it for some reason.   reply
28 07,2016
Héhé i'm 11 and i start at 9 so 'w'   reply
28 07,2016
I am 14 and I started when I was 8, lol. Ugh, what I did at the age of 6 was waaaaay worse though.   1 reply
28 07,2016
I'm 15 and started when I was 13.   reply
28 07,2016
I'm 15 , but started at the age of 11...   reply
28 07,2016
I'm 15, but I started reading bl manga when I was like 10 lol   reply
28 07,2016
16, but i started like three years ago ^^'   reply
28 07,2016

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did touched grass

pollen is just plant cum and that's very funny to me for some reason

2 hours
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i'm allergic :( smells nice tho

18 hours
did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

19 hours

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