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Aniyae answered question about video games
Leave while you still can lmao. But if you really want that gacha life then listen when I tell you that if you don't pay with money you pay with time. I have the fortune of being very picky with my characters, thus I'm able to save a lot of currency from just playing the game alone and then having enough to where I could get a character no matter w......
Aniyae answered question about question
I'm a weirdoooo
Aniyae answered question about question
Torture. Be it physical, sexual, or hell even mental. You would have to be a sick fuck to cause pain for the fuck of it.
Aniyae answered question about character obsession
Well, if I'm dead from both then does it really matter? and if the man does things to my body afterwards, I won't care because I'm dead (although I guess that would cause pain for care about me, but I think it'll be a similar reaction if I died from a bear. But thinking about the logistics, I would choose a man. Yeah, I know there's a chance that ......
Aniyae answered question about question
If so I will be very scared and angry. And no I will not be drafted they will have to catch me alive.
Aniyae answered question about question
RIP. I could say invite him to watch with you but that's in jest XD. Exit out the screen or close your laptop is what I would do.
Aniyae asked question about touched grass

Dedicating this question to the stink bugs that are trapped in between my window and the window screen. idk how the fuck they got there but they're chilling until their inevitable, slow death. But they are not my favorite bugs; my favorite bugs are Armadillidiidae (aka rolly polly bugs.)

Aniyae answered question about question
Aniyae asked question about still a virgin

For favorites I would say 'only one bed' is pretty funny at times. I also love BDSM ヾ(☆▽☆) For least favorite I think disliking non-con is a given. I also don't like when human waste is involved....just no...One trope that I don't see many people mentioning is when the couple falls asleep right after they did the do and it drives me up the......

Aniyae answered question about question
Group chat? Sometimes it can function as one but no.
Aniyae answered question about i like crying
Okay but all of this on House centipedes. They deserve a pit of fire.
Aniyae asked question about easy n quick way to get money

I'mma sue Elon Musk for "personal damages" and milk him dry.

Aniyae asked question about wrote a fanfic

Saw this question somewhere else and thought it would be interesting to ask here. I think twilight sparkle and Lisa (genshin) would have great platonic chemistry.

Aniyae answered question about question
Arkansas will kill me with the away i pronounce their state lmao.
Aniyae answered question about question
Uh I took a road trip, wtf happened? Could someone pls give me a tldr?
Aniyae answered question about try to progress in life
"See openness is? I'm very robust in my wants and activities and I'm sure that'll be great for the company to have an employee who's very open."
Aniyae answered question about question
Aniyae answered question about question
I miss my early highschool years. Shit was so peak, cringe, but peak.