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Answer page 22675 (456674)

well, going way back probably stuff like tokyo mew mew and sailor moon, but the first anime i watched when i first got into the anime world was attack on titan, along side owari no seraph. the first manga i read was actually ten count ( ̄∇ ̄") wat can i say. but my first non-yaoi manga was owari no seraph, kuroshitsuji and deadmen wonderland, ......   reply
06 08,2016
cried so much in hana no mizo shiru, though usally i'm really not the crying type. also in MODS, but just a little. cried like a baby in hidamari ga kikoeru, but mainly bc i was sad it was over (≧∀≦) oh and now i remember, the first time i ever cried in a manga was when i read kosha ura no natsu. the last words he's saying at the end, they go......   reply
06 08,2016
Itou - san ..... Cried like an idiot.....   1 reply
06 08,2016
1- the grudge ( the movie ) 2- having a cockroach crossing along my body ( already happened) 3- really weird sexual dreams 4- clean my cat vomit 5-...seeing an old woman's puss...( I couldn't sleep during one Holly week X( )   2 reply
06 08,2016
Hana no miyako de by Takarai Rihito! ┗( T﹏T )┛   1 reply
06 08,2016
My home life has always been pretty...intolerable. It hit me especially hard when I was 14. I ran away while my dad was on a business trip, and I was staying with this homeless youth outreach program uptown until I could find a way to support myself. I came back one night and my older sister's friend, Ian, was there, waiting. Apparently he worked n......   reply
06 08,2016
5 i was watching videos with my older brother and he thought i would be funny to see me run away thinking my eyes were scared, so he showed me some pretty smut stuff ad i was like ლ(´ڡ`ლ) from that day on i was.....different (⊙…⊙ )   1 reply
06 08,2016
2 things that truly horrify me 1. YURI ANIME!!!! Ok so im a massive fan of yaoi but Yuri is frighting. 2. Thinking my mums face when she was giving birth do me >_< wont even explain ┗( T﹏T )┛   1 reply
06 08,2016
This thing started when I was 5, and normally I sleep with my mom at that age and at night I before I fall asleep I would hear really weird sounds like growling and scratching sounds like someone's nails was scraping on the window. I got really scared so I asked my mum if she heard it but she said I was just dreaming and I should go back to sleep s......   reply
06 08,2016
all the time, cry is a sport and i´m a pro.   reply
06 08,2016
Hybrid Child made me cry T_T . The last story's ending was so sad. And I was shipping Tsukishima and Kuroda so much...Well, it makes me less sad if I think that Ritsu and Takano (from Sekaiichi Hatsukoi) are the reincarnation of these two.   1 reply
06 08,2016
Oh, heck yeah. I cried so much when I read Dog Days that my whole face turned red and I got a killer headache after I'm done reading it. Actually, I still cry whenever I read that, especially the last part where they were in the forest and..and...uhhh. It's making me teary again. Dang you Dog Days! You're in my freaking top 5 so stop breaking my fr......   reply
06 08,2016
I'm not sure to be honest. My memory sucks so I only remember a few of the best BLs I've ever read (even got a list for that lol) tho I'm kinda cold hearted when it comes to crying, some do make me really emotional. If any of them actually made me cry, it was probably Let Dai and Yatteraneeze!. For sure, New York New York. Recommend these with all ......   1 reply
06 08,2016
I do cry at the end of innocent bird. The manga isn't a tragedy- it's a happy ending but the mangaka just closed the story so perfectly and beautifully, you're so happy and touched. The mangaka does take an alternative view of Christianity though so hard-core Christians will get bent out of shape if they forget it's fiction.   reply
06 08,2016
Yes, I'm bi and she was straight - I hadn't know for sure - so she just looked annoyed but wasn't mean about it. She avoided me after that, but I'm still glad I did it. I can still feel the thrill!   reply
06 08,2016
They were a lot of yaoi manga that made cry but the only that came to mind was "boys next door"   2 reply
06 08,2016
yea I did but during that time he was a transfer student and i didnt know him that well i was pretty naive since i asked him out the thing was he had a gf already and he asked me out so i said no because he was taken next a few days later they broke up so i asked him out and he said sure the next day turns out he didnt break up in fact he didnt bre......   reply
06 08,2016
Sort of...we confessed to each other at the same time I guess? We were having a really deep conversation about our friendship (we were VERY close) and one thing led to another and we sorta admitted that we liked each other in THAT way. But...6 months later I found out he had a girlfriend before we even started dating. Needless to say we broke up.   reply
06 08,2016
i never confessed to liking someone but i have never had a crush before..... yet i help my friends confess and such. i think i would confess if i had a crush on them tho since it better to know if they like me or not instead of hiding away from it and who knows we may really work out but for i'm pretty much asexual.   reply
05 08,2016
i sorta did... my friend who was super close with him did for me, after i found out he was gay. Now we chill but it sorta awkward when we chat online (like very awkward) ;-;   reply
05 08,2016

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did being in a wlw relationship

we went from wlw to mlm <3 then to besties lol

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Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

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