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about question
Either they are stupid or just ignorant, theres no in between IMO lol they dont know the lengths of those authors/mangakas do to ban illegal sites lol *YD war-flashback*   reply
3 hours
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man or bear? [Answer]
3 hours
this man   reply
3 hours
about question
man or bear? [Answer]
(^^) 3 hours
the real question is suffer with some steps or just suffer while you get eaten by a bear ? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
3 hours
about question
man or bear? [Answer]
3 hours
What if the man is the same man who molested me when i was 10? So bear   reply
3 hours
about question
man or bear? [Answer]
3 hours
BEERR!!!! Idk if im tripping but im sure i answered this exact question a few weeks ago.   1 reply
3 hours
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New username [Answer]
Thengakola 3 hours
if u have a native language other than english i suggest u take advantage of it lol. mine means coconut bunch in my language. its just a funny way to say 'bullshit' where i live.   reply
3 hours
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man or bear? [Answer]
3 hours
Bear   reply
3 hours
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New username [Answer]
4 hours
I steal good ones and then i feel guilty and then i think of something stupid and end up with that   reply
4 hours
about question
4 hours
If mangago goes down I'm gonna find each and every one of them. This shit is the source of my happiness after all day of work.. I'm not letting it slide easily.   2 reply
4 hours
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4 hours
not necessarily stupid... some of them are just in need of lots of attention... 2 days a go i saw same comment in the official source.. you can bet i instantly cuss them out... i understand your frustation (︶︿︶)   1 reply
4 hours
about question
4 hours
Like we all basically see the “do not repost we do this illegally” stuff every opening of a manga/manhwa chp we read
so why the hell are ppl still doing it? I dont care if u own a tiktok acc making reccs if u cant atleast blur the translated stuff don’t post it also some ppl in the comment section of it like “read it at mangago” girl if ur especially on this site then u know this is illegal why the hell are u telling ppl this u can atleast dm them or something why would u air it out in the open then you’re going to complain if something happens to this site again u probably the culprit omg

sorry but omg do ppl not know what illegal means nowdays like we cant lose this site omg
4 hours
about question
New username [Answer]
WhymustIexist 4 hours
My mangago username was just a random thought that popped up one day, but usually, I use synonyms of things I really like. For example, I LOVE STARS so I search up "stars in _____ language" then add a random English word next to it that matches the theme. Works most times and rest I just go "kdjdhdi"   reply
4 hours
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New username [Answer]
Anotherstranger 5 hours
You can use a name of a character you really like maybe from a game or a show you like and add some like (blank)lover/fan/protector , the complete opposite. You could also use a really cool word you learned or a name you wish you had or were give. Also the name "Rotella" popped up in my keyboard so....yeah hope this helps   reply
5 hours
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New username [Answer]
5 hours
I like looking into different words and their meanings. I've always liked literature, so I enjoy finding unique words. My current one is a spin off of one of my actual usernames. I didn't want to have my normal username on here so ta-da   reply
5 hours
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New username [Answer]
5 hours
Get inspired from real life microwave was in front of me when I was thinking what to put in the I'm microwave.   1 reply
5 hours
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New username [Answer]
5 hours
.....switch your letters around " alienelle ''   2 reply
5 hours
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New username [Answer]
5 hours
I took mine from a meme.   2 reply
5 hours
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New username [Answer]
ADateWithDeathFan 5 hours
My original username was a nickname + injars. But I use that for alot of my accounts so I realised if anybody i knew found me on here they would know lol! So i changed it to a game I really like, but you can do this with anything. You could do quotes (fair warning though you could find it cringey later lol) or it could just be a random object. Mil......   1 reply
5 hours
about question
New username [Answer]
5 hours
It honestly depends. Names can have a meaning or the words of other languages. For example, mine is AkumaKira, Demon Killer. If you want a fantasy name, or a name that represents the things you like and do. Something from a sentence name to a one word name like, "Witch_of_The_Valley", "Undertaker", "Cookie" to "Kookie", or a simple random name yo......   1 reply
5 hours
about question
man or bear? [Question]
5 hours
5 hours

People are doing

did read 1000 manga or more

Yippie, I just reached 1837

2 hours
want to do make a picrew

Just a test

6 hours
did read 1000 manga or more

I passed 1000 a while ago and forgot to post,lol. As of today I am at 2842 read.:)

10 hours

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing