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No nickname answered question about read 1000 manga or more
I couldn't fine one *REAL* love triangle in this site. Yall drop the names, I'm desperate
No nickname asked question about music recommendations

Something a bit more underground since I already know most of the popular ones.. pls I'm craving something new

No nickname asked question about block a user in mangago

I pressed on someone's user and it said "sorry, you do not have permission to access this page". does that mean they blocked me?

No nickname shared experience about disturbing thing you saw
Yesterday I saw an ant on my bed and didn't think too much of it, I live on the ground and it's hot here anyway. When I got back home I saw 2 ants on my table.. then I saw more on my wall and even more ON MY BED, there were so many on my bed. We tried looking for food but I clean my room every day so there wasn't any, and it seems like they came fr......
No nickname answered question about going to concerts
Kelly Taylor from Beverly Hills 90210
No nickname answered question about explain your username
Better than the rapist she married
No nickname answered question about explain your username
wait till you try the jojo siwa curry
No nickname answered question about read 1000 manga or more
I'm definitely gonna get canceled for this and I know it sounds crazy but I think, and it's my personal opinion only! that RACISM IS BAD!
No nickname answered question about question
No nickname answered question about dating
Not hottest but I like when characters have a design that is just satisfying.. Last 2 I couldn’t get past a certain chapter because they sucked ass but a good design is a good design
No nickname answered question about dating