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Child lether looks horrible because the artist can't draw children it's obvious at close ups, child hands etc.

I love the translator's notes and "meme"'s inserted at the end of every chapter. I appreciate the info on the translations and the liberties taken to make the story comprehensible. I appreciate the meme's because this is a pile of stink hot doodles with an art style equivalent to classic shoujo version of a lisa frank piece so having someone point it out immediately after each chapter is refreshing and relieving that someone else GETS IT.

I want the OG Mako to come back from the dead to take transmigration Mako's place and fix this shit. I know this is supposed to be self-insert as Mako but I just hate this guy. This ain't no true Yandere if his love was so strong and devoted he wouldn't want a substitute but only revival of the true version of her he would only want her not some substitute that doesn't even know him. He loved Mako because she cared about him and they spent time together. He doesn't love AU Mako but he needs some form of Mako like a bandage on a wound that will never heal. This feels ick I want him and OG Mako together.

CuriousGumWad asked a question

Does anyone else wish the artists were/could be linked on some strories with separate artists and authors. Like so often I'm like "the art is so pretty let me check out other works by the same person" completely different art style.

CuriousGumWad answered question about question
The plot is a wonderful allegory for addiction and the chasing of a high that will never come and you've gotten tired. It's also a cute love story between a hacker jacked guy and a twerpy little college guy. They both find something they wanted in each other college guy is lonely and very unskilled at taking care of himself so when hacker guy just ......
CuriousGumWad answered question about question
I don't care all that much. Recently I've gotten tired of omegaverse for the sole reason it's always boring and predictable of course the alpha and omega ar gonna get laid and get married and have babies. AlphaXOmega are the real straight people of omegaverse staright Male BetaXFemale Beta are the second real straight people. AlphaXBeta, gay BetaXB......

I really don't like the priest/nun love interest trope for the sole reason that sexualizing/fetishizing a religious figure, especially one that's taken a vow of celibacy feels icky. Like one of this jobs defining factors is the no romance and no sex part. That's being treated like a bad thing because the writer decided "He gets beaten for not obeying his vows look how evil the church is that means he should be able to have sex because his religion beat him therefore he should throw away his religious values and beliefs for a girl who doesn't beat him" it just feels like such a cop out maybe if he was just a "holy knight I'd be cool with it but he isn't he's a priest and it feels like making something horny that doesn't want to be horny.

All these men are shit horny manipulative fucker, rich man with anger and trust issues and a priest nobody wants to fuck a priest the same way nobody wants to fuck a nun. I want a good fourth option or for one of the shitty options to get character development not rooting for the priest unless he stops being a priest. Was kinda hoping for shitty Duke to get character development that angst tsundere bitch and FL needs to get her stories straight or else she's gonna be in trouble. I think she needs to start wearing thicc glasses or mask at this point for protection.

"I'm gonna treat him like a I guy I actually wanna get with"
*5 secs later"
"I'm interested in you" " now I see you're wounded" "strip please"

I'd rather be happy than horny it's too smutty I want more yandere shit.

CuriousGumWad answered question about question
I like romances where the couple is just chill and everyone might think they're friends with the level of PDA they have. In private they're the sappiest most disgusting couple in the world. Tldr couple who are dating and very much so in love but it's not obvious like there's no head on the shoulder, no hand holding just "wanna hang out later?" "Sur......
CuriousGumWad created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I felt like the pacing for Jaehyuk from getting let back into the apartment and them reconciling felt a bit off. No clue why I don't know if it should've taken longer or shorter but it fel like something was wrong

I took a break from this for a while because I didn't like how entitled she felt to her husband's, her child's, he workers trust, love and respect.

just a quick question for readers. Has she run away yet?

CuriousGumWad asked a question

A beta gets tangled up in a love triangle between an alpha and (blond) omega (alpha is probably endgame).

CuriousGumWad answered question about question
I have feelings of sheer ambivalence and quiet malice for shitty isekai reincarnation princess, empress, duchess, fiance, baby, little girl these are a specific kind of shit because some of them are good and most of them are clones with similar titles and plots that play it safe in a setting that offers so much intrigue, drama and fun character int......
CuriousGumWad created a topic of Never Understand

The story does too much and feels like it should prioritize it's main cover characters over side characters because everything with the side characters is kinda crappy.

Plus after reading "aitsu no daihonmei" (if you haven't read it at least try getting past Ch18 cause that's when it gets good there is bdsm mention and referenced but not shown plus more of a BL than a yaoi (2%)) I kinda wished they kept the silly tone a bit because when it tried to get serious it fumbling the bag between "complex" relationship and "one person is clearly in the wrong here".

Please read "aitsu no daihnonmei" it's the same ugly loser guy x hot popular guy but the hot popular guy likes him because he was his favourite person growing up because ugly guy was the only one nice to him when he was a fat ugly kid. Most of the side couples are still ass tho like there's a lot of hitting on other people despite being boyfriends. To me it's the better version of this dynamic because of how in love the "seme" is. to add to that the dynamic is "seme" teases, pranks and messes with "uke" while dating him and when that's not happening they're hanging out like friends because they've known each other for awhile and before you think "that's boring" the story puts this regular chill comfortable couple in between OHSHC levels of shenanigans and tomfoolery

CuriousGumWad already read

Min-jun came to Japan to study and also dreaming of a wonderful gay life. A group of black cars surr...

  • Author: Murimi,dupal
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Smut / Action / Drama

I dropped this

They do a lot of unbelievable Yakuza shit like "the kid isn't allowed to wear colored clothes because he's a Yakuza kid" but why though even if it's for public image he still wears black and white in his house. Plot is really nonsensical and contrived like the disbelief is getting suspended real hard in this one.

The award for the worst drawn Yakuza tattoo in comic history goes to this story right here. Bitch it's cheetah print on a whole ass leg not just the thigh or calves whole ass leg another reader said it looked like an infection or skin condition. It's really distracting during sex scenes or scenes where the seme is supposed to be hot because he made that terrible life choice. This is why when guys have Yakuza tattoos they're cool ass animal ones with detail and colour not fucking animal print you furry.


Is he just gonna bang her for 3 days before she commits suicide. What about their son? These two are terrible people like at least yandere-esq characters care about their family unit and kids. At least be a good father to your son you piece of shit. She's not off the hook either being a neglectful mom is still being a shitty mom. This poor kid is gonna need an isekai protag to fix his trauma and fall in love with him.

writing a believable romance where the characters compliment each other (she and I both have gaps and we fill each others gaps like two halves of a puzzle) or are really compatible.
Manhwa writer: *insert nah drake meme*

There's this inexplicable draw between these two characters and they can't seem to stop their strong feelings of love for one another despite having zero compatibility and knowing/understanding jackshit about each other aka "but daddy I love him" "but why?" "I don't know why I just do despite *insert the worst thing possible to the other character i.e killing parents, physical assault, murder in general, causing a miscarriage"
Manhwa writer: *insert yeah drake meme"

CuriousGumWad created a topic of Double Trap

Sometimes the asshole is placed too close to the dick and it looks really awkward. Just my opinion tho.