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Yuiii~ April 4, 2024 8:41 am


Yuiii~ March 27, 2024 8:41 pm

im re-reading and the new animated chapters are giving me life ily uploader and ily mangago

Yuiii~ March 10, 2024 4:39 pm

ive never been on such an emotional rollercoaster i need this manhwa in my lungs

Yuiii~ February 28, 2024 10:36 pm

rereading cuz new manhwas just arent like this anymore

    ren, rin #1fan March 3, 2024 4:53 pm

    fr, ive reread this for 4 times the whole fucking chapters too i could reread this every week and i wouldnt get bored

    Gold Mine April 6, 2024 4:02 am


Yuiii~ February 19, 2024 7:30 pm

was the seme born with a stick forcibly shoved up his ass? how is it possible for a person to be so annoying

    kuro March 11, 2024 4:14 am

    he's genuinely got the worst personality

Yuiii~ February 15, 2024 1:22 am

why does the korean Manhwa author community love rape so much. Yes he’s crazy but why cant he fantasise about idk…beating him up? Never have I felt the urge to commit a sexual crime on someone just because they kinda sorta pissed me off

Yuiii~ February 5, 2024 11:10 pm

the engineers who gave ivan nipples, a dick and the ability to moan must of been hella bored

Yuiii~ February 4, 2024 11:55 pm

Yeonwoo is just too real, from the way his self esteem issues, self-loathing and internal conflicts are written - he is just so beautifully complex and astutely self aware . We see him making an effort to get over his trauma only to fail because of his human attachments and inability to subconsciously properly let go of his past despite him constantly trying to forget about it. The writer really captures true human nature so perfectly, the promises we make to ourselves that we aren’t even sure we can even fulfil, the way we lie to ourselves so we can be happy in the moment, the way we feel shame and happiness and jealousy. Not sure if this is good or bad but the writer is amazing at writing characters who hate themselves ..

Yeonwoo’s innocence is amazing. And yes i’m going crazy because i need more chapters

    Zinira February 5, 2024 11:19 pm

    It's so good and I absolutely adore how well-written every character is especially Yeonwoo. We don't get characters like him often and seeing it done so well when most of the time there is just comedy relief and never the main character is just so good. I'm obsessed with him and everyone in this manhwa so much.

Ethan January 29, 2024 11:09 pm

counting down the days till this comes back is actually making me tweak

Ethan January 28, 2024 11:27 pm

horus is literally so boring, over 100 chapters in and I literally could not even describe him. At least Jesus guy or whatever he is has a distinguishable personality and actual quirks. And honestlyeven though he’s annoying , his dynamic with Seth is way more entertaining - seeing them bickering is one million times more endearing than seeing grown ass man child Horus acting all cutesy and overprotective with his uncle. Like bro go home to your mama..

anyways this has nothing to do with the update tbh, I just wanted to throw in my opinion since pol in this comment section love to argue

    b r o k e n b a l l a d January 29, 2024 10:41 am

    Not even the fans can argue lmao. Wait till the author realizes this and dumps all of Horus' char development in one go, and then it'll feel forced and rushed.

    Ethan January 29, 2024 10:43 pm
    Not even the fans can argue lmao. Wait till the author realizes this and dumps all of Horus' char development in one go, and then it'll feel forced and rushed. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    ugh honestly. I honestly dont rlly want seth to get with him because even the sands in egypt have more depth than him. And some may say the story isnt finished yet but like do we rlly need more than 2 seasons to get to know ONE character??? km so sick of it, Seth is the only interesting character and my only fave yet the options I have to root for him to get with are so trash. Either his bland ass nephew who is literally obsessed with him or some foreign God who’s always cracking unfunny jokes …

    JayJay (I'm back!) January 30, 2024 3:08 am
    Not even the fans can argue lmao. Wait till the author realizes this and dumps all of Horus' char development in one go, and then it'll feel forced and rushed. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    LMAO I spit my drink all over bc I just pictured that and couldn't stop laughing XD

    Milkyway January 30, 2024 9:45 pm
    ugh honestly. I honestly dont rlly want seth to get with him because even the sands in egypt have more depth than him. And some may say the story isnt finished yet but like do we rlly need more than 2 seasons t... Ethan

    Horus is so childish and not in an endearing way... I wish Ennead was more about Seth and Isis's conflict and less of a "sometimes BL, sometimes action" I do believe Seth is quite a good main character and I like him a lot but Horus running after him when Seth clearly feels nothing for him is soooo annoying. I agree with you, 100+ chapters is way too long for him to have this little depth. also I feel like the kiss they shared was so unearned that it might've been the author throwing the readers a bone because their "mutual" relationship was taking too long and the fans were getting desperate. To be completely honest had the foreign god guy not R*** Seth I totally would've preferred him over Horus, he's way more dynamic and his interactions with Seth were somewhat more interesting than what we have w Horus. Horus's interaction w Seth are never fun, more like "clingy and non-reciprocal" but ofc Foreign God had to be a weirdo creep too :( the author's R fetish gets in the way way too much !! all male leads seem like bad options to me T-T I want Seth alone at this point

    Ethan January 30, 2024 10:04 pm
    Horus is so childish and not in an endearing way... I wish Ennead was more about Seth and Isis's conflict and less of a "sometimes BL, sometimes action" I do believe Seth is quite a good main character and I li... Milkyway

    the way u slayed in this response…LITERALLY TOOK THE WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTHH

    Ethan January 30, 2024 10:18 pm
    Horus is so childish and not in an endearing way... I wish Ennead was more about Seth and Isis's conflict and less of a "sometimes BL, sometimes action" I do believe Seth is quite a good main character and I li... Milkyway

    ur sooo right about the kiss being unearned, because in the grand scheme if things it literally had no reason to happen all. Literally felt like some sort of Horus stan fan service.

    I like the author and honestly they’re super talented but I feel like the story js being dragged? It feels like filler for some reason, literally nothing that important has happened in the last few months (not including hiatuses) yet im supposed to care about Horus revealing his face and kissing seth (dont care never did tbh). LETS GET BACK TO ISIS SETH OSIRIS PLOT PLS

    and on the topic of Foreign God, i roasted him for being unfunny but he’s still better than Horus lol. He’s shown more charisma in the probs 20 oddish chapters he’s made an appearance in compared to Horus who’s been here since the start. Not rooting for him and he probs wont win but its just kinda funny to think about it

    Ssssssss January 31, 2024 9:42 pm

    Wtf??? I don’t like Horus or the Jesus dude, but Horus is 100x BETTER than that Jesus dude. The Jesus dude gives me the ick, like go through yourself in a pit of quicksand. But non of them are worthy of Seth PERIOD. I just want to see the drama unfold. This season was just rape after rape. I hope season 3 will be better.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 1, 2024 4:06 am
    Wtf??? I don’t like Horus or the Jesus dude, but Horus is 100x BETTER than that Jesus dude. The Jesus dude gives me the ick, like go through yourself in a pit of quicksand. But non of them are worthy of Seth ... Ssssssss

    Lol. How's he better lol? Apart from the author using another character (the god who "used" Horus to r*pe Seth) to cleanse Horus' sin from his "reluctany" r*ping with Seth, There's no notable difference lol. What 100x? Maybe you're talking about 100x0? That makes sense then.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 1, 2024 4:07 am
    Lol. How's he better lol? Apart from the author using another character (the god who "used" Horus to r*pe Seth) to cleanse Horus' sin from his "reluctany" r*ping with Seth, There's no notable difference lol. Wh... b r o k e n b a l l a d


    Ssssssss February 1, 2024 9:43 pm
    Lol. How's he better lol? Apart from the author using another character (the god who "used" Horus to r*pe Seth) to cleanse Horus' sin from his "reluctany" r*ping with Seth, There's no notable difference lol. Wh... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    I am so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote that. You are correct. What the hell was going on with me? They both are Icky, but most BLs are like this. I wish this community will get better.

    babbb February 2, 2024 7:20 pm

    I agree with you but that brown haired god is NOT better than horus. Seeing Horus try to be all cutesy and trying to be worth more to Seth than his son to the point where he beats Anubis up is gross but at least he doesn't see Seth as his property yk

    *shrugs* February 2, 2024 8:41 pm

    I didn't even really think about it until you said it, but now looking back, I literally couldn't tell you anything about Horus besides "he's really into his uncle" even if you threatened me at gunpoint.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 2, 2024 11:04 pm
    I agree with you but that brown haired god is NOT better than horus. Seeing Horus try to be all cutesy and trying to be worth more to Seth than his son to the point where he beats Anubis up is gross but at leas... babbb

    Lmao, read the manhwa up to the 2nd latest chapter. FG said so himself, he didn't intend for Seth to be his slave. I've said this too on my previous comments. Do you actually think FG believes Seth will be willing to be his slave just cause it's the law of human slave trade? And do you think Seth will be willing to honor the laws of humans? BS. And the two both know that. He also basically "bought" Seth to save him. Just getting your facts straight btw. If you think that's what make Horus better from foreign god, then he's bascially no better at all.

    What only makes Horus better is the fact that his hands are supposedly "cleaner" when he r*ped Seth because the author used another god to force a r*pe scene with Seth.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 2, 2024 11:15 pm
    I didn't even really think about it until you said it, but now looking back, I literally couldn't tell you anything about Horus besides "he's really into his uncle" even if you threatened me at gunpoint. *shrugs*


    babbb February 2, 2024 11:24 pm
    Lmao, read the manhwa up to the 2nd latest chapter. FG said so himself, he didn't intend for Seth to be his slave. I've said this too on my previous comments. Do you actually think FG believes Seth will be will... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Ok with the whole Horus raping Seth thing I think people tend to forget like the chapter before that one Seth tried to rape Horus with full intentions and obviously rape is always bad but isn't it kind of a granted that the rapist shouldn't be blamed as harshly if what they were doing was completely unintentional instead of someone who did it intentionally no matter how bad that sounds. And let's be FR at least Seth likes Horus and is begi to find him as very comforting. Horus is developing more as a character even though the uncle thing is still his defining attribute. He literally refused godhood so he could remember Seth so OBVIOUSLY Horus cares about him a lot more than this FG that just showed up.

    And I don't know what kind of crap goes on in your head but if you think what FG did to Seth was "save" him then I don't know what to tell you. He didn't save Seth he literally did what anyone else would've done to Seth but because of the strength that FG had Seth literally had no possible way to escape so no I actually don't know what you're on about at all and I think your logic is completely fucked

    ReverseHaremJutsu February 2, 2024 11:50 pm
    Horus is so childish and not in an endearing way... I wish Ennead was more about Seth and Isis's conflict and less of a "sometimes BL, sometimes action" I do believe Seth is quite a good main character and I li... Milkyway

    I also felt like Seth was never moved by Horus until that moment, like Seth is protector of egypt and all that which is why it feels better to have a character that feels like his equal rather than lower than him in power. And I don't mean power as just god powers but it could be in personality if his partner has a strong reliable personality or challenges him in some way like intellectually, Horus isn't giving Seth 'I want you to hold me' vibes???? lmaooo idk how to explain it but I think Horus as a character could be showing Seth how he would treat him if they they were together. Like that's why it's so fun to read stories that do it well when the build up is perfect and the ml has the perfect amount of protectiveness and being a cool (lmao). When a ML gets jealous in a non annoying way or does little affectionate gestures before they get together I eat that shit uuuuupppppp. Like the first couple I think of that has this down is Skylar and Cirrus. Skylar is fucking funny and really holds is own as our MC then you have Cirrus where their dynamic is so much fun, Cirrus elevated Skylar as a person. There are a lot of things I like about Horus that I think worked, him going off on Anubis before Anubis lost his memories being like "bruh idk why you are even complaining, you're loved by Seth, I would literally die to be you" like it felt like he was getting justice for Seth who was being rejected by the one person he wanted as part of his family and that was kinda sad but reconciling. I wish Horus showed more side of himself like that TO SETH and not just TO US the audience who are the only ones who know abt that. I was more disappointed when he lost that serious side to him, like mans is suppost to make me feel something, but nooooooo it feels like he's just reacting in whatever situation he's in or to whatever Seth does rather than being more proactive or take the initiative in their dynamic sometimes like damn

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 1:42 am
    Ok with the whole Horus raping Seth thing I think people tend to forget like the chapter before that one Seth tried to rape Horus with full intentions and obviously rape is always bad but isn't it kind of a gra... babbb

    FG did have intentions with Seth. I mean he's no Saint. Seth isn't saint either. FG literally saved seth from humans trying to make him as slave. He saved him but he did have intentions too with Seth. If you ask me, I think being r*ped by multiple humans who are in much lower ranked than you and getting humiliated in public like that is the worst. What FG did was a dubcon s*xual act and I wouldn't want that either, but if i had only those two as my choices, I would choose the latter. At least FG is a god. Not saying it's the most optimal thing to happen. The author could've remove that scene altogether, that's the best, but no, they resorted to that. Why? Either they wanna build more tension between FG and Seth, or make people hate FG more bec they noticed that FG's interactions with Seth are getting way better and the main pair is getting clouded. Either way, that scene sucked alot.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 1:46 am
    Ok with the whole Horus raping Seth thing I think people tend to forget like the chapter before that one Seth tried to rape Horus with full intentions and obviously rape is always bad but isn't it kind of a gra... babbb

    As for the "unintentional" r*ping of Horus, what can I say? The author probably has a thing for it, and they're a Horus apologist. It's clear that they wanted the scene to happen but didn't have the guts to dirty Horus' hands. So of course Horus' crime is lessened to the degree where readers can't see it anymore. They have the author's side even. Can't really win with that.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 1:50 am
    FG did have intentions with Seth. I mean he's no Saint. Seth isn't saint either. FG literally saved seth from humans trying to make him as slave. He saved him but he did have intentions too with Seth. If you as... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    But still remember that Seth isn't a saint either. He's not a little cinnamon whom you can put inside your pocket. No one has clean hands here, even Horus. I'd rather see Seth getting tortured physically for his past sins, but s*x**lly tortured is just so old school yaoi cliché sh*t. Meh.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 2:03 am
    I am so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote that. You are correct. What the hell was going on with me? They both are Icky, but most BLs are like this. I wish this community will get better. Ssssssss

    Nah you're good. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    babbb February 3, 2024 9:10 am
    As for the "unintentional" r*ping of Horus, what can I say? The author probably has a thing for it, and they're a Horus apologist. It's clear that they wanted the scene to happen but didn't have the guts to dir... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Oh my god . Ok. Seth literally tries to rape Horus the second before too. And of course the author probably does have some sick rape fetish but you do know that this story is based of Egyptian mythology? In Egyptian mythology, Seth tries to rape Horus but Horus manages to catch (?) His jizz and then Horus talks to Isis who tells Horus to put Horus's own jizz in the salad Seth likes to eat so that when they have (I think a) trial then Horus can say he impregnated Seth because he has is jizz inside of his stomach. Literally so much worse than what happened in this story and that was part of the mythology. And I literally don't understand how you can't see that it's worse if the rape is intentional Vs it being unintentional. Like obviously both outcomes are the same level of bad but the person doing the raping isn't as guilty if it wasn't intentional. Right? Like what are you on. All your points are nonsense. Obviously Horus raping Seth was bad but equally Seth tried to rape Horus INTENTIONALLY. If anyone's forgetting anything it's you babe

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 9:41 am
    Oh my god . Ok. Seth literally tries to rape Horus the second before too. And of course the author probably does have some sick rape fetish but you do know that this story is based of Egyptian mythology? In Egy... babbb

    1. It's based on Egyptian myth, but what you said about what happened in the myth that didn't actually happen in the manhwa is irrelevant anyway cause it obviously didn't happen. 2nd, yes, I agree that Seth isn't a saint either! What I was disagreeing was the fact that you think Horus is so clean, waaaay way cleaner than FG when they're literally just almost the same. Horus being slightly better bec of the "unintentional" r$pe. We were talking about Horus vs FG, but you suddenly shifted to Horus vs Seth. I did say it was unintentional, but you act like you want me to say Horus is clean bec wjay he did was unintentional. While I do agree it wasn't entirely his fault, the deed was still done.
    I won't say that Seth deserved it or did not, but again, I agree he's not a saint and in fact tried to r$pe Horus too.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 9:45 am
    1. It's based on Egyptian myth, but what you said about what happened in the myth that didn't actually happen in the manhwa is irrelevant anyway cause it obviously didn't happen. 2nd, yes, I agree that Seth isn... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Also, the fact that you tried to discredit the FG's actions without analyzing the less worse option is also something. All have dirty hands here.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d February 3, 2024 9:49 am
    Also, the fact that you tried to discredit the FG's actions without analyzing the less worse option is also something. All have dirty hands here. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Annnnd. "treat Seth as his property"? This is the main issue here. The guy was joking and even made it clear he doesn't think this way, but you used this as a point to say Horus is better than FG.
    But nope.
    The only thing that Horus is better than FG was the r$pe scene. Even then, For FG's r$pe scene, it was dub con at most. It's not even pure non-con. Seth kinda agreed in the middle when FG said "it's just seggs" or smth, but when FG was so rough, that's the dub-con part when he tells him to stop.

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