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Alenira September 30, 2020 3:53 am

Some ppl think Fl is dence for not notecing Ml's feelings. But She did have suspicions of it and every time she has tried to be nice to Ml he gets "shy" and retaliates by either saying he was joking, pulling a prank or he outright flirts with other girls and compliments them and then insults Fl.
So yes Fl stoped beliving him, and yes Fl has a crush but Ml has proven to nit respect her and stated she is only his "Friend" so he friendzoned her. Yet he expects her to be pure with no relations and gets in her way. Meanwhile she has to deal with all the jelous biaches he has flirted with, just because he treats her difrent and FL also has to deal with the fact that he is a Nobel so any of her actions will seem rude. Like her defending herself with ice magic to get Ml off her back, its ok for Ml to use fire magic against her but the second she retaliates somoen slaps her.

Alenira September 27, 2020 12:44 pm

Mc seems oblivious to the fact that his lady is in love with him!.
She only seems interested in dancing with the prince because MC told her to. She only wanted MC to compliment her and is more than open to ppl "misinterpreting" their relationship by having MC walk next to her.¨

I hope the prince and second Fl fall in love and Mc ends up wit h his lady.

Alenira September 27, 2020 2:53 am

Spoilers from the novel so they might not be accurate.

In the past timeline when Fl died the Ml whom she fought with and got to know on the battlefield was in despair, a figur he truted offer him the Demon Kings heart to eat. ( The Demon king had power over time and space). so he could return FL to her past self and have a happy ending.

The Black mana that becomes active in Ml after the visit to the anchient ruins is the Demon kings power awakening. = Ml is the next rewival of the Demon king now..

Major Spoilers below.

The figur that offer the Ml the Demon kings heart to eat... was a high ranking priest!.
The reason the Holy statues place though out the kindom are "mailfunctining" at keeping the plague away is because the holy magic pured into them wasnt holy magic, but dark mana!.

The Church is behind most of the bad shit happening and its all because they fear the that all the peace has caused the citicens to lose faith. SO the higher ups in the church desided to have a revelatinon of the "revival" of the Demon King to reignite the peoples faith in the church.
But in reality the church plotted it all! Its the same for the mutated "demons" that attacked Fl in earlier chapters (the giant albino praying-mantices), they were artificialy made to cause chaos and "kill or injure" the Ml's love to get him focused on destroying the Demons and the reviving demon king.

The ex and cousin get screwed. They get blackmaild by a priest i think (forching them to try and finish the magic experiment that almost killed Fl in her last life).
Ex fuckes up and ends up in prison where cousin convinces him to do the experiment to escape! (Cousing has come to hate the fl's ex). The experiment fail, ex dying as a result.
Cousin inform Fl of this, expecting her to be happy about it (trying to win fawor agaain). Fl is not pleased and cousin gets chased out. The Blackmailer catches up to cousin and forces him to also do the magic experiemnt. ( duno if he survives, but if he does he would be worse of than old Fl).

Not all priests and higherups in the church are in on this tho. This is proven when the dark man in Ml starts to fully awaken and he starts to lose himself. Most high priest and elder priests beg Fl to end the Ml's life befor the Demon King fully revives and dooms the world, but some say to "capture him and seal him away"(monstly bad guys). Fl remebers her promis to protect Ml and comes up with an alternate plan, she consults the Emporer, Ml's knight, the head butlor and some priests that trusts her because of her focus on the plague cure. When the higher ranking priests confront Ml ( almost fully awakend) the binding spell they prepared fails, the priest betting Fl to kill Ml begges her to finish it because she is the only one that can. She asks why he must die, and who cant she try an alternate solution "why must he be sacrficed?". The Elder priest hesistates to answer and the corrupt priests com up with half hearted arguments. Elder priest allows her to try, and Fl uses her holy spirit to enter Ml's mind to clear the corruption.

IN Ml's mind Fl sees his past childhood, and all the times he has lost faith in humanity, she also finds memories form the past traped in the dark mana. She clears the mana and gets him free in his mind, only for a voice to talk to her and ask her why she would save him and wouldnt all bad things end and so on. Fl answers back that she promised to protect Ml and will stick to it no mater what, holy ligh sorounds them.

Fl faces off agaist the Demon king ( unsure if its still in ml's head, if it has taken ml's body or as left ml's body and is now physical) The Demon King asks Fl questsion she answers every question like.

DK: Do you still have faith in mankind?
Fl: Yes.
Dk: why? look at alll the bad ppl, (ex, cousin, nobels, priests)
Fl: Because not all humans are bad, using Ml as an example ( because of his sacrifice in the past)
Dk: Who do you think the true monster is me or humanity?
Fl: .. There are bad people but also good, look at redhaired paladin who hated summoners and is now on good terms with her and even supports his sister studying summoning. People can change. (unsure of her full answer)
Dk: what if they dont change?
Fl: we can try to teach them, inforce changes or reform,

Dk: I wish someone like you existed back when i was human, before people betraid me and looked at me with fear. (FL remembering ppl's looks when she was disfigured)

Dk: can you realy save Ml?
Fl: i will do all in my power trying, he saved me and gave me a new life so i will use this life to save him and ease his burden. ( yada yada yada,, speach)

DK is satisfied and diserpears and Ml has holy power and can wield the holy sword again.

They become a official couple and Fl gets pregnant.

    Tsyu.kio September 27, 2020 5:24 am


    MikaMika September 27, 2020 10:19 am


    kpii September 27, 2020 10:40 am

    where can we read the novel?

    Alenira September 27, 2020 10:53 am
    where can we read the novel? kpii

    i just googled the manga name, its hard because most of the novel is raw and has only been pratialy tranclated

    Rey September 27, 2020 11:27 am

    Thank u a lot (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Alenira September 26, 2020 11:03 pm

The ex fieance runs to Fl's cousin( his lover) and asks for a solution, the cousin says they could spread rumor that Fl's cure is fae and a danger and have the ex be a helper of the church and use this to take credit for the cure as the church must surely be able to fix it.

A reprecentative of the church goes to Ml's home and questions if he hasnt been enchanyed by the Witch (Fl) and lost his faith, the reprecentative begs him to uphold his honor as the carrier of the holy sword and get his wife to back down form ruining his faith.

The holy sword glows golden and launches it self at the priest, only lightly missing and Ml releases his dark aura threatning the priest to keep their personaly vendetats away form his wife who is fighting for the people!

    youraedthiswrogn September 26, 2020 10:49 pm

    Are you saying cousin?

    Alenira September 26, 2020 11:02 pm
    Are you saying cousin? youraedthiswrogn

    yep sorry was writing it after having been up for 32 hours

    ChoSunHi_10969 September 26, 2020 11:25 pm

    Is the couple of trash going to pay for that or no :(?!?!

    Alenira September 26, 2020 11:32 pm
    Is the couple of trash going to pay for that or no :(?!?! ChoSunHi_10969

    duno yet, the raw's are only 2 chapters ahead of the tranclated

    ChoSunHi_10969 September 26, 2020 11:44 pm

    Ohhhh okay thx <3

    youraedthiswrogn September 27, 2020 6:10 am
    yep sorry was writing it after having been up for 32 hours Alenira

    That's unhealthy, take better care of yourself. You could die.

Alenira September 26, 2020 5:25 pm

So the Prince seems like a biach.
SO he is having family problem and decide to handle it by becommiing a fake fiance candidate for him self? And he just had to go to a weak family and manipulate them with brainwashing magic and then force the daughter fo said family to be indebt to you thou this by having her family preasur her to upkeep the familys honor by being you freaking servant and using her despite knowing you are just hurting her. Like and then you go and say "you are Mine" like you own her. You dont own her you used magic to force her parents to preasuer her into becomming your servant do catoring to your whim. And then you go and expose her to all the corrupt shit you know happends in the palaze. She gets threatend by princess candidate because she isnt a "well educated Maid" and even one of the women in the palaz tries to slap her!.. you put her in danger and claims she is yours...
Why couldnt you have done this shit on your own, why did you have to force her into something that could get her killed? For a whim? Becauee your magic didnt work on her?
Plz tell me she dosnt end up as the princess and marries him..

Alenira September 25, 2020 7:08 pm

So have have read the raw and her are some spolers:
The female mage and priestess from the hero team go on a solo escort mission with their new Beast Tamer. They get pissed at him because en only tames a chipmunk and the mage says their last tamer has between 2-10 beast at a time. The new tamer gets confused and states that isnt right even the best can max have 2. The priestess and mage realize that MC was abnormaly gifted and have regrets.

Mc and catgirl save captive from the bandit cave and rank up to E rank, to selebrate they eat a big meal and retire to their 2x singlebeds room at the inn.

The asembled Hero party is on a mission and have gotten lost, the hero is pissed and asks why they are lost and the Monk tells him normaly they relied on MC's ability to scout and find the fastest route. From what i understand the hero then jokes "thats all he was good for, when the rest of us can actualy fight" the whole party laughs.

A draon shows up and changes into a girl, wanting to fight Mc. They fight and the draon is holding the battle onecidetly, Mc contracts some bird and ends up winning and she joins the team, and later they make a contract.

Mc is on a missoin and contracts slime and the find out he can use magic (fire magic) and that its abnormaly powerfull.

MC tells catgirl and dragongirl his story of growing up in a small village and having many animal friedn, but that the village was struck by disaster so he lived by helping others. This caused him to be recruited to the hero party and later disgarded.
The hero party comes to town coverd in dirt and exausted form the travel.

MC and his party go on a misson and dragon girl gets outnuberd, Mc pretects her and takes a dagger to the arm. Dragongirl get sad, Mc says its fine and uses healing magic to heal is wound. Dragon girl feels regret for letting Mc get hurt protecting her but he tells her she can reli on him. They go back to their inn room and the girls each have a bed and Mc sleeps on the floor.

Next day they leave and run into the hero party, the hero says they will do him a favor and let him rejoin. He says no because he has a party, the hero party begin to leave but the hero states they didnt need him as a burden anyway. Dragon girl gets pissed and tells them off. The hero retaliates and says some shit, Mc gets pissed and punches the Hero. An all out brawl break out and the Mc and his team wins.

    Chushi09 September 26, 2020 3:56 pm

    Sorry, my fat finger accidentally pressed down when I wanted to vote up. Sorry!!

    owlien October 5, 2020 2:16 pm

    I'm so excited to see them regret it ! Btw thank you for the spoiler (●´∀`●)

Alenira September 24, 2020 1:32 pm

Its easy to say she is the victim and justify that when you only look at what she has suffer. Rape, abuse, threats.
But getting pissed at ppl just because they point out that she chose to abuse others using her abusers power. How the hell does that make sense. YOU CAN BE A VICTIM AND AN ABUSER. But trying to justify the abuse she does just because she is a victim of abuse is so freaking deaf.

    Starsandmetaphors September 24, 2020 2:01 pm

    One of the rules I live by is 'Your sorrow is not an excuse to cause more sorrow.'

    Alenira September 24, 2020 2:21 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ddspp

    I get that, but she did have help. Despite them not knowing why she did less work, the other maids cover for her for over month and did her workload. But in return she just snapped at them. They had her back but she didnt look forward. I get the hormones and all that but if you ignore the olive-branch extended to you, sooner or later the branch will break. I was just responding to all the coment about how all her actions were justified because they only looked at one side of the coin.

    She is desperate, yet never opend up to anyone, she cut off her only lines of suport and only listend to her abuser. In turne she also became an abuser.

    Also i have seen the Raw's and all i can say is the other maids didnt know she was pregnant, they all felt sorry for her in the end.

    Starsandmetaphors September 24, 2020 2:29 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ddspp

    Which is still not an excuse. She was raped, no doubt in my mind, but she is also an abuser. Two wrongs never make a right. We don't tell victims of crimes that their abuser does not deserve punishment or that the actions of their abuser is understandable, because the abuser was abused. We tell victims they deserve justice, regardless of the abuser's past.

Alenira September 24, 2020 11:23 am

First of all Elize the pregnant maid is a victim , yes she was forced into having relations with the Barron and yes he manipulated and threatend her.

I know alot of ppl are pissed and justify her reactions twards the other maids saying "they didnt help her, or support her" and so on. SO here is what her interactions and lines so fare have been. And what the other maids have said of her.

Elize the pregnant maid chapter 12 page 5 when looking at the dutchess through the window.
"What's up with her... How is she alive?".
Holding her stomach " If things dont go acording to my plans..."

Other maids gossiping chapter 18 page 3.

Maid 1: Talking about the Barron being arested for using his influence to take money from the Duke to inrich himself. " I heard he was sentenced to life in prisson. Tough luck for Elize"

Maid 2: "she was always swaggering around because she had the Baron backing her up. Look at her now"
The definiton of Swagger: To walk or behave in a way that shows that you are very confident and think that you are important.

Maid 3: " She thinks she can dare order us around due to her connections with the Baron, when she's a maid just like us?.

Maid 2 again: " I know right? It's not like she is better than any of us."

Elize barging in: "What did you just say?"

Chapter 18 page 4.

Maid 2 answers Elize: " What, did i say somthing wrong? It's the truth."

Elize slaps maid 2, hard!

Maid 3 yelling at Elize: What do you think you're doing? Are you insane?!"

Elize: " Everyone watch carefully. This is what happends when you talk about someone behind their back."

Maid 2: " You must be out of your mind!"

Chapter 18 page 5.


Maid 2: "All of us know the Baron was arested."

Elize: "...Yeah, I know that too.", " That's why im telling you all to leave me alone!"

The three maids are confused and one says " She had that kind of relationship with him?"

Chapter 18 page 9: This is in the past, before Astina arived and became Duchess.

After several failed atempts to miscarry. During work Elize is confronted my the other maids.

Maid: " How long do you plan on moving thise sheets? Your to slow!", " You always create more work for everyone else!"

Elize responds by throwing her work in the miads face and running to the Baron begging for protection, willing to do anything for it.

Chapter 18 page 10. Still in the past.

The Baron treasured Elize, who always fed him secrets.
With the Barons support she (Elize) terrorized the other maids, venting her sorrow and anger ou of them. And got a taste of how sweet and delectable power realy was.

It is literaly stated her that after she had been with the Baren Elize started to slack off at work, so the other maids had to cover for her. The other maids got tored of this and told her to do her work. She got pissed dumping her work on them and ran to the Baron for "Protection". In Turn Elize used the Baron's power to terrorize the other maids and vent her anger and sorrow on them, something they could do nothing against because she was backed by the Baron!
When the Baron got jailed, Elize no longer had a means to terroroze the other maids so they confront her and she runs away crying,

Again. WHEN EXAKLY DID THE OTHER MAIDS BULLY HER? NEVER! They simply told her she needed to do her work because they were getting tired of having to do theirs and then Elize's. And in return she runs to the Baron and uses him to bully them!

She might be a victim yes, but she is not the only victim. So many ppl are screaming that the other maids are bad... When exakly are they bad? Look at the context.

They coverd for Elize, but after doing it for over a month they got tired, its not like she was giving them a part of her pai for her work they did. She was a victim, but used her conection with her Asailent to torture the other maids and order them around. She went from victim to Partner in crime.

    Re:moon September 24, 2020 2:11 pm

    Ahhh I love it!! Definitely turn victim to partner in crime!!

    But!!! I want to emphasize that she ain't doing this for funsies, she's 100% doing this for her best interest, and above all else, to get herself protection.

    Maid gossip is a FORCE. That's why the baron picked a maid to be a spy and not a person in higher power. It wouldn't be a stretch for gossip topics be "Elize gets special treatment from the baron" or "Elize acts like that cause she's the baron's favorite" or "Elize thinks she can act like that cause she's banging the baron" and have that spread around.

    I interpreted the maids saying "so you were talking about /that/ kind of relationship" meaning they're confirming the rumors that she was sleeping with him. Even those two maids confirming had different ideas!

    That whole conversation they were having about Elize wasn't one in good honor. They were talking behind her back and were just a little shocked they got caught by the person they were talking about. They are not her friends, and aren't looking to be her friends at this point. Hence talk shit get hit. She should be using her words, but we can tell she isn't any good at that.

    In chapter 18 page 9, take another look at the two panels before where the other maid says :

    "How long do you plan on moving thise sheets? Your to slow!", " You always create more work for everyone else!"

    You can actually see they have thrown a rag at her first cause she, to their knowledge cause they don't know she's pregnant and now has less stamina, isn't pulling her fair share. Now she flips back out in response. No bueno on her part.

    But we know she's pregnant and has a lot less energy so she's gonna work a lot slower. The other maids don't know what we know, so they're just gonna say she's being lazy or working slower, and now they gotta pick up her slack. Therefore puting her on all their shit lists.

    Her running to the baron isn't out of "I want to do less work" more than it is "Get them to leave me alone" but context won't matter if at the end of the day, the other maids are filling in the gaps.

    This all falls back on "she hates herself right now so much that she's making it everyone else's problem" and while she's grieving in her own way, that doesn't excuse her for in turn treating the other maids like she has been. She is no means the only victim in the Duke's estate, just the first one we get more information on.

    Time for Milady Astina to clean up the garbage! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Alenira September 24, 2020 4:02 pm
    Ahhh I love it!! Definitely turn victim to partner in crime!! But!!! I want to emphasize that she ain't doing this for funsies, she's 100% doing this for her best interest, and above all else, to get herself pr... Re:moon

    It wont be more than 1-2 chapters befor Duchess Astina cleans up the Braon's mess.

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