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Giu7ia created a topic of Regas

This is good stuff!

It's going to take forever for the official to catch up ...
Does anyone know where we can read the novel translated? TxT

Giu7ia created a topic of Backlight

Help me please they're both so toxic and such red flags but I can't help but wish for them to be happy in their sick way


Poor girl she doesn't deserve all this shit
Of course I'm rooting for Seonho, but I gotta say bro could do much better, especially regarding the truth...
I mean even Dahye has her faults and all, but she's actually a sweet girl! These men don't really deserve her...

Giu7ia created a topic of In the Doghouse

My queen, you're more than capable to handle him seeing how you're fantasizing about him! 100/100! I can't waaaaaaaait

Damn he's so hot! Would totally stan for him if the was one of the idols lol

Giu7ia created a topic of Another World Dump Truck

I like that they also show a bit about what's going on in the original world! It usually doesn't happen at all so it's quite refreshing, especially since there seems so be a story in the background

Giu7ia created a topic of In the Doghouse

I'm so in love with the art!!! It's gorgeous when it needs to be and funny as well
The way they're all so expressive makes it really an unforgettable style (for me at least!)

Giu7ia created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

At least they're communicating! I see it as an improvement compared to other stories! lol

Giu7ia created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

It hurts so bad but it's such a good story and has amazing art that it got me completely sucked

Giu7ia created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

It's always a pity that this author's stories are all short
They have so much potential, I wish they were all longer T^T

Why can't we just have the real Shae back? I feel like I'd definitely like her more than the sister right now
Younger sisters have always been chaotic in these kind of stories but she's really the least likeable lil' sister ever in my opinion -_-;

Giu7ia created a topic of Bed for Three

It's actually nice to bump into something light and casual but still a pleasant read like this lol

Giu7ia created a topic of Red and Mad

I don't know why I didn't expect a story like this from the cover, not that I hate it, it's just a lot darker than I could ever imagine lol
Aaaaaand I personally really like the plot and other characters, but I can't bring myself to like the MC, especially in the leatest chapters
I don't know, maybe it's because she's been through so much that her brain's completely fucked up (which would make sense), but she's just so.... dumb sometimes? Sometimes she's naive, sometimes dumb, sometimes quick-witted... I just can't seem to figure her out at all and it's frustrating and irritating to watch
Just me maybe tho*


The story piqued my interest but I'll just wait for a better translation/quality, as it's now it'll just give me a headache

He's suffering just right in my opinion lol
As much as I like him, he needs to work as least this much to redeem himself

Giu7ia created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Aaaarghhh the paaaaain!!! The angsttttttt!!!

Giu7ia created a topic of In the Doghouse

Nephew aside everyone in the family is really trashy
And what hurts the most is that they aren't even doing it maliciously or hating her, it's just how they behave which makes it all the more realistic and hurtful SOB

Giu7ia created a topic of Meteor Orbit

Just pure despair... This chapter killed me
My boy's not even the 2nd male lead, I don't even know if he's 3rd or 4th at this point since they didn't even kiss

Yuriel you go girl!!!
Also, Duke! Sir! Just WHEN are you going to make your appearance?!? Your man is about to be stolen away from you!?!
(sorry just me rooting for the Duke lol)