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Hayato you shitty brat

Kerrrr January 26, 2017 4:46 pm

I sure hope Hayato isn't planning to work as a detective in the future cos' he really fucking sucks at it. He never bothered to ask where their money comes from, he claims to observe his brother soooo attentively but never noticed how sick he must have felt, never noticed a locked door??!? He goes through the phone but doesn't return it back to it's place??? Never saw him sneak out at night, any signs of abuse, weird phonecalls, condoms, crying, different bathroom habits.... NOTHING?? Aw no, big bro is being mean and hes a big nasty homo! POUTY FACE ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ really? You're not going to panic, ask is he ok, ask why, ask if the money he just returned was to pay for your new school uniform.. no? Yeah you really love your brother, you ass.
