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awwi August 29, 2017 12:24 pm

What a great manga. The story was wonderful and I hope the author'll be able to write more stories with the same quality in the future (or maybe a spin-off?).

awwi August 25, 2017 2:48 pm

I knew it! I knew Veronica wasn't pregnant. And now Simon wants to meet her in person. He wants to meet with the crazy woman who pretends to be pregnant because she wants a relationship with HIS fiance.
I knew all the fluffiness in this chapter was a bad sign (╯°Д °)╯╧╧.

For all the people who didn't read the current chapters but want spoilers:

In ch. 62 Veronica tries connect with Conor again but he rejects her. Then she tells him she's pregnant with his baby.
Conor tells Simon about Veronica's "pregnancy" but Simon doesn't get angry, instead he asks Conor to marry him.
They're engaged now and busy with planning their wedding.
Conor really believes that Veronica is pregnant (the doctor confirmed that she is so why shouldn't he?) but Simon doesn't. Turnes out the clinic they went to to confirm her pregancy receives support from a foundation where her father is the current chairman and the nurses manipulated the urine sample so that it looks like she's pregnant.
Only Simon knows that Veronica isn't pregnant. He can't tell Conor because he doesn't know how to do it without hurting him. That's why he's going to meet with Veronica...

    Anonymous August 26, 2017 2:01 pm

    Thanks for the spoiler

    likalaruku August 28, 2017 5:30 am

    Can I have spoilers about that violent rapey black haired gay guy with the hitlist? What's he all about?

    awwi August 28, 2017 1:34 pm
    Can I have spoilers about that violent rapey black haired gay guy with the hitlist? What's he all about? likalaruku

    I assume you mean Gale. He's Simon's stepbrother (or probably his half-brother). He's not gay he just doesn't care about gender or looks when he rapes someone. The police thinks he's dead (they think he died during his military service) but he's alive and an assassin or at least a professional criminal (it's hard to tell what exactly he does for a living). Simon hired him to catch Pete (the one raped by Gale) because he was the head of the group who assaulted Conor. He didn't ask him to torture Pete or kill anyone, Simon only wanted Pete.
    There's more to it than that. If you want to know what exactly happend:
    Gale & Prosecuter Hasco:
    Prosecuter Hasco (the one with the glasses) also hired Gale (they already knew each other from before). He was the one who told Gale to kill the people and make it look like Simon was the one who's responisble for it.
    But not because he wants to take down Simon. He did it because he wants to wipe out the WAF (Pete and his group attacked him and his gilfriend once. They raped his girlfriend and she killed herself after that). Hasco's original plan was to sacrifice himself but later he decided to sacrifice Simon instead (Hasco does feel guilty about it but he tells himself it's necessary).
    That's why he also plotted Simon's death but Gale managed to prevent that. And Gale was reeaaaallly pissed about that. He only framed his brother for Hasco because he thought the plan was to throw Simon in jail, not to kill him. But Gale didn't kill Hasco. He injured and raped him.

    Simon & Gale:
    It looks like Simon and Gale are actually half-brothers. The police found the DNA of someone who is the child of Alster Winsor (Simon's biological father) and Gale was listed as as his biological son. But, as mentioned, the police thinks he died during his military service. They were never close in the past and only have contact now because Simon hired Gale.

    Gale & his parents (Alster Winsor and Simon's step-mother):
    They raped him, which is most likely the reason why he's such a psycho now. There's one scene in which his mom holds him down while his dad has sex with him (the rape itself isn't shown but it's clear what's going on and it was brutal). Gale was used by his parents as some kind of appetizer so that Alster can have an erection and fuck his wife (Gale's mom). It's possible that Alster Winsor was a pedophile or at least into very young teenagers. But that's hard to tell at this point.
    Alster only raped Gale, not Simon.

    That's not absolutely everything about Gale but it should be enough to give you a proper picture of his personality.

    likalaruku August 28, 2017 9:14 pm
    .........I assume you mean Gale. He's Simon's stepbrother (or probably his half-brother). He's not gay he just doesn't care about gender or looks when he rapes someone. The police thinks he's dead (they think h... awwi

    Thank you ^___^ One last question... What country does this story take place in? I think it was mentioned somewhere in English long ago, but I've already forgotten. I keep thinking they're in an international district in Russia.

    awwi August 28, 2017 9:46 pm
    Thank you ^___^ One last question... What country does this story take place in? I think it was mentioned somewhere in English long ago, but I've already forgotten. I keep thinking they're in an international ... likalaruku

    Unless I overlooked it, as specific country hasn't been mentioned (yet). So it's not a real country.

    katohi September 4, 2017 7:00 pm


    awwi September 4, 2017 7:08 pm

    Do you want to know about anything specific or do you just want general spoilers?
    Oh and by the way I forgot to mention something about Gale
    Now the police knows that Gale isn't dead but only because Simon told them.

    katohi September 4, 2017 7:19 pm


    awwi September 4, 2017 7:55 pm

    You know what I'm going to write a script for every chapter. This way people can read Dark Heaven (there should be a link to the raws somewhere in the comments) and I don't have to do anything illegal ;) .

    katohi September 4, 2017 8:04 pm


    awwi September 4, 2017 9:55 pm

    Here it is:

    Standard disclaimer:
    This is a script for ch. 32. You can use it to read the raws. There should be a link somewhere in the comments but I don't want to search for it or check if parts of the chapters weren't uploaded.
    I read the English version you can find here:
    and I don't want read spoilers from the Korean version. This is my favourite webcomic and I'm going to stop with the scripts immediately and delete every script I posted if somebody spoiles the story for me in a reply.
    G= Gale
    P= Pete
    IM= inner monologue

    The numbers stand for the panels with text. So "1." means the first panel in which a character says or thinks something. "2." the second and so on.
    First scene:
    Conor comes home
    C: "It's Simon singing. He's back early"
    C to S: "You ordered a curry-burrito, an onion-flavored hot dog, and spicy shrimp noodles, right?"
    S to C: "Welcome home, Conor~"
    C to S: "You've already written so much! I should get on with the lyrics, too~"
    S to C: "Take your time. I'm still trying out some stuff. For this part...listen and tell me which one sounds better."
    C (IM): "...Normally, he'd make a big fuss and ask me to compliment him." "He does seem gloomy. I guess he can't help it"
    C (IM): "Did something happen at the funeral, I wonder? I can't ask, just in case it's something sensitive"
    S to C (while eating): "Thith part'th the new recording. It'th low hummin, but you can thtill hear it, righth?"
    C (IM): "If he would just let it out that he's feeling gloomy, it'd be easier to ask..."
    C (IM): “His voice…”
    C (IM): “…His stepmother…” “He never spoke about his family, so I don’t know what’s going on for sure...even if they weren’t close they were still family…”
    C (IM): That’s why…your voice sounds so sad. Am I right, Simon?”
    Flashback to the funeral. Simon’s fighting with Gale.
    G to S: “Are you happy now, brother?” “Are you happy with what you’ve done?!”
    G to S: “How dare you turn up here. Did father tell you to come? You two are so revolting.” “Oh. Is it the insurance you’re after?” “I don’t have a dime to spare for you, so get lost.”
    S to G: “Stop talking nonsense!” “Dad didn’t tell me to come, and I’ve never even thought about the insurance money!”
    S to G: “You’re a disgusting human being, so you must think that everyone else is, too.” “I only came here to serve my last duty as a member of this family.”
    G to S: “Duty..?” “Did you say “duty”, brother?”
    G to S: “What a load of bullshit from a cowardly bystander like you.” “Mothers dead because of you, you damn hypocrite”
    Back to the scene between Simon and Conor.
    C to S: “Why’s the song still titled “Dark Heaven”? Wasn’t that a working title?”
    S (IM): “Why did he say I was cowardly...? He never even needed my help…”
    C to S: Well, a lot of debut songs are named after the band, so we can keep this title. Don’t you think?”
    S (IM): “What was I supposed to do, Gale? You hated me so much! We were only family in name! My real family…”
    C to S: “You’re listening to me, right?” “The lyrics should be about the church, which was our first hideout, like we said before. It goes well with the title…Are you listening, Simon?”
    S (IM): “But what did he mean, I was the one that killed her…I heard she was suffering from depressions after having issues with father. And that’s why she committed suicide..”
    C to S: “Hey” “Hey” “…”
    S (IM): “I didn’t even know she was depressed. He was just saying that to get in my nerves, right?”
    C to S: “Simon...Do you want me to suck your dick?”
    Happy dancing chibi Simons are chanting “Suck! Dick! Suck! Dick!”
    Pete meets with people (other criminals) he knows. The guy with the beard is the head of the group and called Benny
    B to P: “Look who’s here. It’s the evil most wanted criminal, Pete. How’s it going?”
    P B: “Hey, I don’t even wanna talk about it. All my underlings were allotted to other fellas, you know that? Feels like I’m a goner.”
    B to P: “But you haven’t been on the police’s radar these days, have you?”
    P to B: “Nope, so I got some B-list work to do.” “I’m so pissed, I been taking it out on homos and beating them up. This ain’t hardly a life.”
    B to Pete: “If it’s so bad, why don’t you come work on our team?”
    P to B: “You think I’ll follow your orders, jerk?” I’m gonna get my power back. Who do you think I am? You ridiculous piece of shit.”
    B to P: “Not my orders the HQ’s orders. If you want your underlings back, you gonna have to prove yourself to those higher up, you know?”
    P to B: “All you’re team’s doing is stalking. How am I supposed to prove myself by doing somethin’ like that?” “There are so many refugee assholes roaming around the streets that need a good beating to get enlightened. You know what I’m doing for this country…”
    B to P: “Stop bluffing. I know you can’t afford to be picky right now. You came to me because you ran out of money, didn’t ya?”
    P: “…”
    We see a screen with a picture of Simon and Conor having sex
    B to P: “Hey Pete. I’m letting you join the team ‘coz you’re my friend.” “All we gotta do is go around stalking this gay guy, and make a monthly report. It’s that easy, and the client ain’t missed a payment once.” “Word’s spread that we get the easy requests, so there are some guys out there that wanna take it from us.”
    B to P: “ It’s a bit disgusting when I’m putting together the files from the hidden camera, I admit.. But now that I seen them for a couple years, I almost kinda like the guys now.” “But I don’t know why those fags don’t just use their energy to get girls in the sack. KEKEKE”
    P (IM): “That black-haired guy.. I’ve seen him before somewhere…”
    (P realizes who it is)
    P: “Hey. Move!”
    P to B: “Benny. Is this the guy you been following around? Is this his photo?”
    B to P: “Yeah, why? You know him?”
    P: “Ha..HAHA!” “What kinda shitty coincidence is this!”
    Back to Simon and Conor. Conor gives Simon that blow job he offered him earlier. (They guys who stalk them also see it)
    S to C: “Conor!!”
    Simon is moaning.
    S to C: “Keep going...” “It feels good…Ah…”
    Back to Pete
    P to B: “You’re just stalking him? Not beating his face in or sharing these photos with his co-workers or anything like that?” “It’d be fun to harass the blonde one and make the black-haired one watch.” “How about we beat the living shit out of him and chuck him naked on to a busy street?”
    B to P: “…? So it is someone you know.” “The orders from HQ are to stalk him and send the data once a month. That’s all. The client doesn’t want to go any further than that just yet, so they told us to be careful.”
    B to P: “From what I’ve heard the client is some sort of tycoon.” “I don’t know why someone like that would ask us to stalk some fag, though.”
    Back to Conor giving Simon a blow job.
    Simon moaning.
    Back to Pete and Benny
    B to P: “You’re makin’ me nervous… Hey, make sure you don’t do anything to get in our way.” “You’re not allowed to teach them a lesson yourself or let them know what’s going on. Got it? … What does he have to do with you, anyway? Why’re reacting like this?”
    P to B: “We just…” “ We share some good old memories.”
    P to Benny (the speech bubble directly above the panel): “So…I always hoped I’d get to see him one more time..”
    S: “Huff” “Huff”
    S to C: “…Thanks”

    That’s the whole text of ch. 32. I’m going to post the script for ch. 33 tomorrow.

    awwi September 4, 2017 9:55 pm

    Standard disclaimer:
    This is a script for ch. 32. You can use it to read the raws. There should be a link somewhere in the comments but I don't want to search for it or check if parts of the chapters weren't uploaded.
    I read the English version you can find here:
    and I don't want read spoilers from the Korean version. This is my favourite webcomic and I'm going to stop with the scripts immediately and delete every script I posted if somebody spoiles the story for me in a reply.
    G= Gale
    P= Pete
    IM= inner monologue

    The numbers stand for the panels with text. So "1." means the first panel in which a character says or thinks something. "2." the second and so on.
    First scene:
    Conor comes home
    C: "It's Simon singing. He's back early"
    C to S: "You ordered a curry-burrito, an onion-flavored hot dog, and spicy shrimp noodles, right?"
    S to C: "Welcome home, Conor~"
    C to S: "You've already written so much! I should get on with the lyrics, too~"
    S to C: "Take your time. I'm still trying out some stuff. For this part...listen and tell me which one sounds better."
    C (IM): "...Normally, he'd make a big fuss and ask me to compliment him." "He does seem gloomy. I guess he can't help it"
    C (IM): "Did something happen at the funeral, I wonder? I can't ask, just in case it's something sensitive"
    S to C (while eating): "Thith part'th the new recording. It'th low hummin, but you can thtill hear it, righth?"
    C (IM): "If he would just let it out that he's feeling gloomy, it'd be easier to ask..."
    C (IM): “His voice…”
    C (IM): “…His stepmother…” “He never spoke about his family, so I don’t know what’s going on for sure...even if they weren’t close they were still family…”
    C (IM): That’s why…your voice sounds so sad. Am I right, Simon?”
    Flashback to the funeral. Simon’s fighting with Gale.
    G to S: “Are you happy now, brother?” “Are you happy with what you’ve done?!”
    G to S: “How dare you turn up here. Did father tell you to come? You two are so revolting.” “Oh. Is it the insurance you’re after?” “I don’t have a dime to spare for you, so get lost.”
    S to G: “Stop talking nonsense!” “Dad didn’t tell me to come, and I’ve never even thought about the insurance money!”
    S to G: “You’re a disgusting human being, so you must think that everyone else is, too.” “I only came here to serve my last duty as a member of this family.”
    G to S: “Duty..?” “Did you say “duty”, brother?”
    G to S: “What a load of bullshit from a cowardly bystander like you.” “Mothers dead because of you, you damn hypocrite”
    Back to the scene between Simon and Conor.
    C to S: “Why’s the song still titled “Dark Heaven”? Wasn’t that a working title?”
    S (IM): “Why did he say I was cowardly...? He never even needed my help…”
    C to S: Well, a lot of debut songs are named after the band, so we can keep this title. Don’t you think?”
    S (IM): “What was I supposed to do, Gale? You hated me so much! We were only family in name! My real family…”
    C to S: “You’re listening to me, right?” “The lyrics should be about the church, which was our first hideout, like we said before. It goes well with the title…Are you listening, Simon?”
    S (IM): “But what did he mean, I was the one that killed her…I heard she was suffering from depressions after having issues with father. And that’s why she committed suicide..”
    C to S: “Hey” “Hey” “…”
    S (IM): “I didn’t even know she was depressed. He was just saying that to get in my nerves, right?”
    C to S: “Simon...Do you want me to suck your dick?”
    Happy dancing chibi Simons are chanting “Suck! Dick! Suck! Dick!”
    Pete meets with people (other criminals) he knows. The guy with the beard is the head of the group and called Benny
    B to P: “Look who’s here. It’s the evil most wanted criminal, Pete. How’s it going?”
    P B: “Hey, I don’t even wanna talk about it. All my underlings were allotted to other fellas, you know that? Feels like I’m a goner.”
    B to P: “But you haven’t been on the police’s radar these days, have you?”
    P to B: “Nope, so I got some B-list work to do.” “I’m so pissed, I been taking it out on homos and beating them up. This ain’t hardly a life.”
    B to Pete: “If it’s so bad, why don’t you come work on our team?”
    P to B: “You think I’ll follow your orders, jerk?” I’m gonna get my power back. Who do you think I am? You ridiculous piece of shit.”
    B to P: “Not my orders the HQ’s orders. If you want your underlings back, you gonna have to prove yourself to those higher up, you know?”
    P to B: “All you’re team’s doing is stalking. How am I supposed to prove myself by doing somethin’ like that?” “There are so many refugee assholes roaming around the streets that need a good beating to get enlightened. You know what I’m doing for this country…”
    B to P: “Stop bluffing. I know you can’t afford to be picky right now. You came to me because you ran out of money, didn’t ya?”
    P: “…”
    We see a screen with a picture of Simon and Conor having sex
    B to P: “Hey Pete. I’m letting you join the team ‘coz you’re my friend.” “All we gotta do is go around stalking this gay guy, and make a monthly report. It’s that easy, and the client ain’t missed a payment once.” “Word’s spread that we get the easy requests, so there are some guys out there that wanna take it from us.”
    B to P: “ It’s a bit disgusting when I’m putting together the files from the hidden camera, I admit.. But now that I seen them for a couple years, I almost kinda like the guys now.” “But I don’t know why those fags don’t just use their energy to get girls in the sack. KEKEKE”
    P (IM): “That black-haired guy.. I’ve seen him before somewhere…”
    (P realizes who it is)
    P: “Hey. Move!”
    P to B: “Benny. Is this the guy you been following around? Is this his photo?”
    B to P: “Yeah, why? You know him?”
    P: “Ha..HAHA!” “What kinda shitty coincidence is this!”
    Back to Simon and Conor. Conor gives Simon that blow job he offered him earlier. (They guys who stalk them also see it)
    S to C: “Conor!!”
    Simon is moaning.
    S to C: “Keep going...” “It feels good…Ah…”
    Back to Pete
    P to B: “You’re just stalking him? Not beating his face in or sharing these photos with his co-workers or anything like that?” “It’d be fun to harass the blonde one and make the black-haired one watch.” “How about we beat the living shit out of him and chuck him naked on to a busy street?”
    B to P: “…? So it is someone you know.” “The orders from HQ are to stalk him and send the data once a month. That’s all. The client doesn’t want to go any further than that just yet, so they told us to be careful.”
    B to P: “From what I’ve heard the client is some sort of tycoon.” “I don’t know why someone like that would ask us to stalk some fag, though.”
    Back to Conor giving Simon a blow job.
    Simon moaning.
    Back to Pete and Benny
    B to P: “You’re makin’ me nervous… Hey, make sure you don’t do anything to get in our way.” “You’re not allowed to teach them a lesson yourself or let them know what’s going on. Got it? … What does he have to do with you, anyway? Why’re reacting like this?”
    P to B: “We just…” “ We share some good old memories.”
    P to Benny (the speech bubble directly above the panel): “So…I always hoped I’d get to see him one more time..”
    S: “Huff” “Huff”
    S to C: “…Thanks”

    That’s the whole text of ch. 32. I’m going to post the script for ch. 33 tomorrow.

    awwi September 4, 2017 9:57 pm

    Sorry for the double post. Mangago told me you deleted your comment and my respons didn't show up.(⌒▽⌒)

    katohi September 5, 2017 3:28 pm
    Sorry for the double post. Mangago told me you deleted your comment and my respons didn't show up.(⌒▽⌒) awwi


awwi August 17, 2017 11:55 pm

I was wrong, it was not a set up for a prank.
YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! It finally happend ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

awwi August 9, 2017 7:52 pm

I know it's been a while since ch. 21 came out but do you guys remember that scene in which we saw Sangwoo carrying a corpse? We all (or at least most of us) assumed this corpse was his father even though we didn't see the upper body and the face of that dead person.
But now I'm wondering if that's even possible.
In ch.2 the policeman (the one Sangwoo knows) tells Seungbae about the death of Sangwoo's parents and it sounds to me like the police found their bodys.
I'm not sure how funerals or the transfer of corpses in South Korea work but I can't imagine that a relative can simply pick up the corpse and then do whatever they want with it.
So, is it even possible that this guy on Sangwoo's back is his father? If yes, how? Did he move his body after the funeral?
Or is it someone else? But who could it be?
I can't figure it out (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ . This is driving me crazy.
Does anybody have any theories about it?

    Jaz August 9, 2017 9:03 pm

    Sangwoo likely killed his father, took his corpse to the woods, then the police found the body. Afterwards was the funeral.

    awwi August 9, 2017 9:20 pm
    Sangwoo likely killed his father, took his corpse to the woods, then the police found the body. Afterwards was the funeral. Jaz

    Hmm, I don't know. What about his mother then?
    It was a double homicide. His mom and his dad were killed at the same time. And it's kind of useless to make it look like someone broke into the house when the corpses weren't found at home.

    Jaz August 9, 2017 10:44 pm
    Hmm, I don't know. What about his mother then? It was a double homicide. His mom and his dad were killed at the same time. And it's kind of useless to make it look like someone broke into the house when the cor... awwi

    I'm confused, I don't remember anything being mentioned about a break in.

    Yes, his parents had to have been killed at the same time or near the same time. Sangwoo's dad's corpse has to have been recovered from the woods because remember he got mad at Bum for "stepping on his dad." Not sure where his mom's body was put after her murder though. I don't think Sangwoo buried her body in the same place as his father.

    awwi August 9, 2017 11:27 pm
    I'm confused, I don't remember anything being mentioned about a break in.Yes, his parents had to have been killed at the same time or near the same time. Sangwoo's dad's corpse has to have been recovered from t... Jaz

    In ch. 2 Seungbae says "The evidence of a break and enter looked too obvious".
    That scene with the police tape has always been strange to me. He screamed at Bum because he stepped at the tape and the tape was at least several meters away from where it should have been (means he got not mad at Bum because he stepped at an actual grave). If it's the tape from when they recovered his dad's corpse then it'd make sense that this police tape is so important to him.
    The only thing that doesn't really fit is the time. It takes a while to get rid of the corpses, manipulate the crime scene etc. But I guess that can be explained somehow.

    Jaz August 10, 2017 1:10 am
    In ch. 2 Seungbae says "The evidence of a break and enter looked too obvious". That scene with the police tape has always been strange to me. He screamed at Bum because he stepped at the tape and the tape was a... awwi

    Oh I see now. Yeah we'll need more explanation about that.

awwi August 4, 2017 7:58 pm

No, I'm not going to believe that this was an actual confession until the next chapter comes out. "I'm going to explode" might just be the set-up for a prank or a joke or something like this.
This series has trolled me too often.

    Anonymous August 4, 2017 8:23 pm

    I was thinking the same thing.... If something like that happens again I'm going to poder ir.

    Anonymous August 4, 2017 8:24 pm
    I was thinking the same thing.... If something like that happens again I'm going to poder ir. @Anonymous

    I'm going to lose* it*... I'm already nervous.

    Anonymous August 4, 2017 8:42 pm

    No, no, no, this time it's real (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I know it!!!!!

    Layan August 4, 2017 9:25 pm

    actually I had this thought but I just cant I would die if that happen

    awwi August 4, 2017 9:45 pm

    I also hope it won't happen. But who knows.
    I'm not going to believe he was serious until ch. 209 proves me wrong (God, I really hope I'm wrong). At least I won't be disappointed if it really happens.

    NoName August 4, 2017 10:14 pm

    Old Xian is such a troll that you don't know anymore...I will check the next chapter with skepticism,just to not be hurt. ( ̄へ ̄)

awwi August 4, 2017 9:12 am

Thank you Entwined Trees Scans for translating this (●'◡'●)ノ .
It's one of my favourite BL stories and I was so sad when I thought nobody would translate the remaining chapters.

awwi July 27, 2017 2:07 pm

They're both fucked now.
Sangwoo can't kill him. If he kills him the police will definitely suspect Sangwoo.
But if he doesn't kill him, Seungbae won't stop investigating Sangwoo until he has enough evidence. Even if Sangwoo reports him for trespassing and Seungbae loses his job he won't stop going after Sangwoo until he's arrested (or dead).

I knew shit's about to go down soon. The first season had 19 episodes and we're already at ch. 29. Not to meantion that we already saw Bum's and Seunbae's background-stories but I didn't expect that everything will gown down that fast (⊙…⊙ ).

    Anonymous July 27, 2017 2:24 pm

    Uh..okay...umm so...what did basically happen on chapter 29? You're spoiler's kinda vague.

    awwi July 27, 2017 2:43 pm
    Uh..okay...umm so...what did basically happen on chapter 29? You're spoiler's kinda vague. @Anonymous

    Intentionally vague because I don't want to spoil the chapter for people who haven't read it yet.

    European guy July 27, 2017 2:55 pm

    Koogi said that she wants to bring out around 3-5 seasons, but she is not shure yet.

    European guy July 27, 2017 2:56 pm

    *sure :D (English is such a weird language xD)

    awwi July 27, 2017 3:35 pm
    Koogi said that she wants to bring out around 3-5 seasons, but she is not shure yet. @European guy

    Really?! Yay (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ .
    I was already sad because I thought KS might end soon.

awwi July 19, 2017 6:03 pm

I never thought of Kuroshitsuji as masterpiece but I always enjoyed a lot. I loved how there was always something surprising, something that wasn’t how we expected it to be. The Undertaker turned out to be a dangerous (and extremely hot) psycho, the orphanage didn’t exist anymore, Grell went from incapable servant to murderous Shinigami etc.

That’s why I didn’t drop this manga despite of how bad the current arc was imho. About 1.5 years of painfully slow pacing, Sebastian being downgraded to a mostly unimportant side-character and Boybands (GOD DAMM BOYBANDS*). Followed by the death of Agni which probably only happened to create (annoying) Soma-Ciel-drama and, to put the cherry on top of this disaster, the worst plot-twist possible (a plot-twist almost everybody expected). They weren’t even secret twins. The Phantomhives didn’t try to hide that they had twins (unless Yana decided to ignore what she drew in earlier chapters) so all the people who knew the Phantomhives before the fire should have known about the twins but nobody’s ever mentioned them. Even Madame Red didn’t when she wanted to kill him and ranted about the past and she was there when they were born. Am I supposed to ignore this gigantic plot-hole because of some hints in the drawings?!
It was also completely unnecessary to hide the fact that he had a twin brother. The plot wouldn’t have changed if we’d known about his brother from the start (and this enormous plot-hole would’ve never existed). It wasn’t even necessary to take his twin-brother’s identity. The Ciel we know was the only one who survived for sure so he would’ve been the Earl of Phantomhive anyway.
So, after 130 chapters what do we have? A horrible arc that won’t end anytime soon, an anticlimactic, unnecessary plot-twist Yana decided to do about 10 years ago and which still created an insultingly big plot-hole (that’s basically the definition of bad writing).
I don’t see what Yana’s trying to achieve with this or how she could write herself out of this mess. Actually, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t drop it other than “I already read 130 chapters of it, it’s too late to drop it now” -_- .
Oh well, I’ll probably finish it but I’m pretty sure I won’t be happy with what I’ll see/read.

Eh, that was a long rant #-.-).
By the way, whenever I write such a long rant about a series something completely unexpected and great happens that makes me love the series again. So part of the reason why I wrote this is because I’m a little bit superstitious and I want the series to be good again (I know it’s stupid but I can’t help it)

*I don’t want to offend people who like boyband/idol stories but you have to admit that they were misplaced in a series like Kuroshitsuji.

    Miwa July 21, 2017 4:24 pm

    You're calling everything you don't like about the story a plot hole? This arc isn't even over yet, so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained and fake!Ciel pretending to be the real Ciel doesn't have a good reason behind it? Same goes for Madame Red. How do you know she didn't have a reason for not mentioning the twins? These characters are three dimensional, not plot device cutouts. They have motivations and feelings. Give Yana some credit for that at least.
    And you say it was a completely obvious plot twist, but many people still didn't believe it until this chapter came out. I think you're just disappointed about certain outcomes in the story, and that's fine. Everyone has their preferences and tastes. But it's quite shallow to project faults with the plot when the plot isn't even completed yet.

    Suggestion July 21, 2017 5:42 pm
    You're calling everything you don't like about the story a plot hole? This arc isn't even over yet, so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained and fake!Ciel pretending to be the real Ci... Miwa

    But the twin theory isn't awesome or cool as kuroshitsuji its more like pll(pretty little lair) or gossip girl theory....which kinds off a the off....its true we all have a say in this as individuals have their own taste but it does have a dissatisfied outcome for long time readers

    Miwa July 21, 2017 11:56 pm
    But the twin theory isn't awesome or cool as kuroshitsuji its more like pll(pretty little lair) or gossip girl theory....which kinds off a the off....its true we all have a say in this as individuals have thei... @Suggestion

    Not really. Many long time readers are perfectly happy with how things turned out. I've been reading from the release of the first chapter over a decade ago and the twin thing doesn't seem out of place at all. The whole "twin is cliche" argument is a bit silly because it is a plot device or trope: it perfectly fine to use it, as long as it's done well. Yana did it well, imo, and I don't feel it's out of place at all, especially when Yana made it explicit (in Japanese, a lot was lost in translation) but subtle enough to leave doubt. It wasn't so much of a twist than a revelation: not a case of whodunnit, but a why or howdunnit. We knew there was a twin, but we don't know how he's still alive, why !Ciel stole his identity, or why he's apparently evil. There's a lot left to reveal. So, I say let's reserve our judgement until the end.

    awwi July 24, 2017 4:29 pm
    You're calling everything you don't like about the story a plot hole? This arc isn't even over yet, so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained and fake!Ciel pretending to be the real Ci... Miwa

    Please read my post properly before you reply. Half of what you wrote was never mentioned by me.

    Miwa July 25, 2017 9:42 am
    Please read my post properly before you reply. Half of what you wrote was never mentioned by me. awwi

    I did read your post (which is why I replied, obviously) and you did mention everything I mentioned: the reason for Agni's death, Madame Red not mentioning the twins, Ciel taking his brother's identity, etc. What did I mention that was irrelevant to your OP?

    awwi July 25, 2017 6:28 pm
    I did read your post (which is why I replied, obviously) and you did mention everything I mentioned: the reason for Agni's death, Madame Red not mentioning the twins, Ciel taking his brother's identity, etc. Wh... Miwa

    You: "You're calling everything you don't like about the story a plot hole?"
    No, I called nobody ever mentioning the twin a plot-hole and nothing else.

    You: "so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained"
    Me: "Followed by the death of Agni which probably only happened to create (annoying) Soma-Ciel-drama"
    I didn't write anything about the explanation for Agni's death and I've never claimed that there won't be one or that what I think is definitely going to happen, I only wrote about what I think the purpose of his death PORBABLY was.

    You: "fake!Ciel pretending to be the real Ciel doesn't have a good reason behind it?"
    Again, I've never claimed that she won't provide us with a reason, I only wrote that it was unnecessary for the plot and that he would've been the heir anyway.

    You: "But it's quite shallow to project faults with the plot when the plot isn't even completed yet."
    I know the plot isn't finished that's why I wrote
    "I don’t see what Yana’s trying to achieve with this or how she could write herself out of this mess."
    "So part of the reason why I wrote this is because I’m a little bit superstitious and I want the series to be good again"

    awwi July 25, 2017 6:41 pm
    I did read your post (which is why I replied, obviously) and you did mention everything I mentioned: the reason for Agni's death, Madame Red not mentioning the twins, Ciel taking his brother's identity, etc. Wh... Miwa

    *Quote to point #3:
    I mean this: "It was also completely unnecessary to hide the fact that he had a twin brother. The plot wouldn’t have changed if we’d known about his brother from the start"
    Meaning it was unnecessary to hide it from us.

    Miwa July 26, 2017 12:19 am
    *Quote to point #3:I mean this: "It was also completely unnecessary to hide the fact that he had a twin brother. The plot wouldn’t have changed if we’d known about his brother from the start" Meaning it was... awwi

    You were speaking about the inadaquicies of those plot points. An ineffective plot point is a plot hole. With the acception of Agni's death, you were/are implying the other subjects were plot holes. I suppose I didn't phrase that right in my first comment however. I should have said that just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's a plot hole.

    Miwa July 26, 2017 12:21 am
    *Quote to point #3:I mean this: "It was also completely unnecessary to hide the fact that he had a twin brother. The plot wouldn’t have changed if we’d known about his brother from the start" Meaning it was... awwi

    Also, your comment about "half the things I mentioned" not even being in your OP has been left unaddressed. One quote does not equal half of my comment.

    awwi July 26, 2017 6:07 am
    You were speaking about the inadaquicies of those plot points. An ineffective plot point is a plot hole. With the acception of Agni's death, you were/are implying the other subjects were plot holes. I suppose I... Miwa

    No, a plot-hole is something that makes no sense like in it doesn't fit to what we saw. Something being ineffective isn't a plot-hole, it's just pointless thing to do.
    I wrote that post and I can guarantee you that I didn't imply anything. I always used the singular of it and I always made it clear that I was talking about the twin plot-twist whenever I used the word plot-hole.

    awwi July 26, 2017 6:14 am
    Also, your comment about "half the things I mentioned" not even being in your OP has been left unaddressed. One quote does not equal half of my comment. Miwa

    Are you kidding me?
    "You: "You're calling everything you don't like about the story a plot hole?"
    No, I called nobody ever mentioning the twin a plot-hole and nothing else.

    You: "so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained"
    Me: "Followed by the death of Agni which probably only happened to create (annoying) Soma-Ciel-drama"
    I didn't write anything about the explanation for Agni's death and I've never claimed that there won't be one or that what I think is definitely going to happen, I only wrote about what I think the purpose of his death PORBABLY was.

    You: "fake!Ciel pretending to be the real Ciel doesn't have a good reason behind it?"
    Again, I've never claimed that she won't provide us with a reason, I only wrote that it was unnecessary for the plot and that he would've been the heir anyway.

    You: "But it's quite shallow to project faults with the plot when the plot isn't even completed yet."
    I know the plot isn't finished that's why I wrote
    "I don’t see what Yana’s trying to achieve with this or how she could write herself out of this mess."
    "So part of the reason why I wrote this is because I’m a little bit superstitious and I want the series to be good again" "

    Then I posted
    "*Quote to point #3:
    I mean this: "It was also completely unnecessary to hide the fact that he had a twin brother. The plot wouldn’t have changed if we’d known about his brother from the start"
    Meaning it was unnecessary to hide it from us."
    Because I forgot to add that.
    And your reaction to my long-ass post is ""half the things I mentioned" not even being in your OP has been left unaddressed".

    Your behaviour is insulting af. I tried to explain to you what I meant and all you do is ignoring everything you don't like, replacing it with made up stuff and even telling ME what I wanted to say instead of listening to me when I tell you what it was I wanted to say.

    Miwa July 26, 2017 9:11 am

    You seem a little hostile, and I'm not sure where this perceived miscommunication is coming from. I understood you just fine and didn't ignore anything you said. I addressed your OP with my own initial reply. You then said more than half of what I said in my reply was irrelevant, to which I then asked how that was the case. I must have missed your "long ass" reply amidst your other replies, so I'll address them now.

    1) "...which probably only happened to create (annoying) Soma-Ciel-drama." You are directly stating your opinion that you believe Agni's death was ONLY to create annoying drama. "Only annoying drama" is synonymous with pointless drama in this case. I think we can both agree on that. Also, whether or not you use "probably" is irrelevant. You stated an opinion on the purpose of Agni's death, plain and simple. Therefore, my comment addressing that still remains relevant.

    2) You made the claim it's "unnecessary" for the plot. Therefore, you are making a judgement about how relevant the twin situation is to the plot. To make this judgement, you would have to presuppose the purpose (or in this case, a lack of one) of Yana creating the twin situation. So, again, my original comment still stands.

    3) You said Yana's plot is a mess, I said it was shallow to make that assumption when the plot is still ongoing. Again, a perfectly relevant response.

    4) You again claim it is unnecessary for Yana to hide the fact !Ciel had a twin. You are again making a judgement.

    5) "I always made it clear that I was talking about the twin plot-twist whenever I used the word plot-hole."
    I disagree. The subject of what you described as a plot hole was unclear because of the way you constructed some of your sentences. For example:
    "...A horrible arc that won’t end anytime soon, an anticlimactic, unnecessary plot-twist Yana decided to do about 10 years ago and which still created an insultingly big plot-hole..." In this case, I can assume you are referring to the twin plot-twist (even though the grammar is improper which makes the sentence a little confusing).
    "Even Madame Red didn’t when she wanted to kill him and ranted about the past and she was there when they were born. Am I supposed to ignore this gigantic plot-hole because of some hints in the drawings?!"
    In this sentence, the subject you are modifying with "this" is unclear. I assumed (understandably) that "this" was modifying the subject of the previous sentence: Madame Red. Or more specifically, her actions/behaviour. This is why I thought you were referring to more than one thing as a plot hole.

    All that said, my OP still stands. However, I won't bother you further. I hope you can love the series again (if it is worthy of love and admiration, of course).

    awwi July 26, 2017 9:41 am
    You seem a little hostile, and I'm not sure where this perceived miscommunication is coming from. I understood you just fine and didn't ignore anything you said. I addressed your OP with my own initial reply. Y... Miwa

    1) You said in your OP "so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained " not that it was pointless. Two different things
    2) In your first post you wrote "fake!Ciel pretending to be the real Ciel doesn't have a good reason behind it" in your last post you talked about how necessary it was for the plot. Again, two different things.
    3) I said the current situation is a mess
    4)Yes, of course it was. If WE'd known about his twin from the start it wouldn't have changed anything.
    5)Maybe you should read the whole argument then:
    "They weren’t even secret twins. The Phantomhives didn’t try to hide that they had twins (unless Yana decided to ignore what she drew in earlier chapters) so all the people who knew the Phantomhives before the fire should have known about the twins but nobody’s ever mentioned them. Even Madame Red didn’t when she wanted to kill him and ranted about the past and she was there when they were born. Am I supposed to ignore this gigantic plot-hole because of some hints in the drawings?!"
    When you read a sentence that starts with the word "even" you should know that it's connected to what I wrote before.

    Miwa July 26, 2017 11:52 am
    1) You said in your OP "so how can you know the reasons for Agni's death won't be explained " not that it was pointless. Two different things2) In your first post you wrote "fake!Ciel pretending to be the real ... awwi

    That's incorrect. I'm an editor and an English teacher. I would have given you a generous C- on an English exam. Your OP is littered with grammatical errors, making your meaning difficult to determine in several places. And you did not say "the current situation was a mess", you again used "this" as the subject of the sentence in question. Clear language principles state you should always state your subject clearly in every sentence and clause to avoid ambiguity. However, if you do use "this" as the sentence's subject, it is always assumed that "this" refers to the subject in the previous sentence, not the subject of a sentence several sentences back.
    Anyway, I've said all I've wanted to say. There's no point beating this dead horse. I'll be muting this thread, so please don't expect further responses.

    awwi July 26, 2017 12:03 pm
    That's incorrect. I'm an editor and an English teacher. I would have given you a generous C- on an English exam. Your OP is littered with grammatical errors, making your meaning difficult to determine in severa... Miwa

    I stated it clearly, you just didn't understand it and then you wrote you didn't understand my OP because it's "full of grammatical errors" when you made several errors in the same post.
    And you claim to be a English teacher and an editor. Yeah, sure -_-

awwi April 13, 2017 5:57 pm

Good news, it isn't completely finished yet ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Skylar.Cross April 13, 2017 7:29 pm

    I dont have an account on the Lezhin webpage, so could you tell me what exactly is the link u posted about?

    awwi April 13, 2017 8:59 pm
    I dont have an account on the Lezhin webpage, so could you tell me what exactly is the link u posted about? Skylar.Cross

    Oh, sorry. I had no idea you need an account to read the free chapters.
    She answers several questions and also says this:
    'After a small break, I plan to return with a side story!!! Containing some untold stories within Blood Bank. I believe you'll be able to see Eric and Shell act silly with each other."

    Skylar.Cross April 13, 2017 9:50 pm
    Oh, sorry. I had no idea you need an account to read the free chapters. She answers several questions and also says this: 'After a small break, I plan to return with a side story!!! Containing some untold stori... awwi


    crazy otaku April 14, 2017 5:21 am

    thank you so much!!!! now i can settle at the thought of having a side story!!!!(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

awwi April 6, 2017 8:39 pm

Hmm, he prepared something. I wonder what that could be?
Maybe something at least slightly kinky? That would be great.
Nahh, probably just something romantic.
Ah, I see. Roleplay. Not what I was hoping for but also fine.
Blindfolded and tied hands. Still pretty vanilla but nice ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ .
Wait a moment, is he really going to...?
(⊙…⊙ )
He spanked himヾ(☆▽☆) !

Thank you Korean webcomics for giving me all this beautiful BDSM scenes ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ .

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