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Was this inspired by the drama or was the drama inspired by this? Either way, some things ...

Jœjœ April 18, 2024 12:46 am

Was this inspired by the drama or was the drama inspired by this? Either way, some things were done better in the drama (i heard there was a novel too?) while others were done better in the manga.
I personnaly didn't find Hira sympathetic at all in this, he was, like, an actual creep. I'd actually call the cops. In the drama he's much "cuter" even the "agressive" scene wasn't that bad lol.
Hira in the drama is less creepy, he stilll is a stalker but he's much less scary, here he's actually scaring me.
I also liked the way the dialogues were written in the drama (Hira tells the firework quote directly to Kiyoi, the nun thing was better too...).
On the other hand this Hira and Kiyoi are much less sympathetic, but that makes them more interesting, albeit less likeable.

    Mishamoe April 23, 2024 4:24 pm

    Both drama and this manga is direct adaptations of a light novel by the same name,while drama changes/cuts some scene for both censoring and budget reasons,manga follows the novel word by word, it's kinda refreshing to see different opinions cause I prefer this over the drama,in my opinion this manga puts their melancholy and yearning into visuals really well but each to their own I guess

    HaruCat86 June 9, 2024 1:54 pm
    Both drama and this manga is direct adaptations of a light novel by the same name,while drama changes/cuts some scene for both censoring and budget reasons,manga follows the novel word by word, it's kinda refre... Mishamoe

    Totally agree with you besides I feel the manga does take the essence of the novel and displays it better. I feel this is more "accurate" than the drama. I love this too. The feelings are more real specially the part in which he is unsure of what do to because he feels responsible for the other person's feelings even when he is in love with Kiyoi