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gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

you don't get to use the "brother and relative" card to get info when you're trying to be lovey dovey with him ( =_=)

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

sooooooo is the other (bleurgh) prince planning something on the sidelines? i didn't see him get punished for his actions so my (metaphorical) heart can't rest

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Jinx

i really want the new gym and their bastard ceo to get fucked over real good (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
jaekyung's suspension's on him bc he was being pissy (stressed out, in a LOT of pain and some mf trying to get on his nerves on purpose) but i'm glad that the other guy has to take atleast 4 weeks off (hope it becomes forever bc of his own actions).
(not necessarily trying to defend jjk, it's just that i respect those who win with skills, not the ones who take advantage of a sabotage their side planned.)
i don't want to rejoice about jaekyung's fall when most of this happened bc of those bitchasses who don't deserve even an ounce of the respect and joy they're receiving right now.
also, a major fuck you to the guys who switched... the facilities may be nice and pissy jaekyung won't be there but junmin could easily become worse than jjk and the ceo's underhanded tricks will come to bite him in the ass. when that time comes, they'll know why loyalty (atleast towards the rest of team black and the ceo) is important.

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Waterside Night

i hope those two bitchasses get fucked over real good before anyone can harm our little just-became-happy family (mostly the "dad", i hope he lives long in suffering) (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Turning

angelic-faced buff-bodied hinn and finn i wouldn't want to be those pranksters' target

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Serious Joke

their classrooms and hallways don't have cctv(s)??

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i get that she MIGHT still be angry about that staff (it may have cost her real money if not game currency) but wasn't it her fault that she bought it when there were already rumors of it befoming outdated/redundant? like, do you not check out game news or guides before deciding on a purchase??

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Waterside Night

i hope pennywise decides to do a tea party with you in your dreams every time you fall asleep :)

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Jinx

to think i had pretty much spent the entirety of april 1st without getting pranked this time

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Monthly Chest

the black cat's (chunsik?) expressions are so on point!

ghost outfit (bedsheet) to avoid socializing at a halloween party... if not socializing wouldn't get me on my colleagues and neighbors' bad side, i would've tried it out goddamnit!?┗( T﹏T )┛

okay but imagining someone with a solemn look on their face while holding a pair of tongs actually does sound hilarious

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Limited Run

what's with ancient ppl being obsessed with sacrificing young girls/virgins for their supposed "rituals"?!? like, they hurl insults at the ones who sleep around and sacrifice the ones who don't? why don't they go and warm their mythical creature's bed themselves instead? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

lowkey i was expecting his dad to scold garam bc he was being so dismissive on the phone

what is it about roaches (especially the flying kind) that triggers my fight/flight response in less than a second? just seeing it in 2d (a humanized(?) ver. at that too) made me feel chills and get goosebumps... just what are you, little roach?

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Turning

i'm looking forward to seeing the emperor and the empress... we only saw keilusa's silhouette so far

i find it so weird that euijoon's ex called him a son of a bitch for cheating on him when he's the same guy who was neglecting euijoon when they met up and even ghosted him for days bc he was too busy romancing his gf. like, bitch, you don't have the right to be calling names here!?! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

i was reading it just fine but why you gotta keep reminding me that you watched him grow up?!? once or twice is reasonable but the frequency makes it seem deliberate

gRaSsTaStEsGoOd created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

he should've said that he acted rude on purpose to fend off leechers... why keep that in your thought bubble/flashbacks?! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧