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Aniyae answered question about question
Uh I took a road trip, wtf happened? Could someone pls give me a tldr?
Aniyae answered question about try to progress in life
"See openness is? I'm very robust in my wants and activities and I'm sure that'll be great for the company to have an employee who's very open."
Aniyae answered question about question
Aniyae answered question about question
I miss my early highschool years. Shit was so peak, cringe, but peak.
Aniyae asked question about lmao

I found a tiktok post where someone said that Ayakashi Akashi was getting a 2 chapter. Never hearing about the game I looked it up and played chap 1 expecting a chap 2, but now I'm sitting here looking stupid because the post was an april fools joke and there was no chapter 2....At least I got a good game out of it though 10/10 experience in my opi......

Aniyae answered question about talking on walkie talkie
Someone's making an experimental track let them be.
Aniyae answered question about question
DANGANRONPA SPOILERSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Teru-Teru he was a borderline predator. My joy when he died early game.
Aniyae answered question about question
The bitch slap. Whenever there's a character that fucked up big time and another character delivers them a crisp backhand, NO WORDS, *chefs kiss*. A character revealing how they fooled all the other characters through a monologue (or similarly a detective describing who and how dunnit). Yes, it's lazy as hell, but I love the feeling of it all dawn......
Aniyae answered question about question
A point I hear a lot is that a lot of people like possessive characters because they want to feel loved to an extreme degree. Like they feel like they don't get a lot of love IRL so they gravitate towards possessive lovesick characters to feel loved and wanted. It could also be for fun.
Aniyae answered question about question
I don't see enough cross shipping. Cyno (genshin) x sans (undertale). Have fun
Aniyae answered question about question
My mom told me that men could cum forever and ever without breaks....I fear for her sex education, especially since she DONE IT.
Aniyae asked question about dream about fave yaoi hottie

What were/are your dreams you've had since you were young? What do you wish for whether it would be for yourself or others? If there's anything that's consistent about me is that I always wanted to create something beautiful.

Aniyae answered question about fetishes and kinks
Aniyae answered question about question
You would love Neuvillette. Come join Neuvi Nation
Aniyae answered question about stay at home for several days
Glad I don't use instagram. (I say with a damn reddit account)
Aniyae answered question about question
Why does this question always feel an execution line up? lmao. Anyways I see gupunk, Toilet Terrorist, [DELETED], Nye, Stardust, no., and UNO, the most. Sorry y'all.
Aniyae answered question about question
For me it's kinda like: Uniform > Authoritative Uniform > Authoritative > Dominant > Cowabunga! ;) (Police though? they're kinda mid, i don't fuck with them)
Aniyae answered question about question
Aniyae answered question about question
Charismatic or just intriguing male leads. Ones that have more to them than just "uke" and "seme". Sure he's a top but does he have a personality?