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Alenira June 12, 2024 4:29 pm

From my understanding Diana worshiped and prayd to the current Godess who is the center of the curent religion.
However it has been stated and show with the statue in the temple of their Godess killing / striking down another Godess, who is mentioned as "the First".

So the worlds original Godess was betrayed by a lesser Godess who took her place. The First Godess is most likely the "Hestia" that Hestia has meet in her dreams that has guided her and the reason Hestia was sent back in time/ has her memories in tact.

The current Godess has been playing the world like a novel and massively favores Diana (shaping the world in her image).

Hestia having the blessing/ may even be the vessel of the First Godess, making her immune to Diana and the current Goddeses interference.
This is slowly restoring the world balance to its original state, making Diana's godess lose her power over the world = Diana's true self becomming more prominent. I think this is why she is nothing like a saint anymore.

Diana has slowly started to hate Hestia because her world that has always bended to her vim and will, now diverged and changed. Normaly no matter how badly Diana betrayed someone, they would still love her. But with Hestia here, ppl are turning away because there is more than one road to take.

My guess is that the bigger the impact Hestia does on "the story", the more power is restored to The First Godess. This is slowly freeing the ppl of the world from "the story's narative" which was mostlikely made by the current Godess to elevate Diana whom the current godess favores.

Diana losses her power as she becomes more selfish and neglects her praising of the godess, meaning her power and the godess are intertwined.

The current godess most likely "resets" the world after Diana losses her powers as the more Diana is praised and worshiped, the more powerfull the current godess is.

    DihRisza June 12, 2024 4:41 pm

    It makes so much sense!!

    tracethingy June 12, 2024 5:01 pm


    Nyx June 12, 2024 5:13 pm

    This is a good theory since in the novel after post-timeskip Hestia still have questions who and why she's reincarnated and regressed to this world. There was NONE mentioned even once who is the goddess that gave Diana's power and the Almighty One that reincarnated Hestia. This give me an idea that the "current goddess" you're referring to was the author of the novel that Hestia once read (who prolly tampered this world) while the "first and original" goddess amd the one that got stabbed in the statue was the one who put Hestia (another being from Korea) to set the world in right order after the novel concluded which probably the first 2 years after Hestia got reincarnated to aka post Helios and Diana's wedding/Kael's Death Day.

    lokumlandınız June 12, 2024 11:18 pm


Alenira July 24, 2021 1:39 pm

Wow that king is something els.. so he hated the second prince because he looks like his mother? Hey as-hat your the one who slept with her and got her pregnant.
Dont blame your son for your Fuck up!

Alenira July 16, 2021 6:10 pm

The other female perfumer is also just starting up and has got suport because of her "perfume" thats cirtus aka a copy of the perfume Fl gave Ml as an extra.
ML's right hand man shared the perfume and the "perfumer" coppied it.
The perfumer will do this with the other perfumes FL shared to, including a pine perfume she makes for men. Withing 2 days the perfumer will sell a pine perfume for men. Also she coppies FL's bottles to, only changing the color of the perfume a bit.

Aka the "rivaling" perfumer is a copycat wo steals FL's inventions and calls FL's perfumes cheap yet she is copying them.

Alenira July 15, 2021 5:26 pm

Wait... so the mass murderer was her baby brother?
And he claimed at a young age when their family was brutaly murderd that FL did it and he got away with a stab wound..
Yet later at his graduation he killed multipal ppl.. So hes a sis-con.. And Fl is atm fighting to marry her baby brother?!?!?!

Alenira July 11, 2021 7:02 am

So after reading chapter 57, who is still on the Ml's side?
He literaly proves that he knows nothing of FL, she thinks shes with him for power?
She is with him becaususe its him.. and then he takes her confession and uses the exuse "what can i do, i was raised to be the ruler" like thats FL's fault?
And having know the "princess" for 15 year, hey a-hole you met her onece on a bridge right after having meet FL and that counts as 15 years.. but dude you only saw her onece after meeting FL the same day.. so that means you have also known FL for 15 years by your own logic...

Oh and lets not forget the "i know how you treat your maids!" like huh.. so its ok for the other consorts to hit, punish and even execute their maids when they are unhappy with them.. but heaven forbid Fl slaps one of her maids in puolic.. Fl literaly cares for her maids in secret because if she is "nice" to them then your other Comcubines will target and even kill them just to hurt her.. and your know this yet put all the blame on the "rotten flower" because thats how FL acts in the toxic hellhole of a palace your "Ruling".

    foggy July 11, 2021 10:52 am


    Fera July 14, 2021 2:31 am

    This is the most infuriating thing to read, but I still kinda want to see where it goes

    MangaAndAnimeIsLife July 14, 2021 3:18 am

    Even before chapter 57 i already don't like him¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

    Fera July 14, 2021 4:39 am
    Even before chapter 57 i already don't like him¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ MangaAndAnimeIsLife

    I still don't understand why he hates that fl so.much??? It doesn't make sense to me; sure u have someone u actually like, if this particular girl is giving u shit why not get rid of her along time ago? Why single her out for her supposed cruelty when you know that HE knows that other concubines are just as, if not more cruel?? I can feel the author wants a enemies to lovers type of story but this is just straight up abuse...I can only wish that the fl gains a brain cell and just dips or smth

    Alenira July 14, 2021 6:23 am
    I still don't understand why he hates that fl so.much??? It doesn't make sense to me; sure u have someone u actually like, if this particular girl is giving u shit why not get rid of her along time ago? Why sin... Fera

    He dosnt like "the princess".. he is projecting his feeling for FL onto her because she is wearing the same perfune and cloth/ makeup style Fl use to wear (until he threatend to abandone her if she didnt change it all).
    Its all just the ML not wanting to atmit his father was right in making FL aka Ml's first and lony love his fiance..
    Its all just to spite the strick now dead father... because Daddy wanted FL as Ml's wife.. so FL cant be his wife = he cant love her even tho he does.. so its "she must be bad", yet at the same time he dosnt wana let her go.. because when he does .. he feels something missing aka "his heart".

    Fera July 14, 2021 3:42 pm
    He dosnt like "the princess".. he is projecting his feeling for FL onto her because she is wearing the same perfune and cloth/ makeup style Fl use to wear (until he threatend to abandone her if she didnt change... Alenira

    This absolut man child

Alenira July 7, 2021 3:11 pm

Wow.. naturaly a rotten fake saintess wings are also rotten..
So FL's mother was a saintess at the age of 15.. but she was only a saintess for the sake of having FL, so when FL was concived the mother stoped being a saintess.. but struck a deal with a demon and has been syphoning her daughters power ever sinse.
So in other words the "Wings" that awoke after the mother was no longer a saintess were FL's wings. The rest are rotten to the core. Tho i rhink the white haired wing awoke around the time FL was concived hence he started to feel "disgust" when looking at some of the mothers actions.

Alenira July 4, 2021 10:20 pm

Mc is amazing, the best i can describe him is a charismatic nobel demonking who loves to spoil those who are strong, have sufferd and are pure of heart. While being forgiving and a saint in his actions, he does not let those who seek to use or abuse get a chance. Instead he brings those ppl to the brink of breaking as the roles are reversed and he is in controle (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I cant help but wonder what his work was like in his world/ realm, all the ppl below the king seem to rely on him to controle / limit the kings impulses.

Alenira July 2, 2021 9:27 am

History of FL and her sisters relationship.

The early years age 0-12

Fl was the firstborn and had red hair, which was uncommon. Her parents still loved her.
L (the sister) was born, L was premature and weak so she had to be cared for extra. As L became a bit older, she was still weak and easerly got sick. This caused the parents to have to care for her extra, at the same time this ment caring less for FL. So the parents came to the conclution that rather than neglect FL they would send her to her grandmothers, who was a strong idependant smart nobel lady respected by most.

Fl came to live with her grandmother who cared and nurtured her natural talents and loved her, sadly grandmother died. Before dying, grandmother gave FL a locket with her picture in it (family hairloom from grandmothers side).

Fl came home after 6+ years and was now 12, only to find her parentshad forgotten all about her and a sister asking who she was.
Fl grew distant and was forced to take on all nobel responcibilities because her sister "didnt wana" do them, so the parents told FL to pick up the slack. Soon FL was also responcible for the family affairs and payment of servants, as the parents hands were full dealing with her sister.

Fl age 12-16

L was spoiled and knew by throwing a tantrum she would get her wish, the only exeption being FL.
This causes L to resent FL as she felt FL was "Rubbing her nobility" in her face, so L would interrup FL's (aka L's work) and throw a tantrum because FL was ignoring her. This resulted in the parents scolding FL and L being happy!.

L learned that FL had an locket she treasured, so naturaly she wanted it. But FL said no and didnt give it to her as it was FL's only memory of her grandmother.

One day while FL was out doing errans for the parents, L snuck into FL's room and trashed it in search for the locket, she found it and stole it.
Fl some home to find her room trashed and the locket missing!, FL runnes to the academy to confront her sister. FL confronts L and asks why she did that and to returne the locket.

L screams "i tooks it because you always bully me!" (refering to fl not spoiling her and always working). FL says "It wasnt yours to take". L retaliates by screaming and saying that it was just and old ugly locket so she threw it away as it was trash!.

FL walks over and slaps L (hence why she is called evil and bullying L), L starts screaming and crying and telling everyone that her sister always bullies her and so forth..
After this Fl is officialy "The Evil", and everyone simps for L.

FL 16+

FL is managing all the houses finances, + her nobel duties + helping the king in her fathers stead (hence the "lover" at the palace rumor), FL is engaged to a man that donst wana marry her. He is only her fiance in order to stop FL from "bullying" L.. aka a L Simp.

Fl is the core of nobel gala society and the main contributer to keeping it fresh and civil.

Fl has gotten use to being called "the evil lady" even when she is helping ppl..
Tho she finds it od that helping someone and them being thankfull for the help, all changes into hate for her when L showes up.

Meanwhile L is opting to be engaged to their kingdoms prince (after all in her head she deserved only the best..). L "hosts" charities for the commoners as she sees herself as a "tomboy rebel".. but behind the sceens it is FL organising it all... L is just the "Face" of the charity..

The only ppl not hating FL are the ppl L has no contact with so FL has her doubts deep down, if this is real hatered ppl have for her or if its something els.

Side note:

L has magic just like FL but L's magic is used subconciously, and is manipulation / charm magic.

    Ria July 2, 2021 11:13 am

    I hate L she’s a horrible person a total spoiled brat and pick me girl I hope she gets what she deserves

    Reader1234 July 2, 2021 3:25 pm

    Thank you!

    Omegaversemaniac July 5, 2021 7:12 pm

    Thanks for the spoiler!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧On a side note though...

    How could Athanasia's parents possibly forget their own daughter!?ヽ(`Д´)ノ Σ(っ°Д °;)っMaybe it's a side effect of their other daughter's magic but it seems strange that they COMPLETELY forgot about her to the point of asking Athansia who she was.(⊙…⊙ )

    And while based on the spoiler provided it seems they didn't mistreat Athansia the other fact that she was automatically put as the one in the wrong anytime she did something that upset or irritated their other daughter kind of irks scratch that it really pisses me off!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Alenira July 5, 2021 8:27 pm
    Thanks for the spoiler!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧On a side note though...How could Athanasia's parents possibly forget their own daughter!?ヽ(`Д´)ノ Σ(っ°Д °;)っMaybe it's a side effect of their other daugh... Omegaversemaniac


    Like you said, its because of L's magic.
    L was always sick and around the age of 2-4 when FL was sent away, and primarly she never left her room as she was bedridden. Due to her weak constitution, FL wasnt alowed near her (kids are desease prone, think imunal conpromised).
    As FL was away for 6+ years, L was around the age of 8-10 when FL came back.
    For those 6+ years L was been cared for and her every need was delt with, but at the same time as she got better she was also introduced to her responcibilities as a nobel daughter aka manners, dress code and so forth.
    L hates studying so when she is unhappy she subconciously activate her "charm" magic and influence ppl around her. The longer someone is exposed to her "charm" the more they are influenced, this includes to the point af becomming almost fanatic and at the same time their mind is ocupied with the need to support and help L in every way.

    As the parents were personaly caring for L, they were exposed to her "Charm" almost 24/7, and when FL came home L learned she wasnt the only one and that her sister beat her in every category. So naturaly being the spoiled brat L was, she became angry and unhappy at FL for existing. This increaseed L's "charm" and so the parents became abusive twards FL.

    L dosnt wana do the obligations of being a nobel, but was fine with being treated as one and reaping all the benifits. But that was until the talented, beautiful and nobel well mannored FL came home. L could see Fl being better than her and devoted, hence she chose to go the opersit rout aka "Tomboy commoner suporter". This way she can justify her hatred for FL as FL is "a prime example of what she is fighting against".
    Ad to that 3+ years of being in the Academy and being from a prestigious family, L has pretymuch meet and affected them all in one way or another with her "charm".

    FL on the other hand is immune to L's "charm" because she herself has +20x more magic power than L and hence has learned to controle it.

    Later in the story Fl and Ml drop by her home and see her parents and brother, and both mother and father great them and welcome them in! The parents remember their treatment of FL and regret not seeing her off when she got married. But sadly L comes home and just by hearing her voice... both parents expressions turne cold, their eyes go dead and they become comepletely difrent ppl. The parents instantly berate FL and tells her to leave, that she isnt their responcibility and so forth.
    The brother gives FL a look of " this is L's doing" and is draged back into the house.

    When FL and Ml leave, Ml notes how the sound of L caused the parents to go in to a trance like state and change as if a switch had been flipped. They note its simular to the cult like "brainwashing" of the bad guys sect.

Alenira July 2, 2021 7:02 am

Wow honestly.. she realy walked into ending in the lake on her own...
They are targeting you and you decide to act dumb and aproach them when you know they have escelated in their mistreatment and bullying..

She then finaly choses to act out of character.. so why didnt she do that ealier.. The auther makes no she just ignorant in general?

    ChuYang July 9, 2021 8:38 am

    How is acting as if the maids didn't push her into the water and acting instead as if she just went for a leisurely swim, then telling them that they should be able to get in the water just like she did, acting out of character? She obviously pointed out the reason why she finally retaliated too. Putting salt instead of sugar is not going to kill her. Pushing her into the water potentially could. Clearly. But instead you want her to act out of character while complaining at the same time when you erroneously believe she is? Yet it's the author who makes no sense.... Mhm.

    Alenira July 9, 2021 9:37 am
    How is acting as if the maids didn't push her into the water and acting instead as if she just went for a leisurely swim, then telling them that they should be able to get in the water just like she did, acting... ChuYang

    Did you forget, she literaly made the "princess" an idiot with no sense of danger nor sense of power.. Now out of nowhere said person is alking back and thinking.
    Yet she kept up the idiot act until this point out of fear of being exposed.. yet just did something thats compleatly oppersit of the character she made.. she wasnt asking them to come play in the water, she was quetioning their intent and as to why it was ok for her to "play" in the water but not ok for them..

    An idiot who never asked questions now asking intent questions where the answer can prove acts of malice.

    Your telling me thats not out of character for a charactor even the auther describes and an idiot, airhead who knows nothing.

    After what she just did, all those maids will question then sudden change they felt. Yet FL will try to act it off as still being dumb.

    She is literaly the one who made the story and all the characters, she herself describes the novel she wrote as an "uninteresting novel with no hopes and dreams. It only gives dark vibes".
    In other words.. its a novel where the strong trample and enslave the weak where no mercy is given, where the best the weak can hope for is a quick painless death.

    She herself is now a character who in terms of "strength" she is a baby, a character whos only strenth is a brother who cares for her..
    Your telling me the maids wont find it odd when a person with the stregth of a baby and the mentality of an infant sudenly has the strength and mentality of act and question them like an adult. And that this isnt out of character..

    Also the fact that she is shocked at how said character is treated.. when she herself wrote said mind boggling.

    So lets all be honest here... She was fine with the treatment of the "princess" until she herself was the one experiencing it.
    She was fine with the tyrant being an Op demonlord with no mercy that kills all in his wake, until she herself was a target.
    She is fine with everyone els dying, as long as she herself is spared or can escape.
    Yet at the same time she "fears" for her life..all she can do is nitpick on all the "bad traits" she gave the Tyrant.. while infront of him.. knowing he is reading her mind as she thinks all of this..

    No mater how i look at this story.. the Fl auther just wrote her ideal living hell of a tyrant novel. She claims to fear for her life, yet thanks to her giving the tyrant the Op mindreading ability.. we as readers get to see what shes actualy thinking..
    And what shes thinking is.. thoughts on mistakes she made in building his character.. like what? thats what she is thinking with him next to her ready to kill her?. Does that even make sense?

Alenira July 1, 2021 1:17 pm

ok.. im confused..

So in the oneshot the the tyrant is Fl's father who muderd the grandfather in revenge for hin killing all but one member of a nobel family who tried to steal the throne.. The father tricked the mother and had her die in order to have the nobel familys remaining member (his lover a woman)'s child siece the throne..

And yet in this story the first few chapters explain that the tyrant isnt FL's father.. yet FL calls him father.. and he is referd to as her father in Ch 10 +,,
And that the woman next to him is his sister..

Honestly is he FL's father or not?

    Loidine July 1, 2021 1:27 pm

    In my understanding, yes he is fl's father

    apollo July 1, 2021 2:26 pm

    yes, he is the fl's father even tho he doesn't act like it. from my understanding, the fl's father had paris (his son with his lover from the satin family) but the emperor (fl's grandfather through her mother) was responsible/blamed for the satin family's end/death. the fl's father then went on to seduce? the emperor's daughter (fl's mother) and married into the royal family, and fl's mother gave birth to fl. fl's mother took in paris (fl's half brother who has no 'royal blood') and adopted him as a prince even though he wasn't her biological child. the fl's father then went on to trick the fl's mother that he was in love with her until he could finally kill the emperor and the fl's mother to usurp the throne. since he killed with emperor and the only other 'adult' heir (fl's mother), he used this as reasoning to take the throne despite having no royal blood of his own. he did this to empower himself, as well as take revenge, and ensure his son's inheritance. the woman constantly consulting with the fl's father is the fl's aunt, aka the fl's father's sister. the fl's aunt understands that the fl is not to be underestimated, since the fl has the natural and physical characteristics for rulers of their kingdom.
    so basically, yes he is the biological father of the fl. he doesn't act fatherly, nor regard her as his daughter, since he despises her and her existence, being the actual blood of the royal family (unlike paris, who is the child of his lover, and has no blood connections to the royal family). however, he knows he can use her in the future by marrying her off for an alliance and not have to see her once this occurs, and he believes she is only a young, stupid girl with no backing, so he decided not to kill her.
    sorry for the extra long summary, the phrasing at times in this manhwa is quite confusing so i wanted to be thorough! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Alenira July 1, 2021 3:25 pm
    yes, he is the fl's father even tho he doesn't act like it. from my understanding, the fl's father had paris (his son with his lover from the satin family) but the emperor (fl's grandfather through her mother) ... apollo

    ok ty, was masively confuse because the "info" in the story jumps all over the place.

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