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chottomattey followed a list
30 03,2024
chottomattey answered question about question
Nah bruh cause I'm curious too I wanna know if I'm normal, a horny bitch, or just a virgin idk
chottomattey asked question about being single

TW: Me yapping The casually adding incest then goes on like that shits normal. Like the story's already going so well then you'd just suddenly drop the "I used to like my brother/cousin whatever relative"?? I mean I'd get it if it was a psychological story trying to get over traumas....but on wholesome, lighthearted, fun story???? Like seriously??......

chottomattey asked question about made a thing

Gush is there a way to hide to comment below on webtoon???? I hate it its really annoying!!!

chottomattey asked question about question

I need to keep my sanity in next couple of days through reading so please help meeee

chottomattey answered question about question
Yeah This post will live forever

The dynamic, the story, the artstyle- LUV it

chottomattey asked a question
chottomattey asked a question

slowburn with short chapterssssssssssssssssss please

chottomattey asked a question

anyone knows where i can read the novel about a "alpha" dude gym bro who got transmigrated into another world as an omega (lol)

chottomattey asked a question

are there any stories you could recommend where one of the mc liked the other one cause but them boom they were actually a dude and was like noooo I'm not gae i will not like you but then they actually became gae for the dude and was taken by the ass?

I love how dumb he is lmaoooooo I love their dynamic so muchhh

I ran here directly after watching the movie cause it was not and enough and this was still not enough oh my gush I want more I need more they are just way too fucking cute I want to have a relationship like them God why when how?????

Bruhhh I feel so bad to the both of them tbh
Especially to Nishi like it is so scary to be in his position

chottomattey answered question about question
Yall are AMAZING like sometimes I do forget that we all have actual lives to live lol Anyways I'm currently taking civil engineering, why? For the clout. Do I regret it? Idk. Am I still okay? I was 3 months ago (during sem break lol). Is tomorrow my midterm exams? Yes and I am dying rn
chottomattey created a topic of Unemployed Baek-soon

But like how the hell does she have a perfect body while having such an unhealthy lifestyl