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touched grass

People who did this (133)
2022-11-19 14:59:16
2022-11-12 22:30:58
2022-09-19 17:00:25
2022-07-26 21:27:35

I have a job, so...
2021-08-02 16:49:18
2021-08-02 10:21:49

unfortunately there's no grass here
2021-07-26 11:47:35

my god i hate that johannes bastard like please grow a brain or something
2021-07-19 14:56:18

Touched myself so much that it starting to hurt
2021-07-11 08:38:18
2021-07-11 08:31:21
2021-07-11 08:27:06
2021-07-11 08:13:44
2021-07-11 07:21:51

lmao why this even a thing? I mean do y'all never go out?
2021-07-10 02:53:34
2021-07-01 18:32:41
2021-06-25 04:43:51
2021-06-21 09:00:49

Is fake grass valid?
2021-06-21 08:04:45

and it stank. maybe because of dog piss and cat shits
2021-06-21 06:49:19

It didn't do anything
2021-06-20 01:26:38