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CuriousGumWad already read

I reincarnated in a novel inside the body of a villainess named Elise who poisoned herself when her ...

  • Author: Haegi,Your april
  • Genres: Drama / Harem / Josei / Webtoons / Romance / Shoujo

Fun but starts to drag near the end. Also the ending leaves much to desire as you try to wrap your mind around the logistics of what has transpired.

The mermaid singing can only attract men but what about the lesbians and gay men? I'm just trying to think of the logistics of this. Does the singing attract all men or only people attracted to women?

I think she's going to get paired up with Verite especially with how the story visually makes them look the same age.(yes I know that's for Sable not to get jealous) I believe Verite is going to be let out when Blanche is older so that when he can't hide his appearance it won't be weird. They're also making Verite and Blanche interact more as a duo with how they scheme and convine together about Abigal especially with how they similarly react to things. But that's just my theory/prediction (of course when the real prince show's up he's either going to be cartoonishly evil, downright creep, love rival because we all love a good love triangle or the less likely option that he's just a decent dude that wants to be friends)

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Our Sunny Days

He could be bi more guys need to admit they're bi

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Jinx

Everyone told me that potato and pretty boy wouldn't end up together because "potato isn't even gay he just admires jaekyung" and "Heesung is a manipulative two faced bastard no way in hell he actually likes Dan"

-Hades is a very endearing ML because he is also a real funny somewhat arrogant narcissist that adds to his charm not only as a character but a ML too since he's funny,entertaing,cool and charming.

-I'm gonna feel real stupid for saying this but does this story even need the "isekai side character" genre/trope tacked on? Because with the knowledge of her being a reincarnated god child why would she be reincarnated in a non fantasy world and istg if you say that other god dude wanted her to read his prophetic novel then why couldn't he have just inserted a vision of it in her head or something because have this be an isekai feels real gimmicky and cheap at this point in the story because also she had to wait like 20-something years to even read the novel so what's the point .It feels like the story knows this too since Aisha has stopped using modern terms and concepts like webnovel, stan, favorite and any mention of the real world.

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Aitsu no Daihonmei

Not a single kiss in the latest volume. This hurts especially more considering this volume was full of interrupted romantic moments and kisses.

CuriousGumWad already read


  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Drama / Romance

Ch.2 Don't fuck the priest

She fucks the priest. Who has ever wanted to fuck the priest. Bullshit know it all FL that I couldn't stand.

CuriousGumWad asked a question

Usually I'm fine with it if it's a prologue in isekai because they accompany it with some visuals but it's explaining the magic system and weapons like a textbook with diagrams and huge paragraphs where I want visuals and actual demonstrations of what's being explained because I'm not reading a light novel I'm reading a manga. It's like use your medium and sometimes they do this when explaining political drama and even then it's like the situation isn't even that complicated or well thought out so it's not even fun to read through. I also hate it when mangas put a rectangle where they basically just give you the characters name and age as if you will remember the 10 back to back boxes with the characters you've seen once and know zilch about.

I hate when information is unorganically inserted into the story like a character explaining something that should be some mundane it should'nt even be explained like when a character does the equivalent of explaining what a car is and how it works.

it's super immersion breaking I was wondering what everyone else thought of it as well as sharing their most egregious examples of this thing occuring for me it's "The Villainess' Slow Prison Life Began With Her Broken Engagement" with it's pages full of explanation/ descriptions and recently "Tabun Akuyakureijono Hazudeshita Bijou Margaret he Yokoso" with the magic stones

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Skip to Loafer

Shima getting anxious about how he looks and how other people perceive him is a new side of him that wasn't shown before and I like that Mitsumi helped ease worries when he thought very lowly of himself because a lot of the people on the trip don't care how he eats or sleeps because they're his friends it was really cute and comforting in a way to seem him relax. Nao looked really pretty in her dress

Being fat was normal for the aristocracy. Why would they watch their weight when they only care about indulgences? If some dummy says "well corsets were made to make them look thin" this is wrong because corsets were just old timey bras + posture support which is why it's weird when manhwas get rid of the corsets because it's essentially the modern day equivalent of a bra. Fat was the standard not the exception because if you look at any old painters guides most of them are of how to draw chubby women because mostly only they could afford such a luxury.

You can imagine the rejection of the notion of that because telling all women to stop wearing bras because "they're uncomfortable and bad for you" is not a solid argument. There are many sources explaining this because a corset moving your organs is the same as a pair of sneakers just your size suddenly being "too small" because you tied them too tight.

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Jinx

When both potato and heesung get rejected the author is going to pair them up together for some bullshit reason like "I've already confirmed their interests in men so why don't I pair them up together since readers will feel bad also creating new homos is so much effort besides I've already confirmed which ones the top and which is the bottom"

The story feels really sweet but then the romance kicks in and it's sweet but because "komi can't communicate" people talk shit about Tadano like call him garbage and tell him to go die because he's a piece of shit, tell her she's too good for Tadano,tell her she should stop talking to Tadano and she just lets it happen, never makes a move to correct them, never tries to defend him and the thing is at this point I just think Tadano is too good for Komi because he has done so much for her at this point it feels like he's doing everything for her and I just couldn't handle how the story would kiss Komi's ass while Tadano is being considerate for everyone especially Komi he encourages her whenever she's down, he acknowledges how she's feeling and tries his best to make her feel better. The story started to get boring and some of the new "classmates" they introduced either had one little niche interest that made them "weird" like this girl likes battle cards and this girl is really good at yo-yo if it's not that it's either really creepy and perverted or just a person with confidence and selfworth issues. Because the story is so commited to making Komi this image of perfection all the guys like which means she doesn't make any male friends other than Tadano because the story is so committed to making you think that Komi is a god amongst men it gets a little tiring after hearing for 100th time. So painful to read at a certain point as the story starts doing the same shit over and over again with little variation it cycles through, everyone loves Komi, Komi is nervous, Komi loves Tadano, Someone else might like one of them, fakeout or rejection to said character, remember Komi is amazing, character being perverted/creepy, new character with new gimmick, only acknowledge said character when you need a character of "x" sex, Komi free alone time, will Komi say she's Tadano, Character(Najami) interruption. I'm done I quit I can't do this anymore if a new anime season comes out I'll watch it but if it's still shit then fuck me I guess.

Tadano could do better than Komi I really want her to get rejected because he's pulling all her slack and doing her so many solids that it's painful how little she's doing for him.

Dropped when the couple got together (the couple gets together really early on so I don't consider this spoilers)

They don't commit to her being a cartoon villain enough she has a skimpy fan servicey outfit for her work uniform the underlings of the bad guy are all cartoon skeletons. She is the most generic shoujo romance protagonist and that's a letdown because I was hoping they would commit to her being evil, scary and overall villainous but even her design doesn't want her to be that because she doesn't embody anything of the gimmick "Villain x Hero" this is basically like if a story labelled itself "enemies to lovers" with only a 2 page arguement then at the end of the chapter they got together "because they fought and only enemies fight" same thing with this story only they have her fight in the silliest horniest outfit and expect you to go "wow look at her being the villain" which is very low effort and short then in the next chapter they have her helping old people cross the street, helping a kid find their parents in a crowded event, feeding a stray cat and a bunch of other generic shoujo romance crap that it feels like you could just make them opposing companies/ businesses and nothing would change "like so-and-so works at a café/ pizzaplace/ flower shop/ clothing store but right across the street love interest works at an opposing café/ pizzaplace/ flower shop/ clothing store can this "odd couple" really make it work with their "forbidden romance" " this story's couple is played damn near exactly that scenario which isn't a good thing considering the whole "gimmick" is what if power ranger got with girl from the bad guys. They made her a soft shy uwu girl who treats working there like working at a convenience store it's just low effort and feels like he wanted to make a college shoujo romance but someone told him to make this instead.

Just so disappointing considering how interesting the gimmick was. Art's decent but not enough for the generic shoujo writing for an interesting couple. Just found out it also has hella fan service for the main girl so I believe that should tell about the quality as well.

CuriousGumWad asked a question

I'm looking for non harem smutty works where the girl is a logical kuudere/ calm collected and the guy is a loving horny bitch that can't keep his hands off her. Where the girl doesn't just suddenly turn into a deredere or generic smut female lead that moans at the slightest graze or even worse she gets all shy, blushy and nervous as soon as her clothes are off. I don't want the kuudere to stop being a kuudere during sex I mean. I am okay with some expressiveness

(Istg if one of you recommends one that's too wordy or plot heavy. I do not want a "The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway" where the girl is so cold she's a bitch and the man is such a whore that it's annoying and hypocritical whenever he opens his mouth.)

CuriousGumWad answered question about get yaoi manga book
1. It came in a box right? So I'd just tell them to leave it front of the door. 2. Oh I'm usually poker faced unless it's a really delicious one with just the right amount of fluff, smut and angst then whenever the couple does something cute ***I just get all giddy and start flailing my wrists around causing my watch to make a smacking noice as i......

This was just annoying in how bad, lazy and contrived in how everything was structured and set up like "wow isn't this scenario really strangely romantic but don't forget this is a ploy to break off our engagement now cradle me in your arms.... What no this is totally gonna help us get anulled from this engagement between me and your sexy- I mean your little self because it makes me look "spoiled" and unfit to be princess, now buy something expensive for me. ( god he is so hot but doesn't know us getting married will get us both killed besides he hates me uwu)" but completely unironically and played completely straight through and through.

The FL is just a simp but not in a fun way more in a "hey you know she finds this guy hot right? She thinks he's hot, did we mention she has the hots for him because he's hot? " In the middle of "plot" stuff the plot is also kinda meh main fantasy mechanic used is omegaverse-esc heat but not really omegaverse because we don't have abo we only have "the one" if you find your one you're both thrown into heat and wanna fuck. This is very poorly established and explained when is this heat possible? What is the age limit? Is it touch or smell based? The story says "pheromones" but never elaborates because the main couple gets into heat by touch not even skin-to-skin touch it was through clothes? Is the heat unavoidable? Is there only heat for the first detectation or is it an "everytime we touch we wanna fuck" sort of thing? It's just not explained enough for it to be this important and the story is not smutty enough for me to stop thinking about this crap.

Dating sim Villainess reincarnation with poor execution. The original story isn't even explained or established all that well. The OG isn't that fleshed out or thought out did OG villainess have friends or an entourage? Who cares this butler guy is her only brotherly companion. Did OG villainess have a deeper connection with the prince or was she a shallow bitch? Did she have sound reason to be a bitch? What were OG Villainess's qualities, roles, family, friends, skills and education? The story never tells you unless it's convenient for whatever bullcrap it's trying to pull.

FL doesn't even act like a villainess so can we just not call her that? The only thing that denotes her as a villainess is her wealth and position but even then the story doesn't utilize these qualities at all.

Main plot "villainess" thinks prince(hot guy) hates her prince(did I mention she thinks he's hot?)thinks she hates him. They go into heat because of each other prince immediately pulls her into another room for sex but then pulls himself together. Our "villainess" reveals in the OG story if the villainess marries the prince then they both get assassinated because the prince has too much power. She apparently forgot about this fact when they were about to fuck but whatever. So the next day prince gives them convenient phermone inhibitors (the story calls them something stupid). Then both thinking the other hates them and the FL remembering that them getting married is a death flag decides they should hide the fact that they're "the one" and find a way to break off the engagement and FL being the dumbass that she is decides the best way to break them up is to pretend to be "stuck up" which translates to her acting like a needy bitch but also why doesn't she just do what got the OG villain's marriage anulled? Because she's a horny dumbass.

I don't mind misunderstandings if the shenanigans that ensue are entertaining but the leaps in logic and the lack of thinking things through just makes things more annoying than entertaining.

Rip out her fake eyelashes and golden fucking extensions she's a child murderer. This is like that episode of bojack horseman where he didn't call for help immediately and then she died when there was a chance she could have lived just to not incriminate himself.

Ariadne left for 5 fucking seconds now the child she was taking care of died at the hands of her own blood and neglect

Fucking hell Arabella died right after her mother and sister degraded her and asked why she was even fucking born she probably lost the will to live feeling like she had no place in the world not even mentioning her mother refused a doctor for her believing she wasn't worth the cost.

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Jinx

I like how nice Choi is but I know he's going to get his heartbroken because Dan is starting to get feelings for Jaekyung and Jaekyung is going to get jealous and then a redemption arc where he realizes he likes Dan and admits his tragic backstory. You know damn well Jaekyung is going to go extra hard on Dan for some "inexplicable reason".

At least someone is going to be kind, soft and tender to Dan to make up for Jaekyung's rough, crass, rude, crude and violent self.

I like the love at first sight doting nature Choi presents to Dan like "wow he's so pretty, nice, smart, charming, caring, handsome, interesting"