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Super Anime Fan June 4, 2020 5:39 am

Seriously, she has got to be one of the most evil characters I've ever seen. I don't care what kind of BS reason the writer tries to come up with to try and excuse her behavior. "Needs to be saved" my ass. No matter what the reason is for anything, there comes a point where you're responsible for your own actions, and she long since crossed that line. She could have the most horrible and tragic backstory in history and it won't excuse her actions. She needs to go down hard.

    linglan-------~ June 8, 2020 9:42 pm

    Im still on s2 (i dunno what happened in s3) but i think... Big sis doesnt enjoy this at all, she just wants to ruin the fam so hard or smth


    Super Anime Fan June 9, 2020 1:19 pm
    Im still on s2 (i dunno what happened in s3) but i think... Big sis doesnt enjoy this at all, she just wants to ruin the fam so hard or smthAND NO IM NOT ON HER SIDE AND BUT I HATE HER PARENTS MOAAAAAAAREEEEEEE... linglan-------~

    Oh, just wait, you'll hate her far more than the parents by the time you get to where I am.

Super Anime Fan April 27, 2020 6:05 am

With him letting the titans eat everyone, I'm convinced now more than ever that he's trying to unite all humanity against him. He's going to stop the war by sacrificing himself.

Finally Gabi realizes what a c*nt she's been. Still f*ck her though. And she actually has the nerve to beg the enemies she tried to mercilessly kill to save her friend instead of saving Connie's mother, and even asks for them to beg this of Eren, who she joyfully tried to kill. Screw her. She can sacrifice herself if she wants to save anyone.

And holy sh*t, Annie's back. Wondered when that was going to happen.

Super Anime Fan September 7, 2019 2:54 am

I think I might know what Eren's plan is. Well, it's a two-part theory. The first is that Eren plans to unleash all the Colossal Titans in the wall. Really, it Marley who are the real bad guys and making the world fearful of Eldia. All the problems seem to be stemming from them. Eren plans to unleash them to wipe out Marley, and that's what his father saw and wants Zeke to stop. Eren's whole thing about freedom may be related to this, whereas he's freeing the Colossal Titans and setting them loose.

However, and this is the second part of the theory, it was heavily implied that Grisha didn't see all of the future Eren has planned. So maybe he only thought Eren plans to wipe out Marley with the Colossal Titans. Maybe Eren is actually planning on doing something else with them.

Super Anime Fan July 6, 2019 9:00 pm

I know it looks bad, but Eren may not be dead. He holds the Founding Titan's power, the Rogue Titan's power, and the War Hammer Titan's power. Who knows how this will affect his human form. Being a Titan Shifter already gives him regenerative power in his human form, who knows what holding 3 Titan Shifter powers may do. Remember, Titans can even grow back lost heads if their nape is intact. Besides, to suddenly have Eren go out like this doesn't seem like something that would happen.

In another case... DIE, GABI, YOU MURDER-LOVING, HATE-FILLED, STUPID SH*T!!! I've hated that little b*tch since pretty much the beginning. She's all of Eren's bad and unlikeable qualities rolled into one and amplified even more. Please, someone kill her already!

Super Anime Fan April 27, 2020 6:10 am

Can someone please explain to me what the heck Ymir is thinking, because she's just coming across as completely stupid in regards to Krysta/Historia. First she decides that Krysta would be better off as Marley's prisoner of war, where they will use her to kill all her friends. Then when she realizes that Eren has the ability to control Titans, she changes her mind and decides she would be better off in Eldia. So, and this is the part that I don't get, rather than stay in Eldia and protect her, she SAVES Reiner and Bertolt, the ones who are trying to abduct her, and turns herself over to Marley, where she knows she'll be eaten by one of their soldiers, giving them the Jaw Titan's power again.

Ok, so how is this logical? Instead of letting Reiner and Bertolt die, which would get rid of some of Eldia's greatest and most dangerous enemies, not to mention cause Marley to lose the power of the Colossal and Armor Titan, or help protect Krysta herself with the Jaw Titan's power, she instead saves them and gives up her life to Marley, making the enemy stronger by giving them back the Jaw Titan, which would make them abducting Krysta much easier, which she decided she did not want because she would be safer in Eldia. What the hell? Am I just not getting something, because this doesn't make sense in any way, shape, or form.

    Luna June 27, 2019 11:13 pm

    Ymir knew that Marley would attack the Wall and if Historia stayed there, she wouldn’t survive the attack. At that time, the people oft he Wall only had the Attack Titan to rely on, while Marley had most of the other Titan Shifter and a much bigger army. Ymir had been a mindless Titan for 60 years, so I am not sure if she was aware that technology was more advanced outside the Wall’s too, but those things were the reason why she had been thinking about taking Historia to Marley, the Wall would have absolutely no chance to fight back. In Marley, Historia woul have a bad life, but she would have lived at least. Ymir probably wasn’t thinking about what horrible things Marley could possible do to someone with Royal Blood, if she took Historia to Marley.
    When she realized that Eren had the ability to control Titans, Ymir was thinking that the people of the Wall had a chance to fight back anyone that would possible attack them and that the Wall‘s could stay safe.

    As for letting Reiner and Berthold live. Reiner and Berthold grew up thinking the people inside the Wall were evil and everyone around them called them „Devil’s“, but when then they spend 5 years inside the Wall together with those „Devil‘s“ , they realized they were just innocent people.They realized they did something horrible, but that they can’t turn back anymore and have to follow through with their mission.
    Although it might not look like it on the outside, but Ymir is a person with a lot empathy for other people and she is aware of those things about Reiner and Berthold, she came from outside the Wall too after all. Ymir is aware of what R+B were/are going trough and that they don’t want to kill any more innocent people, but that they have to, for the survival of the Eldian’s outside the Wall. Ymir knows that Reiner and Berthold were struggling inside and in what a sad situation they were in, when she saw them almost getting killed, she felt pity because of everything they had/have to go through and helped them.
    Ymir was living most of her life for other people, she wanted to change after getting a second chance in life, but in the end, she still died for others. In reality, she was such a kind person.

    Super Anime Fan June 28, 2019 12:18 am

    It still seems stupid to me. Reiner and Bertolt made it clear to Ymir that Marley wanted/needed Krysta alive in order to use her royal power against the Eldians. So no, she wouldn't have died, because Marley wouldn't have allowed it. As for Reiner and Bertolt's tough upbringing, cry me a river. They committed mass genocide and intended to do more, despite knowing that the Eldians were not "devils". As for Ymir actually being kind, her kindness only ever extended as far as to Krysta and doing what she wanted. Ymir would have been perfectly happy to let the world die if it meant she and Krysta would live. There were countless times where she even tried to get Krysta to abandon her good nature and be selfish, even if it meant the deaths of others, as Ymir never felt any sympathy or compassion for any of them. The one and only selfless act she did for anyone other than Krysta was for her followers back when she was worshipped as a goddess.

    Luna June 28, 2019 4:58 am
    It still seems stupid to me. Reiner and Bertolt made it clear to Ymir that Marley wanted/needed Krysta alive in order to use her royal power against the Eldians. So no, she wouldn't have died, because Marley wo... Super Anime Fan

    Even if they wanted Historia alive, it would have been war where things get messy and don't always get as planned. Historia also doesn't like to be a burder to anyone and had suicidial tendacies, she would have fought till she died to protect people, so that her life did something.
    What choice do Reiner and Berthold have? They didn't know when they attacked the Wall's that the people inside the Wall's weren't evil. Their family and friend are outside the Wall, if they betrayed Marley, there would have been severe consequences for the Eldians outside the Wall. Even if they don't want to kill the people inside the Wall, they can't just walk away.
    I don't believe that Ymir would be fine if everyone else died, she said some things, but that is a facade, she does care about the people around her. Actions say more than words, when were her actions ever cruel? When they were training on the snowy mountain, she said to Historia to abadon Daz, but in the end, she saved his life. She also saved Erwin when he was attacked, although blaming him for messing with her plan to safe Historia. She safed Connie and the others on the Tower when she transformed for the 1st time in fron of them. Before she became a shifter, she was dragged into a cult where she became Ymir, when they got busted, she took the blame for others. One more reason she went with R+B was, because she ate Marcel, who she regretted killing. Although she ate him, she was thankful to get a second chance in life and wanted to repay them, knowing that she would die

    Super Anime Fan June 28, 2019 5:50 pm

    If Historia was in trouble with another attacking coming, then Ymir should have stayed with her to defend her. She also should have let Reiner and Bertolt die (since she very clearly doesn't are who she has to sacrifice to keep her safe), and which would make Marley lose the Colossal and Armor Titans' power. Instead, she saves them and gives Marley back the Jaw Titan power. This would put Historia in even more danger and make it that much harder to fight Marley. That's why I'm saying it was stupid. That's why I'm saying it was stupid. She wants to do absolutely anything to protect her, regardless of who she has to sacrifice, yet her actions put Historia in even more danger, and will make winning the war more difficult.

    As for your question of when has Ymir's actions ever been cruel. I could argue that failure to act is just as cruel as doing something wrong. Not stepping in and doing something when you can is the same as allowing something to happen. She does nothing when she could have because she's unsympathetic and doesn't care countless times, and tries to get Historia to do the same. Here's an example, when Historia was trying to bring that injured man back o base otherwise he would have frozen to death. Ymir kept trying to get her to leave him behind to die, telling hr that she shouldn't worry about others. But as we saw, Historia refused to, and Ymir only helped turned into a Titan and helped because she realized that Historia was going to die trying to save him if she had to. She was fully able to do something, but chose not to because she didn't care. She didn't even help in human form, she could have helped Historia carry him, but she only stepped in when Historia was in trouble.

    That's why I say she's a horrible person, something she herself even admits. Yeah, Historia says she's nice, but that's because she's nice to HER. Ymir has never shown kindness to anyone else, and has only ever shown disdain. The only time she ever assisted anyone was if it put Historia in jeopardy, just as I pointed out above. If I saw someone who was choking and there was someone who knew the Heimlich maneuver, or if there was someone who was having a heart attack or something and there was a doctor right there who knew CPR, or if there's a life guard who does nothing to save someone who's drowning right in front of them, and these people did nothing because they didn't care, yeah, that's pretty damn cruel, and they are, in a way, responsible for that person's death because they did nothing to help when they could. That is exactly what Ymir is like. Don't worry or care about others and only focus on yourself (unless Historia is involved), and she keeps preaching that philosophy to her. So, yeah, in my opinion, Ymir is a stupid and horrible person, and the fact that she's in love with Historia and willing to do anything for her is not going to change my mind about that.

    Luna June 28, 2019 8:10 pm
    If Historia was in trouble with another attacking coming, then Ymir should have stayed with her to defend her. She also should have let Reiner and Bertolt die (since she very clearly doesn't are who she has to... Super Anime Fan

    Ymir regretted not staying with Historia, but Reiner, Berthold and the others trying to infiltrate the Wall is the reason why Ymir got a second chance in life, that is why she wanted to repay them and went with them. She got out of the nightmare being a mindless Titan for 60 years and got to to live again because of them. Even if they didn’t get her out on purpose, she was thankful to them and felt like owning them. She probably did worry about Historia, but there was hope for her when she saw Eren could control Titans.
    Some people don’t care about politics, you could say Ymir is the same. She doesn’t care about the bigger picture and which side will win or what is happening to the world. She has been on both sides and was the only character not loyal to any side and why should she really interfere, there will be losses on both side no matter what happens. She is just a normal person who happen to get the power of a shifter. She lived her previous life for other people, who betrayed her, she wanted to life her second life for herself.
    Ymir and Historia had no family, they only had each other, that is not different than any of the characters' relationships with their family, friends, or the relationship Eren, Armin and Mikasa have, so of course she cares more about Historia. While Eren and Armin might let go of their friend if it is for the better of the world, Ymir is not like that. She cares more for the people around her than what is happening to the world. Both sides have innocent people.
    On the snowy mountain she did say to Historia to let Dez die, but she knew Historia was just acting nice and was suicidual. Ymir was good in reading what peoples character were really like. Ymir and Historia weren’t close at that time of the story and while Ymir said those things, in the end she saved Dez’s life and Historia’s life. She did not sit by and let Dez die, she could just have grabbed Historia and only safed her, but she saved both with her action. Historia was actually the person not really saving Dez, she wanted to die and make it look like she did something.
    While Ymir wasn’t portrayed as a kind person, what is on the outside is not the same as what is inside of her. Her actions were kinder than what she said or how she might looked like on the outside. Non of these characters are Saint’s, but Ymir was a carrying person.

Super Anime Fan June 1, 2019 8:41 pm

This is my all-time favorite manga, and I really, really, REALLY want to see an anime of it. I know it's very unlikely to happen since it's so old, but it would be great to see one, and I'm betting it would be pretty popular too, like maybe even the next Fushigi Yuugi or Inuyasha, both of which were very popular. Who else wants to see an anime of this?

    georgi23 March 31, 2020 10:14 pm


    ray382vk August 28, 2020 6:10 pm

    this is also my all time fav manga. but for Anime im kinda scared that i might get disappointed ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Super Anime Fan August 28, 2020 7:09 pm
    this is also my all time fav manga. but for Anime im kinda scared that i might get disappointed ┗( T﹏T )┛ ray382vk

    Sometimes anime are even better than the manga. I think if it's done right, it'll be great.

Super Anime Fan May 10, 2019 10:02 pm

Ok, we can all agree that Attack On Titan is great, but the plot has gotten very complex and very confusing. This is what I'm able to conclude based on my understanding of things.

Long ago, the Marleys tried to take over the world. Eldians fought back when the original Ymir supposedly made a deal with the devil to gain titan powers, from which the 9 titan shifters came from. Using the titan power, they fought back the Marleys. The Marleys then used the fear of the Eldians' titan power against them, by making them out to be a threat to the world, labeling them as "devils". With the world turned against them, the Eldians sealed themselves in the 3 walls, created by several Colossal titans, threatening to unleash them on the world if the world didn't leave them alone.

The Eldian royal family decided to keep the Eldians within the walls by erasing everyone's memories of the war and the outside world. The power of the Founding titan is held by the king, and is passed down through the generations by having the heir become a titan and then devour the previous ruler to inherit their memories and will.

Over time, the Marleys still seek to destroy the Eldians and obtain the power of the titans for themselves. They do this by brainwashing the descendants of the Eldians (Gabi and the others) left behind into believing they needed to kill the rest of the Eldians. Somehow, they managed to get the power of most of the titan shifters, which they have been forcing on the brainwashed Eldians into fighting for their cause.

Eren's father sought to stop the brainwashing of the Eldians being used by Marley. When Zeke discovered this, he turned him over to the government. The Marleys have been turning anyone disloyal to them or who are enemies into titans and sending them to Eldia. Dr. Yeager managed to escape and fled to Eldia without getting turned into a titan.

Initially, the Eldians thought the world behind the walls was purely titan infested due to their memories being altered. They knew nothing of the war, and only wanted to kill the titans. Since the royal family was refusing to allow the Eldians their freedom and kept them subjugated in the walls, Eren's father stole the Founding titan's power and killed most of the royal family. He then passed this power on to Eren when his time was running out.

The Marley sought to get the founding titans power so they could wipe out Eldia. They sent the current holders of the titan powers to destroy the walls and find the holder of the Founding titan's power, but along the way, one was eaten by a titan (Ymir). Reiner and Bertolt destroyed several walls, letting the titans into Eldia, then they join the army while they searched for the Founding titan and Historia, since only a member of the royal family can truly control its power.

Eren and his friends enlist, and Eren discovers his titan power. Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt realize Eren has the founding titan's power. Annie tries to abduct him, but fails and is captured. Reiner and Bertolt try to convince Eren to surrender himself by promising not to hurt any of his friends. This fails, so they abduct him, along with Ymir (who was revealed to be the titan who ate their friend, thus becoming the Jaw titan). They plan to capture Historia later. Eren is rescued, and Reiner and Bertolt return to Marley with Ymir, who is eaten and has her titan power passed on to someone else. A bunch of battles happen following this, in which Zeke reveals himself as the Beast titan.

In Eldia, the royal family tries to reclaim the Founding titan power by attempting to make Historia into a titan and then eat Eren. She refuses, and the rest of the royal family is killed off when her father becomes the Super Colossal titan. Meanwhile, the false king of the Eldian, who had taken over after Eren's father killed the royal family, and the corrupt governors are dethroned, and Historia becomes queen.

More battles follow. Armin is turned into a titan to save his life, and then eats Bertolt, becoming the new Colossal titan, inheriting Bertolt's love for Annie in the process. Then comes the time jump. At some point during it, Eren meets up with Zeke and the two form a plan to stop the war. Eren then goes awol and infiltrates Marley to learn all that he can. During this time, we meet Gabi and her friends.

In an attempt to focus all their efforts of capturing Eren, the Marley leaders reveal that most of the history that was taught was a lie, and that the only true "devil" is Eren, not Eldia itself. Eren then reveals himself, kills several of the Marley leaders, and eats the holding of the War Hammer titan. The Eldians then arrive to rescue him. Gabi and Falcon stowaway on the ship, and Gabi kills Sasha. Zeke is revealed to have been a traitor to Marley by having helped Eren, who is his half-brother.

It's revealed that during the time jump, Eren has gained a following. His goals now seem different from that of his friends, including Armin and Mikasa. He's labeled as an enemy of Eldia, as it seems like his followers want him to rule. For unknown reasons, Eren severs his ties with Mikasa and Armin, claiming that Armin is just a slave to Bertolt's influence on him, and Mikasa is a slave to the Ackerman gene, which is what makes her so devoted to him. He then has them and the rest of his friends locked away since they're supposedly enemies now. They suspect that Eren has a reason for doing what he's doing though.

Yelena meets with Armin, Mikasa, and the others and reveals Zeke and Eren's plan for peace. As long as there are people who can become titans (as only Eldians can), Zeke intends to end the war by having the Eldians slowly die out by not letting them have children. He believes that while the Eldians are not evil, they're still a threat since they can become titans. So he intends to put an end to the war by having Eren devour all the titan shifters, stop the fighting, and then let the Eldians live out the rest of their lives in peace, but not allowed to have children.

Eren supposedly agrees with Zeke and is going along with this plan. As does Armin, though it's possible he may have figured something else out, as he's relieved by Eren's actions up to this point, so it's possible that Eren is planning something else. Marley is still trying to steal the Founding titan's power, thus leading to the sneak attack we saw in the latest chapter.

Hope that clears everything up. And again, this is just from what I understand, and I could be missing some things or misunderstanding some things.

    Aejae-shi April 28, 2019 12:42 am

    WOW!! this really sums it up (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I actually din understand the Marleys and Eldians when i was reading the manga but this somewhat gave me a better understanding! Thanks~

    Danajj745 May 7, 2019 11:27 pm

    Thank you!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Super Anime Fan January 14, 2019 11:50 pm

A lot of people seem to feel sorry for Tsubaki. Um, did we even read the same story? Tsubaki was a sadistic a$$hole. He deserved what he got for what he did. Utterly trying to destroy Himeko because her brother was in love with her, and then borderline tries to rape her brother, and then threatens Himeko's life when his attempt to ruin them fails. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

Yes, how Tsubaki was treated in the past by his past love confessions was sad (though what would you expect when you're gay and keep confessing to people who aren't, and vice versa), and I do feel sorry that he went through that, but what he tried to do was horrible, unforgivable, and completely selfish. And in the end, he backed himself into a corner and got stuck in his own trap. This is a perfect example of digging you're own grave and having your plan backfire.

And just for the record, I'm not saying this because I have anything against yaoi. I'd feel exactly the same if Tsubaki was a girl.

    Lovely lotus June 11, 2021 4:56 am

    Couldn't have said it better thanks for that friend (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ aight bye

Super Anime Fan January 2, 2019 12:17 pm

I’ve heard some debate over whether or not Squealer was a terrorist or a freedom fighter. I can safely say that Squealer was most definitely a terrorist and was evil, and I’ll explain why.

There’s a thin blurry line between being a terrorist and being a freedom fighter. It may be hard to see, but it is there. Freedom fighters know who to attack and how. In war, you go after military and those in power in order to win the war and bring it to an end, even if you’re the one who started the war. Freedom fighters rise up when they’re being suppressed and go after such targets in order to be freed from their suppressors. Terrorists don’t go after just military and those in power, they attack anyone one they can on the opposing side, be it man, woman, child, or elderly. They kill as many people as possible in order to shake the opposing side and make them give in to fear until they give in to the terrorists’ demands. Just think about when other countries go to war. Yes, there are civilian casualties that sadly get involved, but soldiers don’t directly go after them, nor do they kill indiscriminately simply because they’re people that just happen to be of the enemy country (and those that do are utter scum).

This is what Squealer was doing. He was going after as many humans as possible, killing as many as he could, whether they were military or not, even if they were children. And while I’m not saying he wasn’t entirely unjustified in beginning an uprising and wanting more for his people, he crossed that line from freedom fighter into terrorism. What more, an uprising may not even have been entirely unnecessary. He even admitted that his people weren’t mistreated and allowed their freedom by the humans when this was stated, but he did say that the humans didn’t treat them as equals either. What they were facing was inequality, not suppression. This wasn’t like in the Hunger Games were the capital was deliberately making the districts suffer and killing them for sport. The only time the humans harmed the monster rats was when they acted against them or broke the laws. But even if they were being suppressed, Squealer wasn’t just after freedom, he wanted complete and total genocide of the human race.

But it wasn’t just what Squealer was doing to the humans, but also what he was doing to his own people. He lobotomized his tribe’s queen/mother in an attempt to gain power over them. Then in order to recruit others to his cause, he preached that they were fighting for freedom from the humans. Those he couldn’t convince, he took over their tribes by force, either killing their queens/mothers or holding them hostage, if not outright destroying their entire tribes if they would not submit to him. This was nothing more than a method to gain power and place himself at the top while hiding behind the whole “gaining freedom” thing as an excuse to justify what he was doing and to recruit others.

Again, I’m not saying that the uprising was completely unjustified, but Squealer crossed the line of freedom fighter to terrorist and turned his uprising and recruitment into his way of gaining power and ruling over his people. It’s kind of like what Nurse Ratchet did in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, or like what Negan did in “The Walking Dead”. Squealer was a villain through and through.

    Qwerrz January 3, 2020 9:49 am

    I agree mate..but the guy was so fed up of slavery and hate so its kinda sad

    Super Anime Fan January 5, 2020 12:43 am
    I agree mate..but the guy was so fed up of slavery and hate so its kinda sad Qwerrz

    Yes, but then he turned around and did the same thing to his own people. It was essentially, join me and become my slaves, and I will free us from our oppressors, or I'll kill you myself. He was forcing them to trade in one form of enslavement for another while hiding behind a false message of "freedom" and "equality" as a means of recruiting others to his cause.

    Avi July 27, 2020 9:33 pm

    Dude humans were no good too in there... They were doing the same as squealer did, killing their own children and transforming normal humans into queerats , enslaving them and killing them later on... I'm not saying what squealer did was right but not only the higher ups in the but the normal parents ...they were like afraid of their own children and were okay if they are killed... I hated the fact they killed them.. there were ways, they could have abandoned them or kept them out of the village or trained them real hard to control their powers ( ̄へ ̄)

    Super Anime Fan July 28, 2020 7:58 pm

    I'm not excusing what the humans were doing, but there was a clear difference. With Squealer it was "obey me or die, period". The humans only killed their children if they were going to become ogres or karmic demons. If that were to happen, the kids would end up dying anyway, and they would end up killing hundreds, if not thousands of other people along with them. Ogres become unstoppable psychopaths that go on killing rampages until they're own bodies finally give out. Karmic demons own power spins out of their control, destroying everything around them whether they want it to or not until their own power destroys them as well. It doesn't excuse what the humans were doing, but it's, in a way, understandable since the kids would end up dying anyway and there was no way to help them. It also completely different from Squealer who simply killed anyone who would submit to him. And even then, he uncaringly and remorsefully sent his own people to the slaughter for his cause, often times even flat out sacrificing them. And unlike the humans, he felt no remorse for doing this, and even seemed to enjoy the power he had that allowed him to do this to his own people.

Super Anime Fan December 8, 2018 12:45 am

I know Eren looks bad, but I don't think Eren is as as cruel as he seems to be. I'm fully convinced that this is an act he's putting up an act in order to fools everyone. Nor I don't think he's being controlled by Zeke. I think he has some plan to put an end to the Titan war, and part of it involves painting himself as the bad guy if he needs to. Sort of like what Lelouch did in Code Geass.

As for his behavior towards Armin and Mikasa, I think Eren suspects that part of Bertolt is infecting Armin because he himself experienced something similar with Yelana. He's trying to make Armin aware of this so he can hold onto his true self and resist Bertolt's influence. The same goes for Mikasa. I think he said what he said to Mikasa in order to try and free her from the Ackerman gene that's making her the "protector". Eren's all about freedom. He cares a great deal about his friends, and so he's trying to do whatever it takes to free them, even if that means painting himself as the villain.

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