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Alenira June 6, 2021 2:24 pm

It seems Kian/Cain is a bastard child of the imperial family... most likely born for the sole purpose of being a conduit / vesil for all the grudge the imperial family has raised for generations such as a family curse.. He was likely used as a vesel to remove it from the main family.. and the curse is that ppl cant remember him.. no mater what,...anyone he cares about forgets him.. + corrupt power in the form of magic..
So the sister is prob hoping to have him become a candidate for the crown.. to dethrone her brother.. by using Fl.. but just realized that Ml is someone not to mess with..

    Nichiee June 6, 2021 7:36 pm

    Look at you piecing together all the pieces for us common folk . Thank you very much. (I hope this doesn’t come off as sarcasm because it isn’t.

    Xbjce June 7, 2021 1:16 am

    It makes since that he is a bastard child but wouldn’t that also mean that the prince will recognize him as well? I bet something with happen to Kain and the prince leading to Priscilla to choose a side.

    Alenira June 7, 2021 6:29 am
    It makes since that he is a bastard child but wouldn’t that also mean that the prince will recognize him as well? I bet something with happen to Kain and the prince leading to Priscilla to choose a side. Xbjce

    I dont think so, as he himself said, he has family but has never seen them. So after he was born and made a vessel he was likely keet either locked up or as a hidden existence from all but his father. Also the woman who is at a monestary could be his mother or one of the ppl that was a caretaber to him.

Alenira June 4, 2021 7:20 pm

So the high priest kille the saint out of love?
And then tried to kill Fl before her powers awoke because "i have to kill her anyway"? ..How the heck is the 500years ago saints sins FL's... SO the Saintess killed her child for her husband aka high priest and husband aka high priest in turne killed the saint...

But why are they the only ones cursed to relive this? In their world its normal for ppl to kill their children both directly and indirectly but only the saint is cursed for having done so?!?!?! WTF is that logic..

Alenira June 4, 2021 6:53 pm

Gota love Fl and how eveyone seem to asume just because shes a nobel she would be loved.. FFs ahole knight.. you saw how her father cated.. you honestly think he likes her when she openly disses him?

Alenira June 3, 2021 5:22 pm

plz tell me.. is this going to be another one of those "mother died giving brith to you so you dont deserve anything" storied... or a father had mother killed to cover up his wrongdoings and labled it as death from childbirth.. stories.. because so fare both seem likely..

Alenira June 2, 2021 7:52 pm

Ml is literaly a psycho..
Want proof look at the raws..spoilers.
After kidnaping FL onto a Yat.. when he finaly releas her they get shot at exeting the Yat.. its one of Ml's aquaintenses.. They talk and teh "friend" has fl put in a chinese dress and Ml says shes his...
The Friend runs an human traficing auction house.. Ml gets Fl to become a "bait" under the guise he will buy her.. the Idiot FL belives him and when she is being sold he grins and she is sold.. the buys wants to Test her on stage and starts trying to asult her.. while Ml waits for her to call on him for help with a grin.. FL literaly has to bite the asailant in the face until the buyer tries toi hit her.. only then does Ml interwein.. and hit the buyers goons. Fl the idiot she is is happy.. forgetting he literaly put her up for sale and had her molested by a 50+ guy.. Ml brings out and butload of money and buys FL and wants to kill the molester.. and FL calms him by ...Kissing him... Police storm the auctionhouse and FL gets cloroformed and wakes up in a bed.. Ml's doing again..

    geshra June 2, 2021 8:13 pm

    I've seen the raws too. This story is sick as hell and the ML is way toxic (and I don't mean in the way that it **may** be acceptable, like in the case of a certain yandere situations).

    I think Raise wa Tanin ga Ii has a more accurate (but not wholly) depiction of Yakuza and how a so-called "romance" would work in the real world, even with a toxic ML. But this? This is just sick.

    Toxic, toxic, toxic.

    At least Kirishima doesn't pretend to be something he isn't and, as far I recall, hasn't laid a hand on Yoshino, even as an accident.

    ᶠᵃⁱʳʸᵇˡᵒˢˢ June 9, 2021 4:34 pm

    are you serious.....i'm still reading this in hopes the ml suffers and gets a taste of his own shit bc he is the most unlikable ml i have ever encountered

    ukiyo June 24, 2021 9:47 am
    I've seen the raws too. This story is sick as hell and the ML is way toxic (and I don't mean in the way that it **may** be acceptable, like in the case of a certain yandere situations).I think Raise wa Tanin ga... geshra

    agreed, i was disgusted reading the raws and the amount of ppl here thinking his actions are okay is ridiculous

Alenira June 1, 2021 1:43 pm

WTF was the Ex just trying to do? Where he touched FL lit was like she was being corrupted.. and then the spell scrolle.. what was that for? A sleep spell maybe?.. but knowing him being an obsessed ahole its more likely to be wither a memory wiping spell or a controll spell (to turne fl into his little doll)..

At least Ml is willing to talk! And he is 100% right abouth the nature of humans.
Just look at how the Ex talks.. and the knight order acts.
And yet atleast the knights have the decentcy to put two and two together. FL marrying a demon and the war stopping.. aka demon queen is now a human! So dont mess with her!.

But the second FL awakens her saint power ...humans will 100% declare war because (our power!).

    Sam June 1, 2021 2:05 pm

    Humans are more of a threat than demons . Many people are already destroying mother earth and killing animals. Duh

    hjyuyiu June 1, 2021 2:22 pm
    Humans are more of a threat than demons . Many people are already destroying mother earth and killing animals. Duh Sam

    I kinda wanna put a like in this lmao

Alenira June 1, 2021 1:26 pm

Ok so Fl, the heroin, the prince and head knight were all friends who got reincarnated..
Fl and Reo (now Leo) were engaged, Heroin was a female firend who comes of as condesending and head knight was their childhood friend. They all got reincarnated and fl was given a "sheckel" in returne for her wish..
This is just my speculation.. but i think each of them were given a wish and Fl's was most likely to be with them all again.. Heroins was mostlikely to be with Reo ( now Leo), Leo's was to protect FL and head knight (aka childhood friend) was to to proctect FL's smile.
If this is the case that would mean the "shackle" Fl got was that she can never be with leo..and due to her actions of saving Leo.. he became aware of her and prob started to have feelings for her (this is not alowed due to Heroins wish to be the Heroin and together with Leo). As a result Leo is being punished with the assasin events that he is oblivious to due to FL's constant sneak saving him.. In turne Heroin is anoyed with Leo becase he is ment to like her yet eyes FL in secret.. and Leo thinks he is "protecting" FL from danger and posible jelousy of Heroin but failes to see he was the one actualy protected..

It is highly lightly that both Leo and Head knight desided to frame FL to get her out of danger... but in doing so actualy put her in danger... This is seen from the nobel reaction to the accusation of FL... none of the nobels belived it until Head knight brought out the "evidence".. And Heroins reaction was so fake...
Ad to that FL was left to rot in Jail only for Leo and Head knight to "rescue" her and fake her death.. Like FFs man if you like her freaking say so.. to destroy her like that, abandone her, give her false hope and then abandone her again under your internal pretence to "protect" her is wrong!.. And despite you having "tabs" on her you didnt know Fl was hunted and almost killed... FFs man... either be with her or stay out of her life.. after made her "dead" so how about you act like she is dead.
And FL ffs stop "helping/ saving" Leo... he dosnt deserve it! You sacrificed yoru own health to save him form the assasinations.. to the point you heaked yoruself so much your a master of healing magic now.. and ad to that the mental pain of him being "lovely dovely" with the heroin in front of you and even condemming you despite knowing you would never do harm... you still long for that ass hat? All this while you have a Arc demon willing to do anything for you and even saved your life several times.. but no your so obsessed with your none exisisting Ex you cant see shit.

I hate to say it.. but i genuenly hope either the demon wins her over or the prince breaks Fl.. because she is so blinded by her own "love and longing" for Leo she is braindead!

Alenira May 31, 2021 11:08 am

I honestly dont gte the priestesses logic..
In her logic only magic power makes you royalty? Because FL is a twin and she donst have magic power but her twin brother does.... so the priestsess sees the brother as "the prince" but Fl as "the fake princess"? Biach they are twins how the hell can she be a fake?
And there we have not only 1 but 2 readhead that match your asummed "princess" in magic and looks? Like which of the two is it? I bet you dont know.. its just that you are hung up on two facts ... magic power and red hair.. Nothing els matters to you.. So much for being a priestsess when all you go is use your won misguided predjedus.

    MangaIsLife May 31, 2021 11:30 am

    I’ve also be wondering why can’t they both be princesses? The king obviously knows that the FL isn’t his biological daughter, but he continues to consider her his daughter (although he is definitely not the the best father out there), it’s not the priestesses job to determine who is and who isn’t the kings child.

    Alenira May 31, 2021 11:58 am
    I’ve also be wondering why can’t they both be princesses? The king obviously knows that the FL isn’t his biological daughter, but he continues to consider her his daughter (although he is definitely not t... MangaIsLife

    But thats the thing.. FL and the prince are the Kings Biological kids... Their father became king after his brother died! The heroin is the daughter of the previous king aka FL and princes fathers brother and so the is their cousin!

    MangaIsLife May 31, 2021 12:39 pm
    But thats the thing.. FL and the prince are the Kings Biological kids... Their father became king after his brother died! The heroin is the daughter of the previous king aka FL and princes fathers brother and s... Alenira

    I thought the Fl was the daughter of the kings and Fl mothers childhood friend

    Madelyne May 31, 2021 1:22 pm
    But thats the thing.. FL and the prince are the Kings Biological kids... Their father became king after his brother died! The heroin is the daughter of the previous king aka FL and princes fathers brother and s... Alenira

    No they aren't. They are the childhood friends kids. They aren't royalty by blood

    Alenira May 31, 2021 1:34 pm
    No they aren't. They are the childhood friends kids. They aren't royalty by blood Madelyne

    But wasnt the kings childhood friend a red head aka same ahri as the heroin?.
    This story makes absolutely no sense then.. becaus both the prince and FL looks like the bloody king.. and there is a picture of the King with a red haired guy.

    Alenira May 31, 2021 1:37 pm
    But wasnt the kings childhood friend a red head aka same ahri as the heroin?.This story makes absolutely no sense then.. becaus both the prince and FL looks like the bloody king.. and there is a picture of the ... Alenira

    Also i got my info from the novel forum where this was posted:
    It was explained in chapter 4 that the OG MC was the daughter of the prev saintess and the prev emperor. Current emperor is the prev emperor's brother, so MC and OG MC are actually cousins. The new *bitchy* saintess believes that OG MC has more legitimacy to the throne. Add that the OG MC has the saintess mana inherited from her mom and yes, having same color of hair and eyes as the Goddess who is also the 1st emperor of the empire.

    Haru May 31, 2021 2:52 pm

    That’s what I’ve been thinking, when she gets called out on her logic I want her to shut up REAL quick

Alenira May 29, 2021 11:53 pm

Spoilers about why FL is revived.
So the four houses were bestoved their powers by a god /deity. The founder of the Rose house was a woman the deity liked very much so the power was passed to her desendents. Fl is the reincarnation on said woman, so the reason she gained the power was because it was always hers! The Deity aloved the founders soul to be reborn and has been waithing for her aka FL. The god / deitys cant stand the fact that the person its waited for so long for diying. Every time FL dies, the deity rewindes time back to when FL's power awoke. The Deity is also the precense FL felt watching her from the garden of the four seasons.

    SaphireE90 May 30, 2021 12:08 am

    Question to spoilers



    Do you perhaps know why the guy can remember her? And are him and the diety going to clash over the FL?

    Bb. Biang May 30, 2021 12:43 am

    Sooo... The deity is the second ml? Just curious HAHAHAHAHAHA( ̄∇ ̄")

    A-chan May 30, 2021 12:43 am

    Question about the spoiler

    Wait really cause some of the spoilers I read said that the god/deity kept rewinding time to keep the FL alive because he didn’t want to lose the power she has or something since if she dies then that power will love gone forever

    Aigoo May 30, 2021 6:03 am
    Question about the spoilerWait really cause some of the spoilers I read said that the god/deity kept rewinding time to keep the FL alive because he didn’t want to lose the power she has or something since if ... A-chan

    If this is true, I pity her
    I just want her to Be happy

    Alenira May 30, 2021 7:34 am
    Question about the spoilerWait really cause some of the spoilers I read said that the god/deity kept rewinding time to keep the FL alive because he didn’t want to lose the power she has or something since if ... A-chan

    FL's soul is the soul of the first Rose head. The reason her ansesters had the power was because she was to be reborn aka regain her powers, so yes if FL dies besfore having decendents the power dies to. Also the reason Fl has to have decendents is because her soul will yet again be reborn down the generations due to the Deity / gods love for her.

    Alenira May 30, 2021 7:37 am
    Question to spoilers**********........ ...........Do you perhaps know why the guy can remember her? And are him and the diety going to clash over the FL? SaphireE90

    I thinks the guys remebers because he may be the reincarnation of his houses founder (cant remember tho) Also if i remember right the deity atm dosnt have a physical form. Tho i do remember someone saying the deity may later posess one of the other family heads or a citicen to be close to FL.

    Alenira May 30, 2021 7:41 am
    If this is true, I pity herI just want her to Be happy Aigoo

    If i remember right the Deity / god loved the first Rose head, but because she had a sad ending he let her soul be reincarnated in hopes of her being happy. It dosnt phycialy want to interfear with her, it wants FL to have a furfilling and happy life so that her soul can pass on. The reason this hasnt happend yes is because as you know FL's family are all A-holes. So the time rewinds is for the power to be passed down (tho this is the exuse the deity uses, when deep down its the deitys wish for FL to finaly have her happy ever after).

    A-chan May 30, 2021 7:59 am
    FL's soul is the soul of the first Rose head. The reason her ansesters had the power was because she was to be reborn aka regain her powers, so yes if FL dies besfore having decendents the power dies to. Also t... Alenira

    Oh ok but honestly that’s really messed up to me cause he has pretty much been watching her so he knows that she’s suffered a lot yet he doesn’t leave her to just die cause like if I saw that I wouldn’t even give a crap about the power or anything cause she’s fucking suffering I get it like she’s basically the reincarnation and all but the one that god/deity knew is already gone idk I just really don’t like that she has to suffer just because that god was in love with her in her past life as the first Rose head

    Alenira May 30, 2021 8:16 am
    Oh ok but honestly that’s really messed up to me cause he has pretty much been watching her so he knows that she’s suffered a lot yet he doesn’t leave her to just die cause like if I saw that I wouldn’t... A-chan

    The main thing is that the Daily has no right nor power to affect a normal person life.. so only when FL has the Rose power can the Deity see and try to protect her. The Deity only knows what happend to Fl after her power manifests.. so It sodnt know of the abuse sadly.

    A-chan May 30, 2021 8:22 am
    The main thing is that the Daily has no right nor power to affect a normal person life.. so only when FL has the Rose power can the Deity see and try to protect her. The Deity only knows what happend to Fl afte... Alenira

    Oh ok I thought he knew about the things she went through before her powers manifests that’s why I thought it was messed up to let her keep suffering if he knew about her sufferings. Also does the deity ever show up in front of the FL or does he just stay in the shadows without FL knowing??

    Alenira May 30, 2021 8:45 am
    Oh ok I thought he knew about the things she went through before her powers manifests that’s why I thought it was messed up to let her keep suffering if he knew about her sufferings. Also does the deity ever ... A-chan

    If i remember right it prosessed someone to get closer to FL (temp tho) and i belive this is after it learn of her suffering. SO it tries to Fx get rid of Mr Winter the duche.

    A-chan May 30, 2021 9:17 am
    If i remember right it prosessed someone to get closer to FL (temp tho) and i belive this is after it learn of her suffering. SO it tries to Fx get rid of Mr Winter the duche. Alenira

    Oh ok thank god he’s FL’s ally

    Alenira May 30, 2021 9:34 am
    Oh ok thank god he’s FL’s ally A-chan

    Yes, all it has ever wanted was for FL to have the life she deserves.

    A-chan May 30, 2021 9:41 am
    Yes, all it has ever wanted was for FL to have the life she deserves. Alenira

    And that deity is right, she honestly deserves the whole entire world with everything she had to go through I’m glad she’s gonna get a happy ending in this life

Alenira May 26, 2021 2:49 pm

The old fart was part of the same research institut as FL's father, he became jelous for FL's dads sucsess and started studying adictive plants.. He became angry when Fl's dad sucseeded an experiment he himself had failed and so he destroyed ite experiment and was kicked out. He dedicated his life to making a potion / medicin thatw as adictive, increases the users strength and and influence their mind.. All to get back at Fl's dad, but because FL's dad is dead he is targeting FL. Hence he gave the potion to the ex hero to attack her and now has tried to get her to drop medecin all together.. Because to him FL is to much like her dad hence she is now the target of his "grudge".
The aprentice helps Fl find a cure / antidote. They try to follow the old fart but finds it to be a dead end, they break in and finds a lab making the potion and half the vilagers being controled.
Fl manages to get through to the affected ppl and give them the antidote while the asistant gives her heart felt plead to her master, she pleads him to remmeber the ppl he is now hurting and to save not hurt and he surenders.

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