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Say sorry to my foot, bastard. Damned braindead family, always ready to lick the other sister's ass and attack Penelope for no fucking reason. I hope the whole household crumbles

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Selling your ass on OF is not empowering nor healthy. Sex work doesn't benefit women in any way
欢迎 created a topic of Jinx

What I give credit to this story for is how painfully realistic Dan is. I've seen many people in extremely toxic relationships, always making excuses for their walking trashcan of a boyfriend, always waiting for a change that never ever came. Always giving their all, hoping to receive a speck of love and always believing that they were somewhat important to said human-garbage.
Honestly, green haired guy is right, our Mc is nothing more, notinhg less that a disposal for the other criminal bastard. Either he wakes from his delusions or he can push in whatever direction, he is not gonna be loved nor respected by that jerk

欢迎 created a topic of Nerd Project

Bro that's the sexiest kiss I've ever seen

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I have a list here too: Bruh these comments made me open my childhood animes. I remember being a shojou anime addict searching on YouTube when copyright strike wasn’t a thing. Thank you for this question, now I wanna re/watch some of them.
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I'm surprised no one mentioned these: Yamato Nadeshiko Fushigi Yuugi Shakugan no Shan The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Toradora Azumanga Daioh Ranma ½ Sugar Sugar Rune
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Probably the same thing they liked with mildly attractive asswipes as Dojin and that one criminal from potn. Which is, in my opinion, 1) the attractiveness and 2) the prospect of change. Everybody fawns over the idea of a shit man changing for them, so they can throw in a shit boohoo backstory (my dad didnt feed me marmelade when I was young, I MU......
欢迎 answered question about talk to yourself
"I think a person who likes you raping you is better than ten random people" - a user out there
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Sex work and corn for me. With the raise of OF and all the lib fem corn positive propaganda, my younger self began to believe all the empowering thingy. Now I just see it as another way to give men even more access and control over women's body. It doesn't empower you, it commodifies you. And if anything it's just creating a bunch of porn sick/addi......
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I weep real Jesus tears seeing all these gorgeous digital drawings while I cannot use a graphic tab for shit
欢迎 answered question about lmao
I partially agree with this take, yet it is also true that queer relationships are oversexualized, and way too much at that. While LGBT representation is important, it is also important to remember that not everything has to be romantic or sexualized. Two people can and are allowed to be friends without having to be shipped. Especially for cis and ......

Just HOW is everybody putting themselves on the highest moral ground?? They've been nothing but fuvking rude, uneducated, ready to point fingers with baseless accusations, vain, aggressive and they expect to feel superior to Edith just because, when they are in fact no better than she was before the transmigration. Fucking cunts

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He cheated on me, groomed me and threatened to off himself if I ever decided to leave him. So, kind of an interesting first relationship ig
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Knight Commander Max returned as a stone statue after going to defeat Medusha. The grand memorial ce...

  • Author: stone octopus
  • Genres: Yaoi / Fantasy / Romance / Webtoons
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Never ending struggle with backgrounds
欢迎 answered question about disturbing thing you saw
For the confused people out there, "eroguro" is a term for those literature or artistic pieces fusing erotism and grotesque elements together. It started as relatively mild, a way in the 20th something Japan of escapism from the rigid rules of society, but I guess it became gradually less artistic and more pornographic (sexual assault, murder, ampu......