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Giu7ia created a topic of Backlight

Why so toxic!
And why am I liking it so much!!!

Giu7ia created a topic of High Society

I'm still reading it because I like the MC and I'm rooting for her, but I so hate everyone else, especially the ML(?)!!! He's such a jerk! How, tell me HOW can he redeem himself after all that shit?!?

Giu7ia created a topic of Look at Me (Tansan)

Top trying to be respectful despite having his flaws and actually falling hard and BAD for Bottom is kinda refreshing and nice to see

Giu7ia created a topic of Comes In Threes

I thought the other two were fucked up but I'm starting to see that the big bro might actually be the worst out of them all

Giu7ia created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

There's so many possible ML that at first I was completely lost as to who it might be lol
Personally, I hope it's Daejun (the gangster) but still, I can't help but root for Chan (the black-haired member)

Giu7ia created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Oh my...!
He's so hot... And I'm at a loss for word, what did he do to me-

They're so cute and precious it's filling my heart

Giu7ia created a topic of Red Mansion

What do you mean End of Season 1??
It was like right in the middle of the story? What...?

Giu7ia created a topic of Debut or Die

My dirty mind and rotten heart can't help but ship Ahyeon and Moondae
SORRY!!! I know I shouldn't but look at them! So damn cuteeee!!! (π∆π)

Giu7ia created a topic of Kang Yise's Happy Ending

But... What if we have some more space for our lil' Mr.Cha as well?

Giu7ia created a topic of The Demon Leader's Lover

Love the MC, gotta root for him! Poor boy he deserves the world!

Giu7ia created a topic of CUFFED!

You know what, I don't really like either of the tops, cuz they're both pretty trashy in my opinion
But I just ... Can't bring myself to like the MC
At least the other 2 have their own reasons for behaving like they do (even though they're trash) but the MC is just so... Flat
Like zero character or brain for the matter
I must be pretty masochist for continuing go read a story I find boring, disappointing and frustrating at the same time
RIP me

Giu7ia created a topic of Diss Love

The art is just so... *chefkiss*

Giu7ia created a topic of In the Doghouse

Finally they meet!!!

Also... Daaaam King! Sir! Just wow

It's at times like this that my brain reminds me of the meaning of the term YAOI
YA (yama nashi) no plot climax
O (ochi nashi) no point
I (imi nashi) no meaning

yep, gotta read this all while empty minded otherwise it'll just fry your brain

Giu7ia created a topic of In the Doghouse

I love how they draw her so ugly sometimes
Her clowness is priceless really lol

Giu7ia created a topic of Half of Me

I just can't! I love them both too much
How can two adult men be so freaking cute but still cool at the same timeeeee
The story is sooo slow burn but you know what? I can wait. For these two, I CAN!

Giu7ia created a topic of The S-Classes That I Raised

Forgive my impure mind for having these thoughts but HOW can I NOT when he's behaving like that?!?
This ship is so strong, it's practically an interstellar spaceship lol!
Love them and love the (sexual) *cough* tension between them!!!

Giu7ia created a topic of Get the Heroine's Script

I have to be honest, I can't say I really liked the 8th prince or that I wasn't expecting this but still...
It was sad to see just how much uneventful his death was
I mean, sure he's a side character so I kinda understand, but seeing his death being completely eclipsed by the story plot... It's sad

Giu7ia created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I just can't... I just LOVE them
I mean they kinda scare me and make me cry sometimes but I just want them to be happy *ugly sob*